NEW UNIT….SHAPEWAYS Naval Shipyard for HBG's "Global Warfare 1939" game

  • Customizer


    ––I recently noticed and then downloaded an update for HBG’s Global Warfare 1939 game. It was rules for SHIPYARDS and went on to list the ONLY nine starting locations on the global map that Capital ships can be built. This was logical and made a lot of sense to me.

    ––I was “inspired” to contact a Shapeways designer that I’ve done a good bit of business with and have him design me a SHIPYARD to my specifications. He just finished the work and I orderred a set of nine. Shown below are a couple of pics that should give you an idea of the Shipyards. These units will be very usefull to anyone who plays Global Warfare 1939 and I had him offer them in a set of nine specifically for our use in GW-39. BTW, I don’t get anything out of this,….just some excellent looking Shipyard units. I’ll certainly let everyone know when they arrive,…and then whenever we get them painted. I will probably put these first in line after we finish the present “batch” of stuff. Enjoy!

    Tall Paul

    SW-Naval Shipyard-01.jpg
    SW-Naval Shipyard-02.jpg

  • Thank you Tall Paul,

    I’ve been checking out your 3D stuff and have been considering taking the leap from the existing markers.

  • …and this 9 spots were ?

  • Customizer


    …and this 9 spots were ?

    According to HBG’s latest update for “Shipyards” their starting locations were located in:
    London, Stettin, Marsielles, San Francisco, New York, Washington, Tokyo, Leningrad, and Turin.
    Additional Shipyards can be built at a cost of 15, have 12 damage points, and have all of the benefits of a naval base also.

    Tall Paul

  • Customizer

    Koba and others,


    Thank you Tall Paul,
    ––Well, there’s no need to thank me,…although it’s nice to hear. I did this for myself and anyone else that prefers a 3-Dimensional unit rather than a little marker. We ALL benefit from each other here on this forum so I was glad to do my small part.
    I’ve been checking out your 3D stuff and have been considering taking the leap from the existing markers.

    Tall Paul

  • Customizer



    ––I recently noticed and then downloaded an update for HBG’s Global Warfare 1939 game. It was rules for SHIPYARDS and went on to list the ONLY nine locations on the global map that Capital ships can be built. This was logical and made a lot of sense to me.

    ––I was “inspired” to contact a Shapeways designer that I’ve done a good bit of business with and have him design me a SHIPYARD to my specifications. He just finished the work and I orderred a set of nine. Shown below are a couple of pics that should give you an idea of the Shipyards. These units will be very usefull to anyone who plays Global Warfare 1939 and I had him offer them in a set of nine specifically for our use in GW-39. BTW, I don’t get anything out of this,….just some excellent looking Shipyard units. I’ll certainly let everyone know when they arrive,…and then whenever we get them painted. I will probably put these first in line after we finish the present “batch” of stuff. Enjoy!
    ––The Shipyards arrived and were even more detailed than I had hoped! I immediately shipped them off to “Allworkandnoclay” for him to work his “magic” on. They will have a much enlarged pier than were on the Naval Bases and IMHO will add a lot of “EYE CANDY” to what is essentially a basic unit in our GW-39 games. I’m posting below a pic of the earlier Naval Bases that had a small pier. Enjoy!
    Tall Paul

    Base, Navy-01CC.jpg
    Base, Navy-02CC.jpg

  • Customizer


    ––I spoke with “Allworkandnoclay” yesterday and he said these Shipyards from SHAPEWAYS should be finished being painted by next week-end.
    ––I had him STOP what he was working on and move these Shipyards to second priority,….immediately behind a “SURPRISE” that is now first priority and almost complete. These Shipyards should be a lot of “Eye Candy” as well as useful units in our Global Warfare-1939 games.

    Tall Paul

  • Hmm. Nice. Would you want a simple air base piece as well? I have one that I designed for Seelowe, though Seelowe has been postponed. I would like to see it go to use though.

  • Customizer

    sp11kg and others,


    Hmm. Nice. Would you want a simple air base piece as well? I have one that I designed for Seelowe, though Seelowe has been postponed. I would like to see it go to use though.
    ––Well, I’d VERY MUCH ENJOY seeing a pic of what you have made. I have already purchased 24 of the SHAPEWAYS Air Base that I plan on using. They have already been painted, but are awaiting some “dashed stripes” decals that we can apply to their runways,…see below for a pic.

    Base, Air-x01CC.jpg

  • Customizer

    jwo1984 & Others,

    ––This thread shows how the Shipyard was made by Ebard re-designing his Dry Dock, adding a large wharf area, adding a second crane, several warehouses, storerooms, and supplies to the dock area including some pics of the finished painted units. Enjoy, and ask any other questions you might have.
    ––It Also shows his Small Naval Base and Air Base (straight) units.

    Tall Paul

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