• TripleA

    The Rising sun is super strong in every board. What gives?

    I thought aa50 spoiled Japan. Then I played Pacific. Then the Europe half came out and I got that to play Global. Then the new 1942 came out.

    Japan just keeps getting stronger. What is going on?

  • The US needs more income. The At War NO needs to be larger (10 more at least).
    In 42 and Anniversary the discrepancy is larger and 42 does not have NOs.
    The continental US should be an industrial power base.
    The DEI seem too high IPC wise too, that helps Japan in all games. Reduce the islands value across the games.

  • TripleA

    I myself am pretty sad America won WWII in real life you know, because Japan is a way better country plus PS3 > XBone. We all know Japan was trying to liberate people from Western imperialism. So it is super awesome that I always get to win with Japan, but you know America needs to at least feel like they have a chance otherwise it is not fun, because they did have a chance historically and all, sgt basilone carried America to victory, what can you do, he put a bunch of idiots on his back and carried them like a fed Draven with crowds cheering and getting morale boost back home.

    I mean maybe if you put you know a special unit like McArthur down, he will be a fighter that does not roll always hits, same thing with Sgt Basilone you know, special dude, own little infantry miniature always scores 3 hits, you know so when America comes in they can secure the beach or defend it.

    I think that would help the allies out you know. Give them Sgt Basilone like they had in real life to win the war.

  • TripleA

    Oh shnap maybe for every kill Sgt. Basilone gets the USA income permanently goes up 1 ipc, just like in real life, the propaganda was hardcore in motivating people to be more productive.

    So all you got to do is suicide your top guy on some stupid island in order to raise your income, that would be so historical.

  • TripleA

    Actually scratch everything I just said.

    I agree with you. Up USA money or give USA more starting units, even if it is 10 infantry it will help so much in both theaters just to get things going.

    Like the way things are right now, USA sucks.

  • TripleA

    So more infantry to speed up the process of rolling some dice with USA lol.

  • DEI is in some ways the reason for the Pacific war. Japan was spread pretty thin in 1941 and running low on materials to keep its war machine running. Java + Sumatra + Borneo was vital for the continuation of the Japanese war effort and the execution of its plan for Asia. So i think the value of the DEI shouldn’t be changed as its pretty good now.

    Maybe the solution could be removing a few of Japans starting units to better represent the situation in 1941 and at the same time keep the orange monster calm.

  • '13

    Go Sgt. Basilone! I like it.

  • TripleA

    You know what Sgt Basilone would be an awesome house rule

    He is an infantry that rolls 3 times, because he is packing a machine gun.

    Instead of a bid, USA gets Sgt. Basilone, McArthur and Audie Murphy… Audie Murphy is an infantry that always hits twice on defense in Europe.

  • @Cow:

    I myself am pretty sad America won WWII in real life you know, because Japan is a way better country plus PS3 > XBone. We all know Japan was trying to liberate people from Western imperialism.

    Cow I am all for loving japanese culture and Japan itself (also agree with your idea with macarthur and sgt. Basilone) but they werent exactly righteous rooting out western imperialism, they were just trying to make an empire of their own and used “Asia for the Asians” like the Germans used lebensraum to justify their empire building. Given they werent as bad as the nazis, but their atrocities against chinese like the Rape of Nanking was the worst the world had ever known before the holocaust.

  • TripleA

    Oh boo hoo, like USA did not commit atrocities in both world wars. Sugar loaf, atom bombs, etc. Yes, America burned children alive with flamethrowers, sounds worse than rape to me.

    Larry Harris communicates through board games, by constantly making Japan win games he is trying to say Japan should have won WWII.

    Also Germany conquers Russia if you go Pacific and even when you go Atlantic you get the same results. Germans were not Nazis that is just a myth. They were just efficient and well trained that is all.

  • Customizer


    Germans were not Nazis that is just a myth. They were just efficient and well trained that is all.

    Are you suggesting that the Nazi Party did not exist?
    If you are saying that ALL Germans were not Nazis, then I would agree with that. A large majority of the German people were not members of the Nazi Party. However, it was the Nazi Party that ruled the government in Germany from 1933-1945. So, while all Germans may not have been actual Nazis, they did follow orders from the Nazis.

  • TripleA

    When the axis win WWII, the world is okay.

  • '15

    Cow’s an excellent player, but that’s no reason to take his inane historical opinions seriously.

  • Be careful Cow, it’s easy to cross the line talking like that and discussions about this often derail. I’m not certain if you just denied the Holocaust or just meant what knp said…

    Not all Germans were Nazi’s, indeed. Lots of Germans were tricked by the Nazi’s, hoping they would make things better and ignoring all the warnings about them, thinking ‘the Nazi’s can’t be that bad’. They would rather say that all those warnings were just drivel from defeatists. Sadly enough, “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” was genuinely true for a lot of Germans (although they should have known if they hadn’t dismissed the warnings so easily) but also widely abused by the guilty.

    And I wouldn’t call the world ok if Germany had won WW2 (which was impossible btw but that’s another discussion).
    By the end of the war, Germany was only still effective and well trained at killing Jews, the physically or mentally disabled, dissidents and all the various other so called ‘Untermenschen’.

  • TripleA

    I just want to know why the axis are so strong in every AnA boardgame since AA50.

  • Fair enough.
    I think that is a matter of how any game is/can be balanced so each player (side, in A&A) has an equal chance on winning without giving the feeling that the game is only about balancing…

    Tough job and in A&A I think there will always be one side slightly favored by the balance. For a long time it was the allies and nowadays this seems to be the axis.

  • @Cow:

    I just want to know why the axis are so strong in every AnA boardgame since AA50.

    It just might be that (relatively speaking) more aggresive players get better results when playing axis then the careful planners. And vice versa. Where you can expect an aggressive player to brag more on the forum about him or her being good at the game.

    I actually think that the allies win over 50% IF they do not give up in turn 2 or 3 because they have shit their pants after the first losses (like losing cairo and leningrad).

    Btw, DEI is rather important, after the American Oil Embargo the Southern Economic Reservoir was THE reason for going to war. No one cared about India, or China for that matter.

  • I am NOT going near this thread!! :-o

    But on the subject of Japan,  when i play the Axis…i take Japan when i have first choice…

    Sweeping naval battles…infantry and aircraft driving a stake through China…kicking the British OUT of the Pacific…telling the United States…HEY!!..you want a piece of this?  Bring it on!!

    Japan is a blast…ALL of the countries are…they have their own strengths and weaknesses…and its never the same game twice

  • Japan should have 4 fewer planes. No one can go near them for most of the game.

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