• What are the exact specs for the badge?

    • Colors : black backround shape like all the other badges
    • Icon: none
    • Text : word “customizer” in white
  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Icon is required, can you please suggest something?

  • Starting list for badge:

    Most Holy
    Tall Paul
    Young Grasshopper
    B. Anderson, Game Master
    CWO Marc

    Icon: Fighter or Halftrack

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I like the fighter. I’ll work on this during the week sometime and it’s officially on my todo list.

  • Thank you so much for taking this time to respond. Sorry if i sounded frustrated before. Also, is their a master list of icons?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    No, I just pull icons from the PDF rulebooks.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Starting list for badge:

    Most Holy
    Tall Paul
    Young Grasshopper
    B. Anderson, Game Master
    CWO Marc

    Icon: Fighter or Halftrack

    Wow, this is a cool idea. I am quite honored to have made the cut.

    A couple guys I have seen who could also be given the badge:

    Dangermouse650     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=31475.0
    Maofator     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=30614.0
    Koba     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28323.msg1006390#msg1006390

    I know Koba has been very involved in the Global War 1939 game, but he has also done some very good painting too. The first two guys don’t have a ton of posts, but they have done good work from what I can tell.

    That would be another point to consider… do we give this to anyone and everyone who tries their hand at painting, or does the painting have to be pretty good, or should they also be an established member (one who has spent some time) on the forums…?

    Not to disregard others who mod sculpts, boards/cards or entire rooms, because they absolutely deserve inclusion in this, but painting is the most accessible and probably most common customization that people undertake.

    I do not wish to exclude anyone who deserves the badge, I am not even sure I have done enough to deserve it myself, but if it is distributed on a whim, it might become so popular as to be meaningless. But if IL is the sole distributor then that places a limit on who and how, which is good enough for me. I trust IL’s judgement in this area.

  • Sponsor

    I agree with LHoffmans last post 100%

    1. I am also humbly honored as I feel that I havn’t done enough, however… my upcoming modifications to my custom table and game room will be mind blowing (video coming soon).

    2. IL must have sole power and shouldn’t be influenced or bullied by lobbyists. He will be responsible for keeping the badge meaningful and I can’t think of anyone better to do so.

    3. I like the fighter icon.

  • Customizer

    LH and YG are right. I’d feel bad getting the badge over a lot of others. I think that the badge should be for those who do something to make the game better whether by making maps, cards, painting, room/table building, modding etc. It’s something that should go to those passionate about the game and inspires

    That being said this was YG’s idea. I don’t want to over-step or anything like that, but I think the badge should say “ESPIRIT DE CORPS” if possible. I don’t know but there’s a lot of guys that deserve it. I really think there’s a lot of people on here that are doing things out of pure love of the game.

  • Dangermouse650     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=31475.0
    Maofator     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=30614.0
    Koba     http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28323.msg1006390#msg1006390

    I know Koba has been very involved in the Global War 1939 game, but he has also done some very good painting too. The first two guys don’t have a ton of posts, but they have done good work from what I can tell.

    That would be another point to consider… do we give this to anyone and everyone who tries their hand at painting, or does the painting have to be pretty good, or should they also be an established member (one who has spent some time) on the forums…?

    Not to disregard others who mod sculpts, boards/cards or entire rooms, because they absolutely deserve inclusion in this, but painting is the most accessible and probably most common customization that people undertake.

    I do not wish to exclude anyone who deserves the badge, I am not even sure I have done enough to deserve it myself, but if it is distributed on a whim, it might become so popular as to be meaningless. But if IL is the sole distributor then that places a limit on who and how, which is good enough for me. I trust IL’s judgement in this area.

    I will closely scrutinize the posts of the listed individuals and make a decision. Basically, progress in this area is built upon the backs of others and those who took upon themselves the inspiration of previous members and created something beyond….gets due consideration.

    I did say about 15 of you initially would get this badge. I will make one remark that Game Anderson, Game Master is a long time creator of many house rules and some of you may wonder why he was selected as he was an older poster who left us a few years ago ( hopefully he will return in full force).

    Customizer badge is for anyone who has displayed a long term History of upgrading the games with maps, player aids, painting of the pieces, furniture making,  and house rules. These improve the game for everyone because now you got more than a game…this is what you invest your time in pouring hours and hours into your work and showing others so that they may benefit too.

    It is a badge of total Honor and you should be proud to have it. I do not expect more than a total of 20-24 will get this badge. It is exclusive and it should be.

    I must add Oztea to the list BTW. Panzerpainter who only seems to do AAM should get consideration ( even if AAM is NOT AA). This site does support AAM. The software pioneers will get consideration as well.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Veqryn MUST be on this list for TripleA.


  • yes correct Veqryn will be added

  • Sponsor

    IL, I understand the idea behind monitoring post history, but I’m now regretting removing many of my old topics (lol) like….a You-Tube video featuring my custom table, my Delta+1 house rule thread, and my Cliffside Bunker invites. Fortunately, you have been around long enough to have seen those efforts, and I know I have the main ingredient in this badge recipe… which is passion.

    That said… I would prefer to wait until after my latest table modifications are finished, and my game room decorated before I get the honor. As you know, I have been working very hard on a new map, my own global NO cards, my game room renovations, and my relationship with the FMGC weekend… which will all be unveiled in due time.

    As much as I am motivated to get everything done for my group of players, and the community members that I am housing in September during the convention, it would be great to feel the extra push of posting my work faster if I knew there were a “Customizer” badge at the end of the road.

    I guess what I’m saying is… could you please not give me a badge until I show my latest work. Cheers.

  • yea sure. I’m putting it back in the box…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’ve spilt beer on that table.

    Just to leave the Russians with the impression I was getting sloppy.  It’s a pretty impressive war room!

  • Sponsor


    I’ve spilt beer on that table.

    Just to leave the Russians with the impression I was getting sloppy.  It’s a pretty impressive war room!

    That table was a rough version compared to the latest I’ve built since. After playing a while with sticky Brits, I finally broke down and soaked them all in soap water…. LMFAO.

  • Sponsor

    So I have spent time and money building a really sick A&A custom game table for my friends and I have presented it beautifully in a thread with, pictures and youtube video. So there’s just one question… WHERE’S MY BADGE B***H (LOL)

  • Djensen agreed to make one but then just disappeared…

    We do need this.

  • Grassy, hes on one of his beer tasting and binge trips. Im waitin for my badge too.

  • '10


    Djensen agreed to make one but then just disappeared…

    We do need this.

    Djensen is alive and well.  He is very busy working on his startup company….

    He will return as soon as everything is running for his new DAY JOB.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







