TripleA Stable has been released

  • Customizer

    TripleA Stable has been released, download it here,

    Play Axis and Allies online with TripleA!

    This version is completely backwards compatible with,,,,,, and savegames.
    (You can install more than 1 version of TripleA at a time, and run them all at the same time.)

    The Developers for TripleA Veqryn, Redrum

    Main Updates:
    - Bug Fixes:
    Savegame size increasing exponentially bug is fixed.
    Hosts now wait up to 15 minutes (previously only 1.5 min) for players to sync when starting a game up.
    Fixed bug where occasionally the game would wait on all players to press ‘OK’ for certain messages before the game could continue.
    Fixed bug with World War II Classic rockets technology giving a null pointer error.
    Fixed multiple bugs surrounding AA attacks on units with more than one hitpoint.
    Fixed lobby username muting not working.
    Fixed bug where under rare circumstances air units going from sea to land would lose all movement.
    Fixed bug with bid placement for Global 1940/1942 where British could not place units in UK Pacific.
    Fixed bug with unit repairs not being recorded properly in history.
    Fixed bugs surrounding fuel cost for units loading, unloading, and moving with carriers.
    More stability improvements for hosts and bots; as well as many smaller bugs fixed.

    - New Features:
    New AI, “Hard AI” (also called ProAI), coded by Redrum.
    BattleCalculator now multithreaded and 2x to 20x faster than previously.
    Host wait time now configurable in engine preferences.
    New default casualty selection method, which can solve complex support scenarios, is available in engine preferences (very slow, and still in beta testing).
    - Bug Fixes:
    Crashing and freezing while hosting finally fixed completely.
    Crash caused by bug introduced into Paratroopers tech fixed.
    Fixed some bugs with triggers, and various other smaller bug fixes.

    - New Features:
    New ‘Unit Stats’ chart, accessible from the ‘Help’ and ‘Export’ menus.
    Some new step properties for map makers to use.
    - Automated Host Improvements:
    Automated hosts have been fully fleshed out now, with many improvements. You can now set game options, and they now look and act more like a regular host does, with the ‘Choose Game’, ‘Load Game’, and ‘Game Options’ buttons all working.
    They also show up in the lobby in italics, with a mark under the new “Bot?” column, and start with zero players. Lobby admins have the power to control them, including muting and banning of players inside them.

    - Many New Features for Maps:
    Lots of new sounds added to the engine, and the engine can now play sounds from inside a zipped map as well, including by triggers.
    Units can have multiple hitPoints beyond two, variable repair rates, maps can start with damaged units, resources can now be purchased during purchase phase.
    Some progress on 1914 WW1, many new phase step properties, and allowing multiple ‘when’ settings for triggers.
    Players can be optionally disabled in some maps, allowing more flexibility for free-for-all type games.

    - Some Bug Fixes:
    Defending submarines no longer fire before attacking units when attack has a destroyer.
    Some fixes for online game stability.
    1940 China no longer affected by blockades, and airborne paratrooper bugs fixed.
    Various other bug fixes for strategic bombing on a map with terrain effects, errors with max units placed, fighter carrier movement, attacking with a carrier holding allied air, comment log not updating, resource creation order, and destroyedTUV condition.

    - Misc:
    PBEM/PBF Improvements: New option under ‘File’ menu: ‘Post PBEM Game’, which will allow posting the game at any time, like during a battle. AI can now be selected for PBEM games.
    User notifications, such as chance notifications, now be turned off in the ‘Game’ menu.
    Big updates to included java libraries: Java 6 or greater now required, Substance UI updated and many new ‘look and feel’ settings available, latest included JRE, and latest apache common jars.
    Major updates to Great War WW1 and 270BC.

    For a full changelog see here:

    Please report any bugs encountered here:

    If you find bugs, I really can’t do much about them unless you upload an autosave.  It will save me tons of time if you give me an autosave / or save game made sometime before the bug occurred.  Also mention what map the bug occurred on, and copy and paste the error if there is one.

    Your save games are in a folder right next to where the maps are:

    (Windows XP)  C:\Documents and Settings\userName\triplea
    (Windows 7)  C:\Users\userName\triplea
    (Mac)  /home/user/documents/triplea/
    (Linux)  /home/user/triplea/

    [They are NOT in program files.  They are in a folder in your user account.]

    When you are making a post, click the “More Options” button.  From there click “Upload a file”.
    Simply upload the autosave, or other save, to your post.

