ANZAC Autonomy! Anzac declares war on Japan separately from the UK

  • Question: Can/should Anzac declare war on Japan separately from the UK. I know Larry says No but I say YES is the answer!!! This should be a standard when the Beta rules are released…… Give Anzac autonomy and let them declare war on Japan separately from the UK on round 1 with no penalty to the UK. This way it gives Anzac more leverage so they can get their 10 IPC bonus on round 1 with help form UKE taking DNG, plus 4 more points with Anzac taking Java. As well, giving Japan 2 targets instead of just China thus drawing pressure off of China. If Anzac saves 10 IPC’s on A1 then on A2 they can build with 34 IPC’s and protect their navy by scambling 3 fighters into Sz 54. I say let Japan come by the time they get to Australia they will put up a good fight.

  • The answer is no.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    That’s a good point Idi,  because then if the Japanese attack any British holdings, or the DEI, it’s an automatic DOW against the U.S.

  • Heres a quote from the Official AAP40 FAQ (which also applies to Global):

    The United Kingdom and ANZAC have a special relationship, and they are treated as one for political purposes. Either power is free to declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns, resulting in a state of war between both powers and Japan.

  • @Idi:

    How come

    'Cause Larry said so. :)

  • @Slacker:


    How come

    'Cause Larry said so. :)

    Just because Larry said so doesn’t always mean he’s right. This is one of the cases to where Larry is  wrong. In my eyes, ANZAC should  be able to seprately declare war on Japan.

  • In my opinion, I don’t think there is much benefit to ANZAC declaring war seperatly as it would just give Japan free reign to capture ANZACs territory and destroy their fleet without having to worry about bringing the USA into the war. I’m not sure that the risk is worth the reward of being able to claim the NO that they will soon lose as soon as Japan attacks ANZAC. It may also force UK Calcutta do declare war on Japan to assist ANZAC prior to the USA entering the war, which again is to Japans benefit.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    which again is to Japans benefit.

    Not always…

  • @Meethos:

    In my opinion, I don’t think there is much benefit to ANZAC declaring war seperatly as it would just give Japan free reign to capture ANZACs territory and destroy their fleet without having to worry about bringing the USA into the war.

    Let them come by the time they get to Austrailia and if Anzac saves A1 cash they can build with 34 IPC’s and protect their navy by scambling 3 fighters into Sz 54

  • This is one of the few times that a rule has been more historical than for gameplay. Because historically ANZAC and the UK went to war with each other it has been included in the game. For gameplay reasons it might be better for ANZAC or Uk to declare war on Japan first. It could be an interesting house rule though

  • Customizer

    That’s just crazy.  If ANZAC declared war on Japan by themselves, without bringing UK Pacific or USA into it, ANZAC would cease to exist in 3 or 4 rounds and Japan would have an extra NO, another Victory City and be close to a second NO (the 5 of 7 Islands NO).
    Okay, say on J1 Japan just messes around with China and does some building.  Then A1 ANZAC decides to attack Japan all by their little selves and you move your little navy to SZ 54 and all 3 of your fighters to Queensland so they can scramble.  On J2, Japan moves the bulk of it’s MASSIVE navy to the base on the Carolines and build transports & equipment on Japan.  On J3 they come down to SZ 54 and smash the little ANZAC navy and the 3 fighters and probably invade and take Queensland while moving those transports filled with men and equipment to the Carolines.  On J4, they move the transports on the Carolines down to invade New South Wales along with the huge navy to smash anything that ANZAC managed to put there, with the forces already in Queensland, and ANZAC is out of the war.  On J5, they will have to turn around and deal with USA by now, probably by sending their navy steaming toward Hawaii or back up to the Carolines while the land forces spread out and take the rest of the ANZAC territories. 
    Total suicide for ANZAC.  They are too small.  They need the help of India and USA to deal with Japan.  Thus the term “Allies”.  You can’t take on a mean-a** aggressor all by yourself.

  • With your theory does Japan take the money Islands as well?

  • Customizer


    With your theory does Japan take the money Islands as well?

    Not until Japan is ready to fight India and USA.  The DEI belong to Dutch (protected by Britain) and in Borneo’s case, Britain itself.  If Japan touches any of those, it’s an unprovoked DOW against the UK/India which would also bring the USA into the war.  In that case, Japan would not be able to pound ANZAC without leaving too many vital areas open to attack.  My theory was based on Japan going after Australia ONLY and not having to deal with UK/India or USA.

  • @The:

    This is one of the few times that a rule has been more historical than for gameplay. Because historically ANZAC and the UK went to war with each other it has been included in the game. For gameplay reasons it might be better for ANZAC or Uk to declare war on Japan first. It could be an interesting house rule though

    This is certainly the case. Can you imagine the newspaper headlines?
    “Australia and New Zealand at war with Japanese Empire! Remainder of British Empire doesn’t even get involved!”

    Some rules neglect historical accuracy for the sake of gameplay, but allowing Australia and Japan to be at war while Britain sits back doesn’t even begin to make sense. But if you found a fun way to play with this rule, go for it! It’s your game, so play it however you want.

  • When it comes down to it this is a game based on a historical event, so there’s nothing wrong with trying to be historically accurate.  I mean, that’s why the unit stats are the way they are, for example (to a degree, at least).

  • '10

    This would never happen.  Australia and New Zealand were part of the Commonwealth.  Their defense plans were all based on co-operation with the other parts of the “Empire”.

    Why would they declare war?  What would be the basis of their claim?

    It is silly if you ask me.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Why would they declare war?  What would be the basis of their claim?

    A wizard did it!  :lol: After all, we have invisible walls all the globe that prevent neutral armies (and certain non-neutral) counter attack if attacked  :roll:

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Why would they declare war?  What would be the basis of their claim?

    Historic Japanese aggression so very close to Australia.

  • Saving your money with ANZAC is a great idea……What 3 things are you gonna build?

  • On top of the production problems ANZAC has, if ANZAC took any money Islands Japan would then be free to capture them without starting war with USA and India! I would love to be Japan if I were playing with this rule!!!

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