“Operation Fall Rot”
Live streaming game today. Go to twitch and type in ssgen69 at 8:00 am central USA time.
Just booked a hotel and registered for the conference, meeting up with two Toronto pals there. Pretty stoked to do the full convention–last year I just poked my head in, as I was enroute from Toronto to Montreal that day.
If anyone from Montreal wants to ride-share, drop me a line via e-mail at raymond@fifteen.ca. I have an eight-seater van that’s currently just seating me and a Larry Harris autographed copy of AA50. I’ll be leaving Montreal early-ish on Friday the 13th, coming back late-ish on Sunday the 15th.
Just booked a hotel and registered for the conference, meeting up with two Toronto pals there. Pretty stoked to do the full convention–last year I just poked my head in, as I was enroute from Toronto to Montreal that day.
If anyone from Montreal wants to ride-share, drop me a line via e-mail at raymond@fifteen.ca. I have an eight-seater van that’s currently just seating me and a Larry Harris autographed copy of AA50. I’ll be leaving Montreal early-ish on Friday the 13th, coming back late-ish on Sunday the 15th.
Thats great to hear big R… looking forward to seeing you. I know that Axisplaya is from Montreal and might need a ride, but he won’t know if he can come 100% until this weekend. If he is coming I will let him know about your offer for transportation.
The TANK RIDES are not cheap!! They are POSSIBLE (they were not last year). It requires a “donation” to the Museum. I negotiated $50 a person but we can get this down if we have more people interested… I will negotiate on the spot :-D
I paid $300 last year for the demonstration at FMGC 2012… so it is actually a much better deal.
Watching the Tanks is just as fun for FREE.
Getting your picture, or a video of yourself from the commander position of a rolling tank, is a rather “priceless” moment.
Splurge on the $50 and Get-it-done.
Getting your picture, or a video of yourself from the commander position of a rolling tank, is a rather “priceless” moment.
Splurge on the $50 and Get-it-done.
Pictures, like this one (well, ok, you can probably get a better picture with the tank unobscured but it was the first one found in our files here);
Whats that plumber doing on the road?
Whats that plumber doing on the road?
Perhaps he’s the peacetime equivalent of a Combat Cameraman lining up to get a good low-angle tank photo.
I thought he was hard of hearing, lost and had inopportunely dropped a contact.
I can’t believe where the summer went!
Most Holy, what’s your weekend shaping up like? I have not committed to a room or just driving up each day. If the weather is good I’d love to drive the Z28 but it’s a 4 seater in name only. I’d hate to be in the back seat for two hours with me driving!
Garg, was looking forward to seeing you again, pity you can’t make it……
Rolling in Friday afternoon/early evening! :-D
What bar is the gathering spot for the pre-party? :wink: :mrgreen:
What bar is the gathering spot for the pre-party? :wink: :mrgreen:
The FMG Game Bunker! :-D
Time to clean out the van and start loading up … oh my, so much stuff.
Weather this weekend looks great! I’ll be roaring in sometime early Saturday afternoon me thinks!
Weather this weekend looks great! Â I’ll be roaring in sometime early Saturday afternoon me thinks!
After the heat during the week that we’ll have, you are right it looks fantastic!
And, the earlier the better! Doors open at 9am both days! (We’re hoping to get in Friday night to set up so there won’t be any last minute rushing around the morning of game day 1)
If someone can hooks me up via the big-screen, I will Skype in for a speech!
Or to draw prizes or something… LOL…
Pretty excited. Meeting with two Toronto buds at the Travelodge Ottawa Whitby tomorrow afternoon, playing some A&A Europe 1940 Friday night there. Then I can’t wait to scope out a game on Saturday morning.
Also checking out Star Records (http://www.recordstoreday.com/Venue/5311) at some point. If you’re in to music, I’ve heard it’s the place.
Pretty excited. Meeting with two Toronto buds at the Travelodge Ottawa Whitby tomorrow afternoon, playing some A&A Europe 1940 Friday night there. Then I can’t wait to scope out a game on Saturday morning.
Also checking out Star Records (http://www.recordstoreday.com/Venue/5311) at some point. If you’re in to music, I’ve heard it’s the place.
Star Records - the place looks like a dump but its’ a GREAT place for music for sure! Not your average sterile HMV type of store. lol.
Good choice on the Travelodge too. Much nicer hotel than the Best Western!
So close to the weekend we can taste it! Last minute pre-prep going on right now, setup tomorrow night and then 2 loooooong days of FUN FUN FUN!
Whats wrong with the Sketch Western?
They are supposed to be a big brand name!
Whats wrong with the Sketch Western?
They are supposed to be a big brand name!
They are … but we didn’t hear a lot of good about them last year. Though they are easy to get to (being right at Stevenson and the 401) and fairly priced.