    I really really appreciate savegames, it makes my life a lot easier.

    Please also describe what happened before the bug occurred, and copy and paste the full error message, and of course say what map and what version of TripleA you were using!


  • Customizer

    If you would like to support or donate to TripleA, go here:

    Changes for

    • Created new step property option, “repairPlayers”, which will allow a player to repair the units owned by a different player. (veqryn)

    • Fixed issue where your move phase was skipped if the only unit you owned was a land unit in a transport. (veqryn)

    • Allowing land units to receive repairing and bonus movement from neighboring sea zone sea units. (veqryn)

    • Units on transports no longer are able to repair other units, allow scrambling, or give movement to other units. (veqryn)

    • Fixed issue where a unit that dies from rockets, still participates in subsequent strategic bombing battle. (veqryn)

    • Fixed issue with allied land units in friendly transports and allied air on friendly carriers losing their movement when their transport/carrier moved. (veqryn)

    • Fixing issue with allied land units starting game loaded on friendly transports, could not offload until at least one non-combat phase had passed. (veqryn)

    • Deleted global game option property, “Allied Air Dependents”, and replaced with its inverse, “Allied Air Independent”. (veqryn)

    • Added menu option under 'Export" menu, called “Export Unit Charts”, which will create an html document showing all units in the game and their properties and cost. (veqryn)

    • Created an new menu option under the ‘Help’ menu called “Unit Help”, which will display a table of all units, by player, including all unit properties. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug in relationship attachment property change by trigger. (veqryn)

    • Deleting phase step property option, “resetUnitState”, and replacing with “resetUnitStateAtEnd” and “resetUnitStateAtStart”. (frogg)

    • Making createsUnitsList ability choose a random territory when producing to a neighboring territory. (veqryn)

    • Fixing bugs in AI’s where factories were on water zones that had no territory attachment. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug where a stalemate battle with carriers that can be damaged and when damaged don’t let planes land, were not letting defending planes move to land. (veqryn)

    • Deleting game option property “Unescorted Transport Dies”, as it no longer does anything. (veqryn)

    • Cleanup of HeadlessGameServer classes. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bugs in Placement, which were allowing infinite placement of sea units which were constructions. (veqryn)

    • Some updates for ‘Great War’ world war 1 map, and Pact of Steel 2. (veqryn)

    • Possible fix for “Could not stop delegate execution” bug. (veqryn)

    • Fixed possible bug where a corrupted game save had the initialization delegate get called more than once. (veqryn)

    • Adding a new AI called “Hard AI”. Also renamed AI’s: EZ Fodder -> Easy AI, Moore N Able -> Medium AI, Dynamix -> Land Only AI. (redrum)

    • Fix for infinite crash-reload loop on loading a corrupt autosave on a host bot. (veqryn)

    • Fixed issue with Victory trigger not being able to use html properly. (veqryn)

    • Fixed illegal state exception error in landing paratroopers during a battle. (veqryn)

    • Possibly final fix for a game hang / frozen bot on game launch. (veqryn)

    All Changes for

    • Adding new sci-fi sound for “future” era. (pulicat, cernel, veqryn)

    • Allowing “NONE” as a valid option value in file. (veqryn)

    • Fixed null pointer exception in Moore AI for water based factories. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bid delegate so that it will still run even if the player has no resources other than the bid amount. (veqryn)

    • Fixed possible null pointer exception in Triggered Victory which is triggered from outside of the end round delegate. (veqryn)

    • Making TransportTracker a static implementation to clean up the engine a little bit. (veqryn)

    • Fixing various bugs in Global 1940, ww2v3, v4, v5, and v6. (veqryn)

    • Created new Player Rule Attachment, “immuneToBlockade”, which will prevent blockade production loss for that player. (veqryn)

    • Allowed 1940’s paratroopers tech (ariborne combat) to move to / attack territories that have been blitz or already conquered this turn. (veqryn)

    • Allowed 1940’s paratroopers tech (airborne combat) to move from allied bases, and to allow travel over water. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for special move delegates, “airborneMove”, which controls if it is an Airborne Combat move phase. (veqyrn)

    • Adding some more pre-industrial sounds. (pulicat)

    • Allowed muting of custom aa gun sounds and custom notification, victory, and defeat sounds. (veqryn)

    • Created resource image factory for making images and icons of resources. (veqryn)

