• Where were you and what were you doing on the morning of September 11, 2001?

  • '12

    After a night of hard drinking I woke up on my buddies couch and wanted to know what time it was so I turned on the tv to the cable tv tv-guide.  In the corner runs news but I had the sound off.  I noticed the video was showing the trade towers burning and I thought they were previewing a movie or something.  After my eyes focused a bit better I turned up the sound and watched the unbelievable horror and watched the buildings collapse.

    People say “Where were you the day you found out that so and so died” and I always thought that silly, I never had a memory or event like that, until that day……

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I slept in and was late for a college class.

    When I woke up, I saw that my mom was watching the news, and that one of the towers was hit.  The TV personalities were talking about the incident as an accident.

    As I watched the news with her, and ate breakfast, the second plane hit.

  • It was just before 2pm in England and we were just about to knock off after lunch. We ended up watching in the restaurant kitchen until we reopened at 6pm.
    Maybe someone will remind me what day of the week it was.

  • Garg: do not forget your Kipfel(croissant) with coffee tomorrow!
    Anniversary of battle of Vienna is the 12th.

    No disrespect meant to your thread Worsham.

  • I was at work.  I don’t watch any morning news TV programs, so I left home that morning unaware of what was happening.  It was only when I arrived at the office that I learned what was going on.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Taught a class, went for an early lunch at Wendy’s where I heard something about a plane crash in New York on the radio, then by the time I got back to campus all the students were excited about it.  I said to myself, “It must be Al Qaeda!  First the Cole and now this - To WAR!!!

  • It was a Tuesday, I remember clearly (at least in the States).

    I was 20 and lived in pretty much a party house (that I’d only been living in for about a month) and we all slept in due to the previous night’s drinking session.  Some missed their college classes, although I was just working full time at that point.  My dad was coming over to help with a project to fix up my closet and some shelving.  A friend attending RIT called and told us to wake the fark up and turn on the TV.  I think it was too late to even see the towers collapse, or maybe saw the 2nd one.  I believe one of the other planes went down after that as well (maybe the Pennsylvania one? not sure).  I remember my dad saying: “Someone’s going to pay for this, just watch.”

    Anyway, work called me and asked if I wanted to stay home because of the day’s events.  Didn’t need to.

    Later that night we sat on the front porch and it was eerily quiet.  Seemed really odd.

    Looking at footage later, it does seem pretty gruesome, especially people jumping from buildings and such.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I remember all the antics with shutting the all US airspace down, and the frantic people trying to call loved ones who were flying that day.

    And the afternoon fears about more attacks, after the pentagon was nailed.

  • It was back when I was still young enough to WANT to wake up early and watch cartoons before heading off to school. I had poured myself a bowl of frooty pebbles and was watching the Looney Toons at 6:30am. 17 minutes into the show the phone rang. It was awfully early for someone to be calling, and I was simply pissed off at having to be moved away from my cartoons. I answered and it was some random lady who to this day I don’t know who she was. She demanded that I give the phone to my parents so I went in, woke em up and gave them the phone.

    A few minutes latter, as I’m finishing my bowl of cereal, my mom rushes into the room, rips the remote from my hands and before I could protest she flips it to CNN….We got to CNN THE MOMENT, the exact moment, the second tower got hit.

  • I was in elementary school. I was sitting in my second grade desk and then the principle came on the intercom saying we had been attacked, but reassured us we were all safe. we had a code red? (i dont remember the different codes) and then we were sent home. I came home to my mom watching the news in shock.

  • '12

    My sister was stuck in Chicago for a few days and was contemplating renting a car and driving back to southern Ontario until she could fly back to San Diego where she and her family live.  There was awhile where we didn’t know where she was.  Statistically it was unlikely she was on one of those planes but she did fly quite a bit for her job and there was a chance > 0 so there was real concern for her safety for awhile.

    My thought was that Al Qaeda had succeeded more than they had hoped and that if anything, it worked too well.  Too well in that there was going to be bloody hell to pay for them.

    I wonder when the Chinese will become the new ‘great satan’?  The US will be energy self sufficient in a few years and with China supporting Assad in Syria……the groundwork for a strong Sino-hate of godless commies ought to be formulating…

    Internal politics aside, it seems to be a good time to be an American.

  • I don’t think China would be viewed in the same light.  Critiques against the US historically have been: international meddling, support for Israel, suppression of political movements.  China really hasn’t dabbled in those same things.

  • I was driving to a work related class in my 91 GMC truck listening to a radio station when the DJ broke the sound of music to tell of the first plane hitting.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    At the time, one of my co-workers (Pakistani) had been at the world trade centre Sept 11th 2000.

    Looking at his vacation photos was eerie…

  • '17


    I wonder when the Chinese will become the new ‘great satan’?  The US will be energy self sufficient in a few years and with China supporting Assad in Syria……the groundwork for a strong Sino-hate of godless commies ought to be formulating…

    The PRC’s foreign policy is universally non-intervention. China isn’t concerned who runs Syria. When the dust settles, China will work with whoever wins.

    Saying that China supports Assad only makes if sense if non-opposition equals support.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    Garg: do not forget your Kipfel(croissant) with coffee tomorrow!
    Anniversary of battle of Vienna is the 12th.

    Kipferl and Melange ;)

  • Thanks Alexgreat.
    Hope you remembered.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    who could forget.

  • @alexgreat:

    who could forget.

    Good answer! Did Garg though? He said he would celebrate a year ago when I posted about Vienna.
    I should have PMed.

    I even had one on the 11th, as a pre victory practice run.

    I am missing posting other battles, but truly have my hands full with our daughter starting school and reopening our small restaurant with a replacement chef for my wife and  after 10 days redecorating.
    I couldn’t wait to work again. I have been bored senseless, drinking every night and bemoaning my empty till.

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