As the only one I know of qualified to speak to the Russian mindset (I was born in the Ukraine, a conquered nation under the Russian hegemony you called the Iron Curtain) I’d have to say this:
Russia has a long history of being invaded by Europeans and Scandinavians and no, I don’t consider them the same thing. Thus, at the end of World War 2, the Russians refused to give up their border territories. This way, should they be invaded again, they could scortch the earth without damaging their own lands and allow invaders to peter out while still travelling towards Russia - much as they did against Napoleon and Hitler, but to someone else’s crops instead of their own!
I believe, if you look at their actions in this light, they will seem a bit less cruel and a bit more human. I think much of the Cold War was a misunderstanding of how America and Russia play at war. Americans, as you know, love to “liberate” countries and make them carbon copies of the United States. At least, that’s how we were taught in school!
To the topic at hand.
I believe the Western Allies, specifically France and England, were the “bad guys” in World War 2.
As we know from history, a terrorist organization attempted to overthrow the government of Austria-Hungary. Russia decided to try and take advantage of the situation and invade Austria-Hungary and Turkey (they often tried to gain access to the Black Sea and the ports leading out to the Med, this is why the Crimean War happened!) Germany, seeing their bestest buddies being invaded by the mean old Russians, declared war on Russia.
This was eventually followed up by France and England declaring war on Germany and Austria-Hungary (but the Hondurans had to declare first, and I swear, to see the Kaiser’s face when he was told Honduras went to war with Germany and the utter giggling fit that must have ensued would have been classic to watch! I snicker a little at the thought!)
So we already have France and England being the aggressors.
Germany later crushed Russia so hard there was a revolution at home and Russia surrendered. Did Germany abuse them further? No. They took the surrender, kept what they had taken in legitimate warfare, and let the Russians go home in peace (and pieces.)
About this time the US was finally getting into the war. Perhaps the only allied nation to do so for a legitimate reason, not that they were ever exactly NEUTRAL in world events. So France and England get fresh faces, less jaded and experienced troops that could be used to revive a war effort that, had the US stayed the frak out of, probably would have ground to a halt where it was.
France, England and the US force a capitulation in Germany and Austria-Hungary. Not because they could not fight anymore, but because they did not want to fight anymore. The treaty of Versailles was drafted and it was NOTHING like what the Axis powers were expecting! But, because they already surrendered, they went with it - trench warfare was truly hell, or so the saying goes.
The treaty was so horrible, so nasty, that the allies felt guilty and when Germany started to bust at the seams and reclaim land stolen for Poland, Slovakia, France, etc, they just let them go. You understand, the germans had 3 paydays every day, and after each one the men would RUN home and give the wife the money so she could buy whatever she could before inflation made the currency worthless. In such a situation, how can a people survive if not by rebelling against the unfair nature of their situation? Even having landed gentry was not as bad as this!
Now, I am not saying Hitler was a good man, that the National Socialists were good men, that the death camps never existed or that they should have. No. There were evils and atrocities, and there were good soldiers too, like ones saving kittens from burning homes. What I am going to say is this, had England and France stayed out of an internal matter in the Austrian-Hungarian empire, there would have been no death camps, no atrocities, hell, no trench warfare in WWI (no Argonne Forest either!) and no NAZIs and thus no WWII.
So in my book, France and England, because they caused both WWI and WWII, are clearly the bad guys.
Much of my mindset is jaded by my heritage and schooling, and much of your statements are likewise jaded by your heritage and your schooling. It’s the nature of the beast. So if you do not agree, then you do not agree, and if you do agree, great!