    • Fixed user interface to allow purchasing resources. (veqryn)

    • Fixing engine to allow purchase rules for purchasing resources. (veqryn)

    • Fixed memory leak in repair rules for repairing factories. (veqryn)

    • Creating a menu option in the “File” menu called “Post PBEM/PBF Gamesave…”, which will for pbem games post/email the savegame to the forum, without having to wait for the end turn phase. (veqryn)

    • Changing trigger “notification” to use “players”. (veqryn)

    • Changing unit attachment property, “repairsUnits”, to allow multiple and to have repair values associated with each unit, thereby allowing units to be repaired by X amount each turn. (veqryn)

    • Created new unitPlacement attribute, “unitDamage”, which will let a unit start with bombing factory damage. (veqryn)

    • Created new unitPlacement attribute, “hitsTaken”, which will let a unit start damaged. (veqryn)

    • Deleting game option property, “SBR Affects Unit Production”, and simplifying the engine to only use direct unit damage. (veqryn)

    • Getting units with different bombing unit damage to not stack. (veqryn)

    • Allowing selection of casualties for multiple hit units to allow damage points past one. (veqryn)

    • Getting “hitPoints” to work in the graphical user interface. (veqryn)

    • Getting “hitPoints” to work on the back end inside the engine. (veqryn)

    • Created new unit attachment property, “hitPoints”, which sets the number of hitpoints a unit has, and also deleted property “isTwoHit”. (veqryn)

    • Allowing sounds to be played by trigger, by putting “sounds" after a duplicate of the Notification message key, with the value equal to "notification” or “victory_” or “defeat_” + the sound key found in the file. (veqryn)

    • Added logfile “dump” command for host bots, that will from the command line print out all status, connection, memory, and thread information to the log. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to mute and/or boot players in a host bot, remotely. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to see the player connections in any host game. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to see chatlog of a host bot remotely. (veqryn)

    • Adding a new autosave, ‘autosave2’, which will take turns being saved to with ‘autosave’. (veqyrn)

    • Changing movement validation to disallow moving from a contested battle territory into an enemy territory. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug with a territory owned by one player but having enemy units in it, if the owned reconquers the territory it is no longer marked as newly-conquered. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug preventing sounds inside a zipped map from playing if the zipped map file path had any spaces or special characters in it. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug preventing phase sounds from playing more than once in a non-pbem game. (veqryn)

    • Creating an option to select local players and AI’s for PBEM games. AI’s will not post/email the turn summary and savegame at the ends of their turns however. (veqryn)

    • Fixing bug with host bots where disabling players, quitting, then reloading and disabling even more players, resulted in game crash. (veqryn)

    • Disallowing previously disabled players from being re-enabled after a game has started. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug with moderator lobby unbanning utility. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to ban players inside a host bot, remotely. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to stop game on a host bot remotely. (veqryn)

    • Created ability for lobby admins to shut down a host bot remotely. (veqryn)

    • Created new option for host bots, “”, which when set will allow remote actions on the host bot from the lobby admins. (veqryn)

    • Created new option for host bots, “”, which will set the time between lobby reconnection refreshes, with the minimum and default being 6 hours. (veqryn)

    • Created new game option property, “Disabled Players Assets Deleted”, which will delete all units and resources from a disabled unused player during game startup. (veqryn)

    • Allowing clients to disable and enable players for host bots, but not normal hosts. (veqryn)

    • Forcing random start to not allow disabled players to select territories, and also letting savegames keep disabled state, and disabled players switched to an AI. (veqryn)

    • Creating new playerlist option for players, “canBeDisabled”, which if set to true will force the game to delete all delegates for that player, thereby allowing more customized multiplayer games. (veqryn)

    • Forcing hosts and hosting bots to always use Secure Random source when playing online, even when the host is not playing. (veqryn)

    • Updating TripleA to require at least Java 6 or greater. (veqryn)

    • Updating included jar libraries to latest versions. (veqryn)

    • Updating embedded JRE to Java 7 update 51 for x86. (veqryn)

    • Updated Substance UI to version 7.2.1, and included approximately 14 new Look and Feel skins. (veqryn)

    • Created a menu option called “User Notifications…” which lets you turn off notifications you would receive from End Turn Reports, Triggered Notifications, Chance rolls that are successful or failed. (veqryn)

    • Fixing Comment Log so that it updates in real time. (veqryn)

