@ScottMcCullar Where may I find the file or purchase a board please?
What Extra Sculpts, Roundels, etc for custom G40 table and game
So my questions have been answered… Thanks HBG and General Hand Grenade Check out these links:
http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/HBG-1940-Roundel-Upgrade-Set-160Set_p_2770.htmlExactly what I was looking for.
So a short back story before my question… my sons and I have been playing AAA 1941 and 1942 for a while. They are bugging me for G40. So for Christmas, I am building them a custom G40 table. I�ve got he map on the way. I�ve secreted the copies of Europe and Pacific away. And I�ll be assembling my table design over the next few weeks.
I want to surprise them with a fully set up board, replete with anything cool I can add. Within my budget, of course. So custom money, country specific dice, all have been planned for.
Question: while I don�t mind dumping 1941 sculpts and roundels into the mix on the G40 table, I want to keep 42 complete. I�ve also been spying the wooden roundels on HBG. I like the idea of replacing the cardboard ones. How many of each country would I really need? Also, what sculpts and what countries should I bulk up on to make sure that first game is amazing for my boys and no one lacks for anything. We�ve had plenty of games with little torn paper notes floating around. I want this table to be awesome and that first game to show I�ve thought of it all.
Any other advise is welcome as well!
I plan on getting ebards lrg vc sets. About $100 there.
I like chips, so got black n reds100/150 for facility damage and whites and reds200/100 for troops from hbg. $3 for50. Neutral infantry 10$7 @ hbg Downloaded square aircraft movement markers printed on thick card. Printed YGs NO cards. Blast markers to mark each battle. Waiting on magnets to magnetise aircraft carriers…. -
I did build a G40 table and one thing that I added to it was a large dice tray with an abacus for counting causalities. It is a very convenient and a great way to see how many units you have to take off from across the table.
I also use IWNGU games IPC poker chips. -
One feature that you might want to consider would be to cover the map with a sheet of transparent non-glare acrylic. This provides a smooth playing surface (it eliminates the map’s folding creases), and it protects the map from scratches, wear, and potato chip crumbs (and affords a degree of protection against spilled drinks). You can see pictures of my oversized (due to map customization requirements) Global 1940 acrylic sheet here:
Excellent advice! Thank you.
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Ok. So here is the table taking shape.
I have a print out of YG’s map (Thanks for all the awesome work, YG!) for the center piece. It will rest on black felt glued to the table and have plexiglass on top. I decided to go that route so that I could change out the map for other games at will. Although I doubt that will happen all that often, at least it would be an option. Along both ends of the table will be felted dice rolling areas and some storage for dice, chips, and other stuff I haven’t figured out yet. Along the top and bottom will be storage for each country. I think I will have enough space for each playable country to have about 15x4 inches of storage. Not sure if I will use plastic containers or try and stretch my limited woodworking skills to compartmentalize them with a matching wood.
Thoughts, suggestions, and feedback welcome!
Here is the progress so far:
Looks very nice – looking forward to seeing the finished table. The dice-rolling / storage areas at the two ends are a good feature to have; my table similarly has flat “wing” areas on each side for use as all-purpose working areas.
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It looks wonderful! I’m up for adoption. :-D
Thanks. I’m going to struggle keeping it put away.
Best bang for your buck is a copy of Risk 2008 for the cities to use as Major ICs, and some minor ICs purchased at historicalboardgaming.com or maybe ebay.
Nice table!
So my questions have been answered… Thanks HBG and General Hand Grenade Check out these links:
http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/HBG-1940-Roundel-Upgrade-Set-160Set_p_2770.htmlExactly what I was looking for.
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