• Customizer

    This is as far as I can take the map without more info.

    Cleaned up some of the area names to correct anachronisms, but keeping those we know are in the official game such as Belarus.

    Mexico probably isn’t in there; Montenegro might be, but it doesn’t look like it.

    Might be another SZ in the north (Arctic), but wouldn’t really effect much.

    Southern Russia looks silly whatever I do, we’ll just have to accept this given the capital rules Larry has described.

    Just as we’ll have to live with the Topkapi tank factory, and US fighters flying across the Atlantic, something that no powered aircraft managed until after the war. And no Anzacs.  :cry:

    Oh well.


  • I think India and Anzac will be represented as English units mobilized in Bombay. What other reason could there be for the map stretching over to India. There must be some kind of mechanic for English ground units to enter through Bombay. Could just be an inf or two each round, but the UK will need to have ground units enter the game from that edge of the map to resupply, and not get over run. I also think the Canadians will be able to offer some inf too. I see it as a special rule for the English Empire getting support from the Commonwealth in some form.

    BTW thanks for taking a stab at how the map may look Flash.  I know it would be a lot of work going through Larry’s posts, counting the inf stacks from the pro-mo pic (blowing it up), and try to see some of the boundaries and sz’s  etc….

  • Customizer

    Let me know if you see any errors.

    Another concern I had was that the war in Africa will just fizzle out if you cannot recruit more native troops; nobody will bother shipping units down there.

    We’ll have to see what the German report brings in.

  • Yep his reports are pretty cool and answer some questions. Also looking forward to the Germans, then France and UK go back to back I believe.

  • '12

    Oh my. Flashman, that “Dogs of War” postcard at the bottom left of your imagined map is hilarious. Nice touch!


  • Africa just looks like it’s there for the Germans to take away some of Great Britians income for a turn or two. There is no way Germany can last longer than two turns, but they’ll get the chance to take away some of GB and France’s income for a turn or two. I don’t see it fizziling out, the Allies definetly have enough units to finish off the germans after a turn or two.

  • Customizer

    Some more tinkering: lots of new Icons, IL will love this!

    Reading between the lines, I’m guessing that L. has given East Prussia to Poland a whole 30 years too early. This looks terrible, is completely wrong historically, and might just cost him a sale to this customer.

    Added the 3 Submarine Interdiction zones (I think in the right SZs).

    Added mine symbols to what I’m guessing are the appropriate SZs, leaving out those south of Suez.

    Added 4 flags for each power, representing simplified National Objectives. These consist of 3 coveted land tts and 1 vital SZ each. The exception is America, which  has no NOs as such other than protecting trade and hunting down Pancho Villa.

    These could be used to provide IPC bonuses as per previous NOs, or as morale boosters for the folks back home.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Wow, that’s an extensively accurate detail of Madagascar.

    Thank you! LOL…

    (Great job Flash)

  • Customizer

    With Africa so distorted I thought square lines would be good enough…

    Wait 'till we see IL’s new map; I’ll be all over that.

  • My map is a normal view of Europe. Not 45 degree angle thing.

    Also, it covers only the top of Africa, so no Madagascar.

    I developed an add on map along time ago, but this is really another game.

  • Customizer

    I look forward to seeing it.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    If Russia is that open, I will be disappointed.

    In my heart of hearts I was hoping it would be based on hexagons…. ah, well, one can only wish.

  • You know i did make two other Great War games with hexes. Not a good experience combining hexes with pieces. Inspiration was the game Guns of August

  • Axis and Allies keeps changing, it’s not a static game where everything needs to be the same from edition to edition. It’s quite reasonable to think that this 45 degree tilt is also a normal map. Innovation and change can be good. Distortion and difficult territory sizing could well have been worse without this 45 degree turn.

  • I for one am for the 45 degree turn.
    I thought this was the only way to do it since before I even saw the map.

  • Customizer

    There is another solution. It’s called making the board bigger. If it produces areas where nothing much happens then use them for placing production charts, mobilization zones and so forth.  This arrangement has grown on me, but only because I can use the corner triangles to do exactly that.

  • Right ON Flash. MAKE A BIGGER BOARD.MSRP value at 100 bucks you would thing they could make a bigger board. My biggest complaint on these games definitely is the quality. NO money,bad map design and usually not enough chips. I own almost all of these games and have spare parts so it’s not a big deal to me but for a new guy that just bought his first game it is. Come on WOTC put a little more love in these games and you know what you will probably sell more and make more money in the process.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    My problem with the diamond design is the poor management of table space.

    People are going to end up playing this game symetrically anyways.

  • @Flashman:

    There is another solution. It’s called making the board bigger. If it produces areas where nothing much happens then use them for placing production charts, mobilization zones and so forth. � This arrangement has grown on me, but only because I can use the corner triangles to do exactly that.

    I would agree, but that would cost more money for the producer, so I didn’t really consider that an option.  :wink:

  • Well in my game the map is 5x4 feet and we got 3 times the sculpts and the cost will be between $100 and $119. So it’s not really true. You can make a larger board and don’t need this 45 degree turn thing.

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