    • Changed automated hosting bots so that they show up as having 1 less player (ie: the bot itself doesn’t count), which means zero players if noone else has joined. (veqryn)

    • Changed unit resource creation so that positive resources will be created before negative resources. (veqryn)

    • Fixing bug in destroyedTUV condition for allRounds that prevented it from working at all. (veqryn)

    • Added an updated engine jar for so that the new engine can play old 1.7.0.x savegames. (veqryn)

    • Changed game setup screen so that the buttons for “Choose Game”, “Load Saved Game”, and “Game Options”, will no longer be greyed out for Clients who have connected to an automated hosting bot. Those buttons will perform the same as if the client used the “Network” menu instead. (veqryn)

    • Adding a menu option to change an automated hosting bot’s game options, and creating backend to process this request. (veqryn)

    • Forcing automated hosting bots have have a “support email address”, so that when a bot has hung or stopped responding, a moderator in the lobby can email the bot’s owner to notify them of the situation. (veqryn)

    • Forcing automated hosting bots to have no password, to start with the string “Bot”, and have “automated_host” somewhere in comments. (veqryn)

    • Adding a column to the lobby called “B” for “Bots”, which will show which hosts are automated hosting bots. They will also show up as italics. (veqryn)

    • Fixed order of firing in ww2v3 and Global 1940, so that defending subs that are not sneak attacking will fire after all attackers have fired. (veqryn)

    • Fixing a bug where attacking with a carrier loaded with allied fighters, then retreating, would prevent those fighters from being able to participate in battles for the rest of the game. (veqryn)

    • Allowed TripleA clip player to access sound files within a zipped map. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug that allowed fighters to be moved greater than their allowed movement if paired with a carrier. (veqryn)

    • Adding scroll bars to placement window. (veqryn)

    • Fixed another bug in getMaxUnitsToBePlaced, it will no longer stop the game if it frees up enough capacity to place but not equal to theoretical maximum. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug where a strategic bombing unit receiving negative support and/or negative terrain modifier would be unable to bomb is its attack power decreased to zero. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for move delegates, “combinedTurns”, which changes some validation for intermeshed player phases, such as allowing air to live if the ally could place a carrier under them. (veqyrn)

    • Created new step properties for purchase and place delegates, “bid”, which controls if it is a bid phase. (veqyrn)

    • Created new step properties for move and end turn delegates, “repairUnits”, which controls when units get repaired. (veqyrn)

    • Created new step properties for move and place delegates, “removeAirThatCanNotLand”, which controls when air that can not land gets killed. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for move delegates, “resetUnitState”, which controls when units get their movement and other stats reset. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for move delegates, “giveBonusMovement”, which controls when bonus movement is given. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for move delegates, “fireRockets”, which controls when rockets fire. (veqryn)

    • Created new step properties for move delegates, “combatMove” and “nonCombatMove”, which control movement validation. (veqryn)

    • Prevented AA type units from firing on both start and end of movement, when option “Force AA Attacks For Last Step Of Fly Over” is turned on. (frogg)

    • Created new game property option “Abandoned Territories May Be Taken Over Immediately”, which allows an abandoned territory to be taken over on the turn it was abandoned, rather than waiting for it to be attacked. (veqryn)

    • Created new game property option “Sea Battles May Be Ignored”, which allows attackers to not create a battle in a contested sea zone. (frogg)

    • Created new game property option “Contested Territories Produce No Income”, which will stop all production in territories that contain enemy units. (frogg)

    • Created new game property option “Retreating Units Remain In Place”, which will allow retreats to only the same territory as the battle. (frogg & veqryn)

    • Allowed forum poster to maintain “notify me” settings. (Bruce Nielsen)

    • Changed trigger property “when” so that it can be set multiple times, allowing a trigger to fire multiple times per round. (frogg)

    • Changed game property option “Battle Rounds” to “Land Battle Rounds”. (veqryn)

    • Added game property option “Sea Battle Rounds”. (frogg)

    • Possible fix for host game hang, when host is launching and another player leaves or joins at start of launch. (veqryn)

    • Possible fix for game hang / game freeze during hosting, client start step should now wait for delegate bridge to finish updating. (veqryn)

    • Possible workaround for game hang / game freeze during hosting, if error occurs game should now drop back to waiting screen instead of just hanging or ghosting. (veqryn)

    • Adding much more logging to HeadlessServerGame in order to try to find cause of the CastClassExceptions in TripleAPlayer.start() and NullPointer/IllegalArgumentExceptions in RemoteName. (veqryn)

