@Panther thank you - I didn’t see your post until now, sorry :) since that post I’ve found numerous house rules and also figured out how the Kamikaze rule works.
Oil Rule's
I have been playing around with the idea of adding oil to Global 40, and I think I have come up with a good idea. We did play a test game at the FMGC 2014, and Young Grasshopper suggested that I post the rules for comment. My main idea has been to add additional IPC’s to the game, while still trying to keep it as balanced as possible. This extra income will add greater flexibility to all players, and more units to every game. The rules are as follows;
Playing with Oil add a bit more to your economy then a normal game of Axis and Allies. Oil facilities work in the same manner as other facilities, i.e. airbase’s. Oil is a capture able good; that means that if there is oil in a territory when it is captured by another player the new player keeps the oil. Although the new owner can’t move or trade in the oil for IPC’s the turn that it is captured. (This is a kin to the old capture rule for AA Guns from 2nd edition.) Oil can only be moved during the Non-Combat movement phase. New oil is placed at oil well according to the territories production rate during the Mobilize new units phase. Oil that is at a factory, or industrial complex during the Collect Income phase, that wasn’t placed during the Mobilize new units phase, can be exchanged for IPC’s. The number of barrels that can be exchanged for IPC’s is 1 per unused production capacity at the factory, or industrial complex. This means that if a minor factory produced 2 infantry that turn then only 1 barrel can be turned into IPC’s.Oil Well (Oil Production Facility)
Cost: 12 IPC’s
Can only be built on an “Oil” territory.
Subject to damage: An oil well is considered to be inoperative if it has 5 or more damage points. And has a maximum damage count of 10. It can’t produce Oil when inoperative.
Oil Production: Oil Wells are a production facility for oil, every turn they produce oil at the rate for the territory that they are built in. Once damaged an oil well only produces half its rated production, to a minimum of 1.Oil
Value: 3 IPC’s
Transportation: Oil has inbuilt transportation and can move 1 territory per turn. It can also be loaded onto transports taking 1/2 of the space that is required for an Infantry unit.
Income: During your collect income phase any oil that is at an Industrial complex with unused production capacity can be exchanged for its value in IPC’s. This exchange uses production capacity of that Industrial complex, 1 capacity for every barrel exchanged. As well the barrel must have been in the territory at the start of the players turn.
Capture/tradable goods: Oil can be captured when the territory that it is in is captured by another player. Oil can be given from one country to another.Oil producing territories
There are only 35 territories that can produce oil. Each territory has a oil production value. Below is the list of territories that produce oil, and there individual oil production value.Algeria 1
Archangel 1
Argentina 3
Borneo 3
Brazil 1
Burma 1
Caucasus 4
Celebes 2
Central United States 4
Colombia 3
Dutch New Guinea 1
Eastern United States 2
Ecuador 1
Egypt 2
Iraq 3
Java 3
Japan 1
Kazakhstan 1
Mexico 3
New Guinea 1
Persia 3
Peru 1
Romania 4
Shantung 1
Sumatra 3
Tobruk 2
Turkey 3
Ukraine 2
Venezuela 3
West India 1
West Indies 1
Western Canada 2
Western Germany 1
Western United States 2
Yunnan 1Some natural or non-player territories have oil production capabilities. These capabilities are only used once a player has taken over the territory. Every round that the territory isn’t controlled by a player it doesn’t produces any oil.
At the start of the game some territories have oil production capabilities, and/or some oil. These territories and there capabilities are listed below, with what they have. As well there is some changes and additional National Objectives that have been include for oil. These national objectives changes are listed below as well.
Setup Changes
New South Wales - 1 Oil Barrel
New Zealand - 2 Oil BarrelCanada
Ontario - 1 Oil Barrel
Western Canada - 2 Oil BarrelDutch
Java - Oil Well, 3 Oil BarrelFrance
France - 3 Oil BarrelGermany
Greater Southern Germany,2 Oil Barrel
Romania - Oil Well, 2 Oil Barrel
Western Germany - 4 Oil BarrelItaly
Northern Italy - 1 Oil Barrel
Southern Italy - 1 Oil Barrel
Tobruk - Oil WellJapan
Japan - 4 Oil Barrel
Siam - 1 Oil BarrelUK
Borneo - Oil Well, 2 Oil Barrel
Burma -1 Oil Barrel
Egypt -1 Oil Barrel
Malaya - 2 Oil Barrel
United Kingdom - 4 Oil Barrel
West India - Oil WellUSA
Central United States - Oil Well, 4 Oil Barrel
Eastern United States - Oil Well, 1 Oil Barrel
Hawaiian Islands - 2 Oil Barrel
Philippines - 1 Oil Barrel
Western United States - Oil Well, 1 Oil BarrelUSSR
Archangel - 1 Oil Barrel
Caucasus - Oil Well, 2 Oil Barrel
Ukraine - Oil Well, 2 Oil BarrelNeutral
Argentina - Oil Well
Persia - Oil Well
Venezuela - Oil WellNational Objectives Changes
When Germany Is Not at War with the Soviet Union:
• 5 IPCs and 3 Oil in Romania representing wheat and oil from the Soviet Union.
Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union.USSR
When the Soviet Union Is at War in Europe:
• 5 IPCs and 1 Oil in Archangel, if the convoy in sea zone 125 is free of Axis warships, Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.
Theme: National prestige and access to Allied Lend-Lease material.Japan
When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
• 10 IPCs and 3 Oil in Japan, if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC/Canada.
Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.UK
• 2 Oil in United Kingdom, if sea zone’s 108, 109, 118, and 119 are free of Axis warships.
