Best posts made by Mountaineer
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Dragons are intelligent and sapient although they represent the entire vast array of breeds with different sizes and capabilities. All of them can fly and given their nature to bond to humans and cooperate on a large scale many countries have been using them for military purposes. They were devastated by large scale conflict and casualties during the Napoleonic wars and again in WWI, and very few remain in populated regions. At the beginning of Global 1936 they are being mobilized again.
Dragons may airlift one infantry or artillery unit. They may also capture territory. -
Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
As mythology has indicated, strange creatures have been a part of our world since recorded time. What if they were still out there, living remotely and in small colonies? Would it be possible to harness their capabilities and direct their power for wartime purposes? The most developed relationships and loyalties between man and creatures would be with dragons, mostly due to their intelligence and linguistic capacity (see Temeraire by Naomi Novik, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temeraire_(series)). However, each nation could take advantage of the war capacity of all indigenous fabulous creatures. Additionally, some farsighted scientist has seen opportunity in the technological wonders of the modern era to move their war fighting capability to fantastic levels. This game would include dragons, giants, mechanized soldiers, jet pack soldiers and many more limited quantity but significant additions. Thoughts?
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Gremlins are semi-intelligent and mischievous creatures that can cause havoc in machinery and urban settings. With considerable patience, a troop of gremlins can be trained and employed to work misdeeds in an area and therefore cripple a unit. Not only do they dismantle machinery, they can blow up fuel and ammunition dumps, poison food supplies, remove road signs, and silently kill soldiers in their sleep.
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Giants. Humanoids of prodigious size and strength, they have retreated to remote mountainous locations. Encouraged by offers of material support (mostly food but also tools and trinkets) plus tolerant co-habitation they will fight alongside military formations providing formidable combat power that cannot be easily stopped.
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Advanced weapons. Far more controllable than fabulous creatures, the cost and development timeline may be prohibitive to most countries.
- Super Soldiers. Mechanized soldiers, the advances in armor, artillery, and factories have led to the outfitting and weaponization of individual soldiers. Super soldiers take two hits and may repair in forward locations.
RE: HBG Spanish Civil War Rules?
They are on the webpage you bought it. http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/Spanish-Civil-War-1936-Expansion-Set_p_2121.html
Download PDF (18.3 MB) Rules HERE v1.0 (Updated 10/17/16) -
RE: Beyond 1945
These are the general principles for the scenarios in this expansion.
- A truce between two combatants is unbreakable until one of those combatant countries captures the capital of another major country. E.G. The German/Western Allied Truce of Germany and Italy with the Western Allies will not be broken unless the Axis captures Moscow or the Western Allies capture Tokyo. The creation of a second capital by some nations does not inhibit this renewal of conflict.
- All combat in minors and colonies between major countries in truce will cease. Major powers at truce will not allow each other to pass through or overfly any of their territories.
- Chinese Civil War is identical in every scenario once Japan surrenders. This is an extensive update to accommodate events in China after Japan departs.
- Japanese surrender will be treated the same in every scenario. This helps generate activity in China but also the US occupation. However, Japanese surrender is not foreordained, just very likely.
- Free French and Vichy French will merge as one nation if they have not done so.
- Partisan, Technology, and Diplomacy rules must be used. The partisans become more of the communist and pro-western insurgents familiar to post-WW2 history. There is also the next generation of tanks, aircraft, missiles, and of course–nukes. Finally, the diplomacy rules help generate the next level game play started with Global 36 alignment rules for major country friendly allied acquisition.
- Adherence to Global 1936, major country reference sheets, and G36 expansions (nuclear, partisan, etc rules) was the baseline for the game, the remainder allows for a semi-historical representation for post nuclear possibilities and the Chinese civil war renewal. Follow the basic rules when in doubt on game mechanics.
RE: What Expansions Don't Work Well Together?
There is some review of expansion compatibility, but modifications are made. My favorite is Oil Wars which can work with anything. I think many of them you have to chose which rule will take precedence if you are playing multiple expansions. The new East vs West nuclear rules will supersede those previously published in Nuclear Weapons Marker rules, so you should not play these together.
Veteran units
Veteran Task Force rules are posted on HBG. https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/HBG/HBGM…
These rules recognize large formations who are successful and remain cohesive.
Latest posts made by Mountaineer
RE: Release of the game rules and map
@trig We are still working for a mid-year release.
RE: Peace time economy
It is cumulative, intended to get him up to the value of territories.
Had a friend spark an idea for hex based Stratego. On top of that, I decided we should have terrain modifiers and historical maps. I think there are lots of potential with making an old game a bit more fun while staying simple.
Veteran units
Veteran Task Force rules are posted on HBG. https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/HBG/HBGM…
These rules recognize large formations who are successful and remain cohesive.
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Giant problem as East meets West (Japan and Germany) in the middle of Russia. If you combine this expansion with EvW, the two Axis would declare war on each other.
RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Jet Soldiers defending the UK.
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RE: Is it time for a fantasy and science fiction expansion?
Jet Soldiers. Advances in mechanization, jets, and aircraft range have provided the means for soldiers to fly and carry more lethal capabilities over long distances. Although highly vulnerable to aircraft that scramble, they are not defenseless. Once on the ground their superior mobility is definitely a strength, albeit they lack the protective armor of the super soldiers.