A little bit of an update on the table. It’s coming along well, withe the fist part being complete. The custom made legs and the drawers are complete, and we have the bottom frame complete. The table is currently free standing, and we will need to build and add the top pieces next. I have taken some pictures and will probably wait to post them until I have a complete product. Looking good!
Game table & War room pics from SS
Hello everyone,
Young Grasshopper here on behalf of SS who wanted me to share a picture on the forum of his war room and game table (he was having trouble posting it). I will leave it up to him to explain the details… really nice setup BTW :-)
Very nice SS! It looks like you have plenty of space to play a game, from what I can tell. Great job. :-)
Thanks guys. Yes have plenty of room. Plan on having 2 custom tables. Got aways to go. Will post more pics soon. Hopefully have table done at least by end of weekend.
The blue dice box is what we used for now but will be building new boxes on ends with some country storage.
Thanks YG
Thanks HBG for the map.
This is cool, but we need a bigger picture!!! :roll: haha!
2 tables is an epic set-up my friend. Will both the tables be identical? can’t have people getting jealous!
This is cool, but we need a bigger picture!!! :roll: haha!
2 tables is an epic set-up my friend. Will both the tables be identical? can’t have people getting jealous!
I tried to resize it, but it comes out blury when enlarged.
Yes both tables will be the same.
I’ll try to get bigger pics. My camera doesn’t work.
Yes both tables will be the same.
I’ll try to get bigger pics. My camera doesn’t work.
I noticed it’s Global War 39 you’re playing… why not use the 2nd table for the new Global War 2nd edition expansion?
I will. I have 2 other 39 games too. That 2nd table will be used for play testing, any of the other 2 games, or for 36 map coming soon. I would like 3 tables. But got to decide on puttin tv’s and chairs in 3rd game space. Naw, lets build the 3rd one!!! Ha Ha :-D
Will see.
Looks very nice indeed – looking forward to larger pics so that we can admire the setup in more detail!
Here’s another pic of SS war room.
Here’s another pic of SS war room.
That is a sweet setup, SS! Thanks YG, for showing that. :-)
Here’s another pic of SS war room.
Thanks YG. Thanks John Brown. Thanks to HBG, all the people that posted pics of there tables to use as ideas and the guy for the website for the bambo containers.
Table 2 will be done soon. Will post better pics hopefully.
SS this looks great.
TVs, chairs etc is the way to go. When I have people over for the game, we generally play the Battlefield documentary series in the background on a big wall mounted TV. It adds to the atmosphere for sure. I put up some halogen spot lights which provide really decent lighting. Eventually (when the kids move out…if ever :roll:) it will be the permanent war room.
Heres a better pic.
Heres a better pic.
Yes, that is a great looking table. Great job SS! :-D
Ah, excellent – this gives a much better view. Lots of compartments around the table, which is a very handy feature. I like the side-wings too, which is an element that my (much less sophisticated) gaming table likewise has. Great setup you have!
Pic of Europe setup with Germany ready to buy.
This is the dice box with battle boards. Could change down the road.
These are the magnetic charts for victory citys and icp’s. Thanks Maddog for this idea!
Thanks CWO.
Love the magnetic charts! Totally awesome! Glad it all came together. May you enjoy many hours of entertainment in your game room. Nice man, that is sweet! :-D