Theme: Vital oil trade with North America.Italy
• 2 IPCs and 1 Oil in Southern Italy if Axis powers control Libya, Tobruk, and Malta. And there are not allied warships and submarines in Sea zone`s 95, 96, and 97.
Theme: Secured supply lines to North African colonies.ANZAC
• 2 Oil in Queensland if sea zone’s 30, 49, 54 and the Solomon Islands are free of Axis warships and units.
Theme: Vital oil trade with North America. -
This seems well thought out. I’ll “mark” it for future reference when I have more time to study it.
Tall Paul
Appreciate this. I will have to try it out sometime. :-)
I played this with Buran at the FMGC, it’s very playable and adds a great dimension to the game, especially if you have the plastic barrel and well pieces that we were playing with.
Well done Buran.
––I have plenty of Oil Wells as I bought an old game “Wildcatter” (if I remember correctly) just for these sculps, not to mention they’re going to be included in HBG’s “Facilities” set.
----However, I don’t have any BARRELS. Is there a source for these? I’d like to buy some in order to allow more envolved games that include resources and I much prefer 3-dimensional units over markers. Thanks to anyone who might be able to inform me of a good source of Barrels.Tall Paul
Sorry I though I put it in the post, I got the barrels and all the oil pieces from a game called “Crude”. It has two type’s barrels, and oil wells, and many more units if you want to make changes. I ended up buying two copies of the game, one to play, and one for parts.
Sorry I though I put it in the post, I got the barrels and all the oil pieces from a game called “Crude”. It has two type’s barrels, and oil wells, and many more units if you want to make changes. I ended up buying two copies of the game, one to play, and one for parts.
Thanks for the info. I found one on amazon and ebay for cheap. That is an old game. It came out in 1974, and I was only 4 years old, LOL.
I may play the game. It looks interesting. I looked up the game on boardgamegeek.
There is a lot of useful info on that website.
Thanks again! :-)
Those are clearer photos than the ones I saw. thanks for sharing those.
––I have plenty of Oil Wells as I bought an old game “Wildcatter” (if I remember correctly) just for these sculps, not to mention they’re going to be included in HBG’s “Facilities” set.
----However, I don’t have any BARRELS. Is there a source for these? I’d like to buy some in order to allow more envolved games that include resources and I much prefer 3-dimensional units over markers. Thanks to anyone who might be able to inform me of a good source of Barrels.Tall PaulÂ
Paul, the average price for the game is $50.00 to 60.00. One of them cost me $47.00 on amazon, the other was $58.00 on ebay. I hope that helps. :-)
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Sep 20, 2014, 9:03 PM
Yes just got on Amazon for 47.00 that included shipping. Have also the Wildcatter game too. All set now. If you want barrels you can buy them at a trains store. They have the barrels too but haven’t bought any in years so I can’t help ya there if you didn’t want to buy game.
Yes just got on Amazon for 47.00 that included shipping. Have also the Wildcatter game too. All set now. If you want barrels you can buy them at a trains store. They have the barrels too but haven’t bought any in years so I can’t help ya there if you didn’t want to buy game.
Cool, so your set also! :-D
What I like about Buran’s barrels is that some are red representing 5, they are also a great size for the Global board. Just curious, are you guys play testing Buran’s rules when you use your oil barrels, or do you have different house rules to play with?
What I like about Buran’s barrels is that some are red representing 5, they are also a great size for the Global board. Just curious, are you guys play testing Buran’s rules when you use your oil barrels, or do you have different house rules to play with?
Well, I’m learning Global 1940, so that I can get into Global 1939 then onto Global 1936. I have also have checked your rules and they look pretty awesome, but I’m having to take one step at a time. I will be using the oil rules when I get enough 1940 games under my belt, but the plan is to graduate to 1939 rules, using these oil rules as well as supplies, but I have to take baby steps first, LOL. :-D
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Sep 22, 2014, 1:15 AM Sep 22, 2014, 1:08 AM
Got a rule where if territory is captured with an oil well in it , the losing side pays a double fee of the value of territory.
Say captured territory is worth 3 icp’s, the losing side pays 6 icp’s to the conquering side.
Also if you don’t own at least 1 oil well for your country you have to pay a certain amount of icp’s to move any of your pieces.
Have rule in a G39 game but have not used in G40 yet. -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Sep 22, 2014, 3:33 AM
I like that but prefer:
Capture an oil center roll one die = IPC. Possibly roll one d6 for each IPC
establish candidates for oil centers with each faction having equal number of starting centers.
Alternatively, capture may cause surrender of IPC to opposing country, done as a one time roll.
I like that but prefer:
Capture an oil center roll one die = IPC. Possibly roll one d6 for each IPC
establish candidates for oil centers with each faction having equal number of starting centers.
Alternatively, capture may cause surrender of IPC to opposing country, done as a one time roll.
––IMHO instead of IPC cash,…the conquerer would receive Oil token(s) that still must be transported if necesary and then cashed in instead of production from a Factory. This to me sounds more realistic,… even in “gaming” terms.Tall Paul
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Sep 22, 2014, 5:33 PM
Tall Paul,
So you can transport oil tokens with planes, mechs, and transports back to anyone of your factorys ?
What is the value of the oil token in icp’s ?
SS and others,
Tall Paul,
So you can transport oil tokens with planes, mechs, and transports back to anyone of your factorys ?
What is the value of the oil token in ipc’s ?
**––These rules have been developed by Buran. If you go to the 1st message in this thread under OIL you will find a full description.
Oil token = 3 IPC and each barrel can be cashed in IN PLACE OF one production point of a Factory.Tall Paul**