I do but just against myself. I don’t like all these names “anzio, juno, sword, omaha, etc”
And those people only play 1 vs. 1, not 4-5 players so forget it. I don’t understand what fun is it to play 1v1? That game is the ultimate team concept game.
I am new to this forum and looking to expand my A&A play. I have played Classic Axis and Allies for most of my 23 year military career. I have also been a member of Axisandalliesworldclub.org since the MSN days in the 90’s and currently rank in the top 5 for all data bases combine.
Your statement can not be more false. The names “Anzio, Juno, Kremlin, Sword, Omaha” only refer to different variants of the 2nd or 3rd addition rules.
The Anzio data base is 3rd Edition plus Axis Advantage turned “on” (German has Jets, Japan has Super Subs) no tech rolls allowed.
(A) Standard 3rd edition rules
(B) Russia Restricted(Russia may not attack on Round 1).
© 2-hit Battleships
(D) Always Active AAguns
(E) Axis Advantage(Germany begins the games with Jets; Japan begins the game with Supersubs).
(F) No technology rolls allowed ever.
(G) Both IPC turned on.
(H) Bid for axis
(I) 3 min timer (this rule may be changed by mutual agreement)
Omaha is 3rd Edition rules, its just they gave it so when your looking for a game you can say “omaha”.
(A) standard Third Edition rules
(B) Both IPC turned on.
© 3-minute timer(this rule may be changed by mutual agreement)
(D) 2-hit battleships
(E) Always Active AAguns
(F) bid for Axis.
Please note- Omaha (DB1) has a unique way of bidding for axis. - See Club Rules and Regulations here.
And if you REALY want to add a twist to Axis and Allies you can try the Kremlin data base. This adds such a twist to the standard 2nd/3rd addition rules, bidding system and game play that no two games are ever the same.
You are also incorrect in saying “they only play 1v1”. There is a section of the Club devoted to “Squadron Play”. This is a 2v2 mini league within AAWC (Axis and Allies World Club). It runs in Season and they are currently half way through Season 31. This is a 2v2 league but the team playing Allies can request a 3rd person to make this 3v2 although the game will only be posted vs the 2 original players involved in the bidding.
I hope you and many more here will be more openminded about AAWC as I am about exploring playing here using TripleA. You are missing great opportunities to play some of the best in the world at Axis and Allies. Many of the players still playing there today have been playing this game since the 90’s logging thousands of games. The competition there is some of the best I have ever seen……