Do you have a Grasshopper & Ambilzi custom map?

  • Would love to hear from those who have used the file to print their own copy of my custom map… do you have one?


  • I printed one. Its in my metal map thread in the customizer section

  • Hi,

    I have printed the map on A3, to use in a strategic prep talk. And I will print the map this week, since coming saturday we will play. Will be great.

    BTW Do you have any advice on what I am missing:

    • A&A Europe 2nd Edition and Pacific 2nd Edition
    • HGB IPCs
    • infantry in Light Red, Light Gray and White to represent Pro-Axis, Pro-Allies and Strict neutrals.
    • 100 red dice
    • 100 black dice
    • Dicecups and large dice tray
    • Two type of factories representing major and minor ICs
    • Yellow Green army set to provide China with artillery and fighter in stead of using US troops.
    • Set for each county with copy of the rulebooks, cheat sheet
    • Created cards for NOs
    • Will create battleboard
    • Will create “At War with…” cards


  • @NilOGrav:


    I have printed the map on A3, to use in a strategic prep talk. And I will print the map this week, since coming saturday we will play. Will be great.

    BTW Do you have any advice on what I am missing:

    • A&A Europe 2nd Edition and Pacific 2nd Edition
    • HGB IPCs
    • infantry in Light Red, Light Gray and White to represent Pro-Axis, Pro-Allies and Strict neutrals.
    • 100 red dice
    • 100 black dice
    • Dicecups and large dice tray
    • Two type of factories representing major and minor ICs
    • Yellow Green army set to provide China with artillery and fighter in stead of using US troops.
    • Set for each county with copy of the rulebooks, cheat sheet
    • Created cards for NOs
    • Will create battleboard
    • Will create “At War with…” cards


    Seems like you’re pretty set, would love to see some pictures of your materials and setup when you’re ready. Do you plan on using the black chips as 1s for the Axis and the gray oob chips as 1s for the Allies with red being the universal 5 for both sides?

  • Thanks, will upload some pics with all the goodies, once set-up.

    We do not have black chips at the moment, we have a lot of greys the rest approx. 50 per color, which we will use as one. We will use the green as 5 (like the 5 euro note), the red as 10 (like the 10 euro note) and blue as 20 (like the 20 euro note). We do not have a real philosophy for it, just chose this as logical for damage we wil use the same “code”. If only we had IPC that have this color scheme.

  • Sponsor



    Presented by: The Cliffside Bunker
    Sponsored by: 401 Games
    Special guest: Larry Harris Jr.

    The Toronto Six Sided Gaming Convention is an annual event welcoming young and old Axis & Allies fans from all over the world

    WHERE: the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #13 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    WHEN: September of 2017 on Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th, and Monday 25th
    COST: Adults: 40$ for a 3 day weekend pass / 20$ for a day pass Young Adults: (under 15 and supervised) 20$ for a 3 day weekend pass / 10$ for a day pass

    Confirmed Events:

    Larry’s “War Room” Demo
    Demonstration games for Larry Harris’s new prototype design WAR ROOM from nightingale games

    Grasshopper’s “G40” Invitational
    A 3 day 2vs2 Axis & Allies 1940 Global Tournament using Young Grasshopper’s House Rules

    ShellMan’s “War at Sea” Open
    Axis & Allies “War at Sea” Miniatures Tournament using ShellMan’s massive miniatures collection

    More details soon

  • YG,


    Would love to hear from those who have used the file to print their own copy of my custom map… do you have one?
    ––I would have to say,…NOT YET ! But once I get my latest project going, which will include a large area for a
    “GRAND SIZE” War Simulations Room I’ll certainly get in contact with ya’ll.
    ––I must say, on behalf of all of the other gamers that you’ve already helped with your wonderful map;

    Tall Paul


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