I forgot air units get two dice in convoy raiding, good reminder haha
My A&A board table
Originally built in 1994 to specifications for a 2nd edition map that came with an expansion rules set (Gamers Paradise in Chicago). I have since replaced the map underneath the glass twice (Revised and then Anniversary). The map is larger than the OOB to fit more pieces, so that’s a good thing, plus the glass protects the map from wear and spills.
There are shelves on the sides to hold a beverage as well as to roll against.
We like letting the dice fly when we battle!
It is in two pieces with metal inserts/slots underneath to keep the pieces on the same plane. There are also handles on back for transporting from the closet to the table top. I have actually traveled with this once to a friends house as it just fit in the back of my Durango.
This was the first customization project after I moved into my house, and for 20 years, this battle board has past the wear and tear of many a battle.
Nice to see others have the sasme sick addiction as I do :wink: :-)
Nice. Gives me an idea or two for a portable Global table.
Great table, Great pictures, Thanks for sharing it with us. I can’t believe your game room with all that light coming in. My wife has banished our A&A games to the basement, which makes us all cranky after 12 hours, what with the lack of sunshine and concrete walls…. lol. I noticed that your neutral territories have no IPC value printed on them, was that on purpose, or an error?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 27, 2013, 10:38 PM
Yea that map looks like an IL map reproduction…
yes, IL, you sent me a customized re-sized version of your map. I printed it out for under the glass.
Great table, Great pictures, Thanks for sharing it with us. I can’t believe your game room with all that light coming in. My wife has banished our A&A games to the basement, which makes us all cranky after 12 hours, what with the lack of sunshine and concrete walls…. lol.
Yep, when it’s warm enough 50+ F, we use the three season room off the back of the house. My favorite room of the house, with all the glass windows, it is very bright and plenty of fresh air when it is even warmer out.
I noticed that your neutral territories have no IPC value printed on them, was that on purpose, or an error?
In AA50, nuetrals are not used. Perhaps you are thinking of a global map?
Wow, You’re right…… I haven’t played 50 in so long.
A good-looking table! Nice work.
This is really nice. It’s good to see someone put so much effort into the game, no matter what the version.
It also makes me want a three season room.