    • Fixed null pointer error in battle calculator when spamming the cancel button. (veqryn)

    • Rebalancing Great War world war 1 game. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug where chanceIncrementOnFailure and chanceDecrementOnSuccess were not allowing any number of zero or less for chance. (veqryn)

    • Fixed error where games with a round offset where doubling what round the game started on each time it was saved via the history panel. (veqryn)

    • Creating a headless chat service, so that server can be created in a headless environment and still chat. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug causing fatal errors in client-server games when client owned very last step/delegate of game (only applied to some grid based games). (veqryn)

    • Adding a log file for the headless server located at /log/headless-game-server-<servername>-log<#>.txt, to keep track of events. (veqryn)

    • Adding many more additional commands to headless game server console, including show connections, ban player, save game, and stop game. (veqryn)

    • Stopped headless game server from being able to load any savegame for a map to which it does not have the required map files for. (veqryn)

    • Possible fix another possible hang/freeze point causing a Could Not Block Delegate Execution error. (veqryn)

    • Fixed headless game server’s connect to lobby so that resetting the connection does not erase info about the game. (veqryn)

    • Possible fixes two possible hang/freeze points in Server Game, one caused by a bogus ClassCastException in ClientGame, the other by a bogus NullPointerError/IllegalArgumentError in RemoteName from PlayerDelegateBridge. (veqryn)

    • Making sure sound system never loads sound clips for headless game server. (veqryn)

    • Added a console to automated headless game server host, which allows commands such as ‘help’, ‘status’, ‘memory’, ‘threads’, and ‘quit’. (veqryn)

    • Created a headless UIContext for use with headless game server, so that it may run on a linux platform that has no configured graphics environment. (veqryn)</servername>

  • Customizer

    I also highly recommend everyone upgrades to the latest version of Java

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


  • Customizer

    two new features in triplea, that people may not be aware of unless i specifically introduce them:

    1st feature isn’t actually new, but i fixed some bugs in it so that it works better:

    Comment Log

    the comment log is a way to write something and have that comment go into the actual game file, and appear in the game history, and be easy to view by other players who load the game up later

    the comment log can be used as a way to record information (similar to writing on a paper when you are playing the actual board game at a friend’s house or w/e)

    1. click “View” menu
    2. click “show comment log”
    3. type a comment, or read existing comments

    screenshot below:


  • Customizer

    2nd feature:

    Manual Posting of Gamesave
    (at any time you want)

    until now, triplea will only post a savegame to the forum at the end of a player’s turn

    but with games like global 1940, you have lots of times when the enemy player needs to make some sort of choice, like for scrambling, casualty selection, interceptions, etc.

    previously, you needed to manually save the game, then go to the forum and post it yourself, and ask them for their choice/selection

    now however, you can do it from inside triplea:

    1. first, get out of any current “dialog” you are in (this means hitting “cancel” or “ask me later” or something similar)
    2. click “file” menu
    3. click “post pbem gamesave”

    (fyi: for scrambling, you can just click ‘file’ menu, no need to hit ‘wait’ or anything)

    screenshot below


  • Great update, thanky you, Veqryn!

  • @Veqryn:

    I also highly recommend everyone upgrades to the latest version of Java

    Thanks Veqryn for all the hard work- I especially appreciate the G40, G42 and AA1914 progress.

    One strong request for WW1- 1914 is that you created the OOB rules and the “Tournament rules” created by Larry Harris.  They are no longer “potential” as they have been used for Origins and GenCon now.  Here is the link for them.
    There has been a very positive response from the creation of these rules and will probably be made into a “2nd ed.” eventually.  In any case, it needs to be included.  Thanks.

  • Customizer

    if any bugs are found, please report them ASAP

    i plan on releasing a ‘stable’ version of this next weekend

  • the new version allows the same transports to move during combat move and non combat move

  • Customizer

    that is not something I will fix, it is a rule that you need to follow based on the board game you’re playing. same as you play in real life

  • Customizer

    TripleA Stable is out, with some minor bug fixes.

    And it also has a new feature, which should help when playing a new map or a map you are unfamiliar with: Unit Charts

    The unit chart will detail the stats and costs of all units in the game.

    See below picture for an example.  To get this, go to the “Help” menu, then click “Unit Charts”


  • Customizer

    TripleA is out, and first post updated to reflect that.

