This sounds incredibly interesting to me. I am all about flexibility in games as it keeps you interested in them. That is what I am attempting with my Global variant map and house rules with it. Except I am only doing WWII as it is what I have available, and due to limited funds and limited experience I am not willing to undertake something like this on my own… yet. But this sounds incredibly interesting. If there is anything I can do to help out let me know. Assuming this goes beyond an idea
Those are the notes that accumulate it through out my playtesting sessions.
Looks amazing! Get us a pic of the complete set-up next time you play.
Great Work!
Great work!
Looks like you have put a lot of time into this project. I like your painted units. Nice to see some specific Finnish units. Keep up the good work.
Cool idea! Let us know how the hex movement system works. Is it like BOTB? Good looking painted HBG Minors too!
I took some pics from the whole set up.
AGS and rumanian front facing Kiev and Odessa fronts.
AGC and AGN are facing Baltic and Western fronts, plus the finnish front. You can also notice the german navy at Koningsberg and the russian fleet at Krondstadt.
One of my innovations is the fog of war feeling to this game. I played a lot of block games thought the years and i really enjoyed the unknown feeling that gives to a game. What I did, I numbered all my chips 1 to 5, thats the max steps a unit can have in a hex, then placed the unit on top of it. You can split the unit as you advance, but you are only allowed to have up to 5 units in a hex plus a leader ( you can have 5 one step untis or 5 five steps units and anything between). There are 2 turns per month, Im developing 6 month scenarios, so you can play a scenario in less than 4 hrs. Movement isnt restricted, inf units move 2 hexes in clear weather, and one ii snow or mud. Mech units move 3 hexes in clear weather, 2 in snow and 1 in mud. There is an exploitation move after combat, and mech units paired with a blitz leader can initiate a new combat. The rest of the units cant move or initiate a new battle but they can have a new round of combat if they were enganged in a combat before, if the attacking player wishes, but isnt mandatory. Im still looking for ppl to playtest the game, anyone around LA can contact anytime. I want to finalize the game and make it avail for the community.You free to ask Any questions
Great looks.
When, Where, Why, Wooppie!
Great looking stuff! Hope it works out to be a great game.