Some more tinkering: lots of new Icons, IL will love this!
Reading between the lines, I’m guessing that L. has given East Prussia to Poland a whole 30 years too early. This looks terrible, is completely wrong historically, and might just cost him a sale to this customer.
Added the 3 Submarine Interdiction zones (I think in the right SZs).
Added mine symbols to what I’m guessing are the appropriate SZs, leaving out those south of Suez.
Added 4 flags for each power, representing simplified National Objectives. These consist of 3 coveted land tts and 1 vital SZ each. The exception is America, which has no NOs as such other than protecting trade and hunting down Pancho Villa.
These could be used to provide IPC bonuses as per previous NOs, or as morale boosters for the folks back home.