    Changes for

    • Created a prototype unit sorter for sorting units with support attachments (still in beta) and added it as an option in engine preferences. (veqryn & redrum)

    • Updating Substance/Insubstantial look and feel UI to version 7.3. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug with how AA casualties are taken for multiple-hitpoint airplanes. (veqryn)

    • Fixed null pointer error in Classic (WW2v1) rockets. (veqryn)

    • Speeding up battle calculator by reducing possibilities of thread contention over locks. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bugs in Fuel cost for units, including around loading and unloading, and moving air with carriers. (veqryn)

    • More stability improvements for server games. (veqryn)

    • Fixed a thread deadlock that occurs when a game ends while the battle calc is still open, resulting in triplea not returning to the host screen. (veqryn)

    • Prevented battle calc’s calculate button from being enabled until data has finished being copied. Also added a tool tip on the button to let the user know how much memory they have left. (veqryn)

    • Fixed display issue with repairs not being recorded properly in history panel. (veqryn)

    • Fixed memory leak in battle calc and game data, causing an exponential number of units to be added to saves. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug in bid placement where you could not play British units in UK Pacific territories in Global 1940/1942. (veqryn)

    • Changing default host waiting time to 900 seconds (15 minutes) so that large games do not time out on people who don’t know how to change the setting. (veqryn)

    • Massive improvements to the new Hard AI. (redrum)

    • Fixed lag and synchronization issues in the multi-threaded battle calc. Also added methods to time how long it takes to copy the game data, and use fewer threads if this takes more than 5 seconds. (veqryn)

    • Fixed possible deserialization error in resource collections. (veqryn)

    • Fixed bug in movement performer, which under certain rare circumstances would take all movement away from air units going from sea to land. (veqryn)

    • Further work on ProAI (called Hard AI in game menu), including new methods to determine retreats in battles. (redrum)

    • Fixed bug in username muting, which caused it to not work at all. (veqryn)

    • Fixed issue with the game waiting on a player to click all ‘OK’ messages before a battle would continue. (veqryn)

    • Fixed MapCreator so that it will properly send the map folder to the utility programs. (veqryn)

    • Adding options to engine preferences to change how long your game host waits for clients on game startup and for observers joining. (veqryn)

    • Allowing host to wait up to 100 seconds when starting a game for all clients to report in as good, and wait up to 30 seconds for observers joining after game has started. (veqryn)

    • Fixing two memory leaks that allowed AI’s and GameData to stay in memory after exiting back to main screen. (veqryn)

    • Creating a threaded version of the BattleCalculator, to speed up results. (redrum & veqryn)

    • Creating a logging window for ProAI so that players can watch the log. (redrum)

  • @Veqryn:

    TripleA is out, and first post updated to reflect that.

    Happy New Year - and thanks a lot for the new version!

    In the sourceforge directory I see a file “” that is newer than the other zips.
    Should the full installation be upgraded with it?

  • Customizer

    Bots is for the lobby bots, so unless you are running these, there is no reason to download it.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Excellent timing, especially if this fixes lobby hosting bugs.  Thanks for all you do Veqryn!

  • Customizer

    I made some videos on how to use and play TripleA, and do Play-by-forum, etc:

    Part 1: Introduction:

    Part 2: How to play online:

    Part 3: How to async, play by email, and play by forum:

    Part 4: Advanced features:

  • A feature request:

    Provide a “skip turn” button. This would be very helpful for when you’re wanting to skip forward to another country’s turn so you can try some things out. For example, in G40 let’s say you wanna figure out your next german turn, but it’s currently America’s turn. Well to get to the next german turn you’d have to click through all the different phases of the various countries to finally make it to the next german turn. This could be reduced to just a few clicks (a click for US, for China, for UK, then Italy, Anzac, and finally France). Also, sometimes a country has nothing left to do (like france), and it’d be nice to just skip the turn, to expedite things.

    Also, how hard would it be to provide a way to save a new game off of a specific point in the history of a game? This would allow players to spin off an alternative game from any past turn. That’d be really cool and useful.

  • Customizer

    You can set any players you don’t want to play as “does nothing ai”

    You can save points in history by right clicking them.  However, you need to be at the very start of a turn, before any moves or anything are done, before you do this.  And the point you save needs to be the start of a turn as well.  Otherwise you can get weird bugs.

  • Great tips. Will try them out, thanks!

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