Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

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    When AH attacks an original Italian territory–Venice for example–and at the end of the round it is contested because AH and Italy both occupy it, does Italy lose the income at their collect income phase?

  • Official Q&A


    From what I get from the rule book, scenario 1 has no mine rolls and scenario 2 has rolls just for the transports that moved.  Correct?



    When AH attacks an original Italian territory–Venice for example–and at the end of the round it is contested because AH and Italy both occupy it, does Italy lose the income at their collect income phase?

    No, Italy loses the income as soon as Austria-Hungary moves into Venice.

  • Can you move a Fighter into a contested zone where there is already an enemy fighter and you do not want to fight a land battle?
    Must the Fighter have combat with the enemy Fighter that is already present?

  • Official Q&A


    Can you move a Fighter into a contested zone where there is already an enemy fighter and you do not want to fight a land battle?

    Yes, as long as you are also moving an infantry in or already have one there.


    Must the Fighter have combat with the enemy Fighter that is already present?

    No.  Combat is only mandatory when you move into a hostile territory, and fighters only participate in combat during land battles.

  • Thank you very much Krieghund.

  • @Krieghund:


    When AH attacks an original Italian territory–Venice for example–and at the end of the round it is contested because AH and Italy both occupy it, does Italy lose the income at their collect income phase?

    No, Italy loses the income as soon as Austria-Hungary moves into Venice.

    Hold on, this means that since italy starts with 14, and if AH contests venice turn 1, italy only has 12 ipcs to use on its first turn?  Basically, no country starts the game with a predetermined number of ipcs?

  • Official Q&A

    No, that’s not what it means.  When your territory becomes contested, you lose income (your marker on the National Production Chart moves down), not IPCs.  You still have the same number of IPCs to spend on your next turn, but you’ll collect less at the end of that turn (unless you recapture the territory).

  • It seems a lot easier to keep your marker where it is until the territory is actually taken, and you just subtract it during the collect income phase.  Like convoy disruption except there is no dice rolling, you just don’t collect.

  • @oztea:

    Constantinople is one territory that stretches across the Bosporus. There is not Asian side/Europe side.

    Just imagine it like Egypt. The territory includes the water between it and the other side.
    Or like Canada, which also includes the various islands in SZ 2

    Thanks for the explanation, that helps a lot.  Cheers.

  • @Krieghund:


    1)  Does the U.S. collect income, purchase units, and mobilize them even while its still neutral?


    Thanks for the response.  And thanks for all your work on the game (and everyone else’s).  It’s an outstanding game - I absolutely love it.  :-D

  • @ghr2:

    It seems a lot easier to keep your marker where it is until the territory is actually taken, and you just subtract it during the collect income phase.  Like convoy disruption except there is no dice rolling, you just don’t collect.

    Not sure how that would be easier.  Say AH takes Venice then Italy contests again.  You will soon forget whose income you need to subtract from.  Much simpler to adjust when it becomes contested and increase income when a territory is captured.  Especially since some territories will remain contested for several turns.

  • It never seemed like a problem, we just rely on the time-honored method of a small dry-erase board and then just counting at the end of your turn.

    Checks board You saved X last turn. You’re up Y from these countries. You’re down Z from these. Maths. Done.”

  • We don’t use to board counters when we play either, we just do the math at the end of each turn on a piece of paper. I know we would miss moving the counter at some point (have to do it for most battles), and would be adding things up at the end of each turn anyway. In this game there is only territories, and IPCs saved (haven’t seen sub warfare in 3 games BTW) so we just tally it up at the end of each players turn. If we did use a counter I think we would go with the G40 counter because it would only take 1 marker for each power meaning less hassle (things getting moved around).

  • Adding at the turns end is the most efficient.

  • @oztea:

    Adding at the turns end is the most efficient.

    Inevitably I miss something somewhere.  Especially since France/Italy/Germany/UK can just claim any odd territory in Africa.

  • Texas, it would be no harder than counting who gets convoy raided in global.  You subtract it from whom ever happens to control the territory.  That is why we have control markers that represent the current power in control.

  • @ghr2:

    Texas, it would be no harder than counting who gets convoy raided in global.  You subtract it from whom ever happens to control the territory.  That is why we have control markers that represent the current power in control.

    I am not sure if convoy raiding is a good example.  I have games where we have forgotten to do the convoy raids for a good part of the game.  Also, control markers wouldn’t work for the minor aligned as I wouldn’t subtract from Russia’s income for a contested Romania.  I guess I fail to see the difficulty of adjusting the NPC when a territory becomes contested, then you do a quick look during collect income without having to figure out what to subtract.

  • @Texas:


    It seems a lot easier to keep your marker where it is until the territory is actually taken, and you just subtract it during the collect income phase.  Like convoy disruption except there is no dice rolling, you just don’t collect.

    Not sure how that would be easier.  Say AH takes Venice then Italy contests again.  You will soon forget whose income you need to subtract from.  Much simpler to adjust when it becomes contested and increase income when a territory is captured.  Especially since some territories will remain contested for several turns.

    Here is what I do for contested territories:

    When an army moves in to contest a territory, I immediately place that attacking army’s control marker on the territory upside down. I then also immediately deduct the lost income on the chart to show the contested situation. Much simpler to show the changes.

  • Customizer

    Good idea.

    Next edition: have “contested” printed on the reverse of control counters.

  • sorry if this has been covered, but can anyone (other than US before war) move into Spanish Morocco and claim it?

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