Preview 3: Map, Components, and Units

  • Tons of photos in this preview. If you click on the map, you’ll get a full, high-resolution version. Enjoy!

  • Map looks great, thanks! Still can’t believe Paris is practically in the Atlantic, though.

  • Africa is not as big as I feared. The projection really does look like its trying to be 3d. Like a picture of a sphere from above.

  • That US Infantry……it’s soooooooooooo sexy. Where’s the drool emoticon darnit!!!

  • The map looks really sharp, but I’m still trying to figure out the point of having so much of Africa…  25ish IPCs over 20 or so territories feels like it might slow the game down.

    That said, I’m headed to go preorder my copy tonight!

  • With all of Sweden and Norway, it makes sense to project equally southward.
    Hey, at least Africa is really small. Distracts the allies for a while, and doesn’t let them ignore the Ottomans or they will have a huge empire.

  • Are the dice 12mm?

  • Customizer

    I still can’t work out what helmet the German inf is wearing, something went wrong with the sculpt here.

    That French infantryman has never fired a rifle in his life.

    Otherwise, very nice. Planes and artillery much better than expected.

    Still a bit confused about dogfights; is there only one round of combat? The impression I got from the reports was that the fighting goes on until one side is eliminated, the survivor gaining air supremacy.

    Will anyone actually use that production chart? It looks very fiddly; I can see some arguments over what marker was where…

  • Flashman, can’t you just look at the map, know what territories were taken/lost, and how much money you have?  Who actually argues about the production chart?

  • German use the early war spiked helmet(pickelhaube) i suppose!!!
    It was used for the first months of the war…

  • @Panz3r:

    German use the early war spiked helmet(pickelhaube) i suppose!!!
    It was used for the first months of the war…

    They actually didn’t start replacing the Pickelhaube with the Stahlhelm until 1916.  So I guess it would have been fine to use either since both were in use for roughly the same amount of time.  Plus it leaves room for those playing with house rules to use some units with the stahlhelm as “storm troopers” for example.  I’m sure someone like HBG will make unique sculpts for this game.

  • Thanks for the great pictures, David.  The white background you used for the sculpt pictures was an excellent choice, since it makes it much easier to assess the sculpt colours, and I also like the paired left/right views of the infantrymen.  Lots of good detailed information to study until the game comes out next week.

  • A couple things:

    Are those the same basic chips as 1942 2e?

    Are those chips bigger than the Revised/Europe/Pacific chips?

    It seems like we are getting baby dice (which would be hilarious since someone said the reason this game is NOT a ripoff relative to 1942 2e is that we get more dice).

    Dice size is not a huge deal, but when I walk into a store or go online and see this for 20-30% more than 1942 2e, I am not even CLOSE to convinced that I am getting 20-30% more for my money.

  • @vonLettowVorbeck1914:

    A couple things:

    Are those the same basic chips as 1942 2e?

    Are those chips bigger than the Revised/Europe/Pacific chips?

    It seems like we are getting baby dice (which would be hilarious since someone said the reason this game is NOT a ripoff relative to 1942 2e is that we get more dice).

    Dice size is not a huge deal, but when I walk into a store or go online and see this for 20-30% more than 1942 2e, I am not even CLOSE to convinced that I am getting 20-30% more for my money.

    looks to be same size cool chips from 42 2ndE….which means there slightly smaller and will fit better on the board…exciting

  • No problem. Another thing I did this time was to direct my speedlight directly at the darker units and at a 45 degree angle for the rest. Usually the flash will come off as too harsh but with the diffuser on, I guess there is something about the size and shapes of the pieces that reduces the effect of hotspots and actually introduces shadows and highlights to make it easier to see the details of the sculpts.

    One of these days, I’ll buy a macro lens. I’ll put that macro on the tripod, increase the f-stop to get a wider DoF, and I’ll have some super crisp photos of the pieces.


    Thanks for the great pictures, David.  The white background you used for the sculpt pictures was an excellent choice, since it makes it much easier to assess the sculpt colours, and I also like the paired left/right views of the infantrymen.  Lots of good detailed information to study until the game comes out next week.

  • Sadly, in your scale shot (of all units) you left out an ottoman Sub.

  • @oztea:

    Sadly, in your scale shot (of all units) you left out an ottoman Sub.

    For SHAME!

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Looking forward to it, look at those bayonets!

    Remind me why the game cames with so much dice, very un-WOTC like.

  • @hkytown1:

    Looking forward to it, look at those bayonets!

    Remind me why the game cames with so much dice, very un-WOTC like.

    You are supposed to put dice on the battle board representing each unit in the battle.  Sometimes you will need a lot of dice…

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Cool, Thanks. :wink:

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