Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • hi, i am ron and new here, and i am from the netherlands so my englisch is not that great.
    i got all the axis and allies games and bought the ww1 edition last week, but some questions about the rules, hope someone can help so here we go;

    1, when a tt is contested witch lets say france and german, can you put for example  britain units ( the units are already on a land tt ) on it to defend without start a fight with german. ik know amphibous assault you can do this

    2 when i put a fighter from usa on a tt that is contested  with lets say again france and german and there are none american
    land units, have the france artillery than air supremacy and recieve a 4 hit frome the american fighter assume there is none german fighter

    3  i understand the american rules but for understanding it good the foolowing: america can buy units and  move units and get money starting from turn one. america can only not attack but can put units on allies tt to defend, and ofcourse when that country is attack they are involved in the war

    4 about minor countrys without a cappital like belgian congo and angola, when they are attacked there are no units to put on to defend, so only minor tt with a big sign flag you put units on to defend, the smaller ones you can occupy without a fight.

    for now that it, only some comment about the game.
    Ofcourse mutch to less fiches, no mony and the production chart sucks, glad i got a lot of games to compensate is, and play time is not hours but days, but glad for a new game and so far its good

    greatings ron

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Ron!

    1.  Yes.

    2.  You can’t land a US fighter in a territory without other US units.  Each group of units in a territory belonging to the same power must contain at least one infantry unit.  However, in a case where there are units from multiple powers defending together, all of the artillery present benefit from air supremacy.

    3.  The US can’t move units outside of the United States of America before it’s at war.  See the rules clarifications for more information.

    4.  Correct.

  • Hi, thanks for the very fast reply.

    greetings ron

  • HI, still trouble with america.
    So america can not move any units till start round 4. land units stay on land and sea units stay in zone 1.
    But does it recieve money for the first 3 rounds, and can i buy units and put them only on land ore can i also buy naval units and put them in sea zone 1
    Than other question about the rule 1 infantery on a tt.
    is this rule only for tt witch are not original tt from the start, ore only on minor tt

    greetings ron

  • Official Q&A


    So america can not move any units till start round 4. land units stay on land and sea units stay in zone 1.

    It can’t move land units or fighters.  It can move sea units, but it can’t load anything onto its transports.


    But does it recieve money for the first 3 rounds, and can i buy units and put them only on land ore can i also buy naval units and put them in sea zone 1



    Than other question about the rule 1 infantery on a tt.
    is this rule only for tt witch are not original tt from the start, ore only on minor tt

    It applies to all territories.  It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean that you need to keep an infantry in every territory you control - it’s OK to leave a territory empty.  It just means that you need to keep an infantry in every territory in which you have units.

  • Hi, ok first thanks for all the work, and i think i get it right now.
    Till next problem.

    greetings ron

  • Hi, i am reading a lot about the russian revolution, about removing units, cp stil get the money etc…
    I know all the other a&a games, so this is the first time a nation is removed by political reasons.
    But i see its optinial so the question is, the player who controls russian can he deside when he see he is gonna loose
    than must  ocure the revolution in round 4 ore can you just play with russian the whole game without a revolution
    we played a few games and we did not used the revolution

    greetings ron

  • Official Q&A

    It’s not up to the Russian player to decide whether there will be a revolution.  It happens automatically if and when the conditions are met.  It’s possible that the conditions may not ever be met.  The revolution is optional in the sense that players must agree before the game begins whether or not the rule will be in effect.

  • Hi, ok so before the game start we have to decide if we use that rule, and when we use it we have to follow the rules when it occure.
    ok thx again

    greetings ron

    by the way, do you get paiyed for answering all this

  • Hi, its not really related to this game but a question about dices.
    using dices can something be verry annoying, sometimes they end in a corner in the livingroom.
    so sometimes we use low luck, but i read something about  color scheme, you have to use 12 dices with a card ore something
    so, does someone knows how it work exacly.

    greetings ron

  • Had my first playthru yesterday.  A couple of questions came up, appreciate your time in answering them.

    1. If you start the turn in a seazone containing an enemy minefield and move OUT of the space you wouldn’t roll for mines?

    2. Likewise if your ships remain in an enemy minefield for more than one turn they roll for mines again each turn they are there even though they haven’t moved?

    3. Can UK ships be mobilized in India?

    Thanks for your time!

  • Hi Meatlord.
    1. That is correct.
    2. No. You only roll for mines the turn you go in(if at war).
    3. No. Need a Naval Base and there is not one in India.

  • A Sub attacks a Cruiser and misses. The Cruiser misses too. The Sub chooses to submerge instead of roling a dice. Is the cruiser allowed to attack the sub while it submerges?

    Sorry can´t find my rulebook…

  • Official Q&A


  • Yes it does.
    The Sub can  submerge instead of rolling its attack, but the Cruiser gets a shot.
    Alternatively, The Sub could also retreat and avoid combat completely  in the second round.

  • Official Q&A

    There are no retreats in this game (unless you’re playing by the tournament rules).  It is possible to break off the attack and remain in the sea zone, though.

  • Thanks!

    If it decides to retreat (TT-rules) the cruiser can no longer attack it right?

    So the german sub has submerged and the french cruiser did miss it while doing that. Can after the french turn a british cruiser try to attack Uboot or is the sub sumerged until Germanys next turn?

  • Official Q&A


    If it decides to retreat (TT-rules) the cruiser can no longer attack it right?

    Correct.  The sub will no longer be in the sea zone.  Of course, the cruiser can move into the sub’s sea zone and attack it on its turn.


    So the german sub has submerged and the french cruiser did miss it while doing that. Can after the french turn a british cruiser try to attack Uboot or is the sub sumerged until Germanys next turn?

    The sub is turned upright as soon as the battle ends.  Submerging only removes a sub from the current battle; it has no further effect after that.

  • '17 '15

    Question about minefields again.You are saying that they are active just when the territory is controlled or contested by ‘‘home power’’ but how about the territory was in hands of ‘‘enemy power’’ and after is contested?Because if I understand correctly the rules if there is a battle and everyone dies the territory still in ‘‘enemy hands’’ so thats why dont understand why I have to roll again for mines when is contested{before everyone dies}?

  • Official Q&A


    You are saying that they are active just when the territory is controlled or contested by ‘‘home power’’ but how about the territory was in hands of ‘‘enemy power’’ and after is contested?

    If the territory becomes controlled by an enemy power, the minefield becomes inactive.  If the territory becomes contested again, the minefield becomes active again for the original controller.  In effect, a mine field is only inactive when its corresponding territory is enemy-held.


    Because if I understand correctly the rules if there is a battle and everyone dies the territory still in ‘‘enemy hands’’ so thats why dont understand why I have to roll again for mines when is contested{before everyone dies}?

    If both sides are eliminated in a battle for any territory with an original controller, the original controller regains control (regardless of who had control last).  See the bottom of page 19 in the rulebook.  The only exception is when the original controller’s capital is held by the enemy, in which case the liberator assumes control until the capital is liberated.

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