We will not send in our Guys into a conflict, wich asian guys better solve them selfs…
…ah what was his name again?!?.. 8-)
Wow. Just Wow.
Thank you Empireman. Really liked that.
I hope you have had your cup of hot snow today.
I also like how Europe is America, but you allow the world to think it is separate and independent countries.
The first part of video looks like it came from east coast after that major storm. Hitler Jr runnin that country now.
I’m sure glad that it’s supposed to snow here today…I need a cup of coffee. And I hope some birds come around…I’m kind of hungry too.
wittman, I think empireman (and eastern authoritarian regimes) think of us collectively as the west. Similar government structures free market economies, etc.
Haha great comments, Im not even sure that was filmed in America!
just saw this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM3UAnCH5IE
Even in their Car commercials they talk about USA as pigs.
Great again.
This car is for everyone(3 colours only), but costs so much no one can afford one!
Nice to see an empty motorway though. Do not see that in England any more.
The English-language version of the website of the Korean Central News Agency can be (depending on your mood) either a great source of laughs or a surreal glimpse into the collective mind of the North Korean government. Typical articles range from flowery descriptions of official visits by the country’s leader to foaming-at-the-mouth diatribes against the West, sprinkled with descriptions of cultural events (which sound painfully boring to attend) and occasional historical pieces which refer to the auspicious natural phenomena (multiple rainbows, unusual bird flights and so forth) which allegedly signalled the birth of this-or-that member of the Kim dynasty.
Wow. Just Wow.
The english audio translation in this video has nothing to do with the korean audio, or the text.
Granted, I’m sure the Korean commentary is just as ridiculous, but it is well documented that the voice is just some random dude saying things to be funny.
What’s ironic, is that as strange as the video portrays our lives here.
I’m sure you’ve all seen this famous photo comparison?
LOL, Wow those north koreans are so poor, they don’t have power right?!?!?
It’s LAW to turn your lights off at night, and it’s a point of Korean togetherness/pride that they all do.
That doesn’t mean all of their homes are unheated, or any other such nonesense. It’s just the culture.
In the end, we’re often just as misinformed about them as they are about us.
btw - I love this pic! LOL!
If you truly believe that the average person in North Korea has reliable electricity, an adequate food supply, and freedom, then I have bridge to sell you…
BJCard: Garg does not need two.
He is still waiting on the one I sold him.
BJCard: Garg does not need two.
He is still waiting on the one I sold him.
Maybe I can sell Garg the Hoover Dam then?
Do people still buy that?
LOL I’m not disagreeing with you BJ. Times are certainly hard there.
All I’m pointing out is that what we hear isn’t necessarily true either.
I do not believe anything I hear or read.
Unless you said it Garg.
I do not believe anything I hear or read.
Unless you said it Garg.