@mikawagunichi Rock On !!!.png
Current TripleA / MARTI / PBF / PBEM / GMail Issues
Currently this community when using TripleA suffers from some serious problems described and discussed here and - more important - on the triplea-game .org forum.
Everybody feel free to add your concerns to the above mentioned topics. You don’t reach the developer(s) here but over there.
Concerning the Play-By-Forum issue:For quite some time now the issue is that TripleA has been incompatible with the current forum software (NodeBB). The issue will not be resolved until the forum software and the TripleA software will be ‘harmonized’. Unfortunately I do not know whenever this will happen.As a workaround you will need to manually send the game history and load up manually created savegames to the forum. You can use ‘Play by Email’ instead of ‘Play by Forum’ to start the game and use the dice server. You don’t need to configure the email settings in the ‘Play by EMail’ form. -
This is in response to @MuddSlinger, who raised an issue regarding registering for the dice server in the league topic https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/30807/league-general-discussion-thread.
I think the emails sent by the dice server (MARTI) are not liked anymore by a lot of email providers. They seemed to get blocked to the extent that they don’t even appear in a spam folder.
I was using Gmail, which seemed fine until maybe last year. I tried a Yahoo email account but - like yourself - I couldn’t even receive the registration confirmation email. I then tried a Proton Mail account and I was able to register using that email with no problems and I am receiving the dice emails from MARTI. There may be other email providers which others are still able to successfully use.
There’s a topic about it on the TripleA forums (https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3061/marti-issues). It’s from 2021/22, maybe there is some more recent discussion / advice but I couldn’t find any.
I had a gmail email and it did not work. I created a free proton.me email account and it worked just fine on triplea. Just like flyingbadger stated, gmail and other email accounts do not seem to work at all for triplea. thankyou flying badger and others for helping me get this problem resolved. I am very bad at internet/computer stuff