Thanks for answering Worsham.
Maine? Interesting. Would have been Massachusetts then. They did go far away (almost Canada, like Marc suggested).
The most disgusting thing you've ever encountered?
Be appropriate.
About 15 years ago, my dad asked me to pop this huge boil on his back between his shoulder blades. I told him to go to hell but he would not stop whining and I wanted to shut him up. So I start pushing on this big nasty thing and its spewing a good curly stream of puss, kinda like a spaghetti noodle and I tell him that’s all, no more. He insists there is more so I start squeezing again and still more comes out.
I’m telling him that no more will come out but again he pleads with me to keep squeezing. I give it one last hard squeeze and then “BOOM” a huge splatter of puss hits me in the face and gets all over my lips and glasses. I freak out and punch him in his back as hard as I can and bring him to his knees, knocking the wind out of him. As I step over his slumped body, I go to the sink and wash my face for a half an hour, disgusted for the rest of my life.
This story always seems to top a lot of people’s gross out stories.
Can’t share one but I must say: Awesome story.
Hyktown1, that will take some beating!
Once at my dad’s restaurant a man on a Christmas meal table told his boss(an Italian) he could drink anything and anyone under the table.
His boss said:" really?" Then said," try a Grappa."(I love a good one.) Not sure how many he had, but later that night he could not be found.
Toilets of course. We could not get in. We were able to move his unconscious body far enough from the In swinging door to “rescue” him and call an ambulance.
He had been sick, pissed himself and yes, shit himself.
We paid the pizza chef a tenner to clean up the toilet.
I believe he did not stay too much longer employed at his old job -
Nice Witt. Â I’ve tried Grappa, kinda of “turpintiney” to me, not that I’ve tried turpintine. Â Grappa is made from the skin of the grape right?
Oh yea, i’ve had to push a few doors open while friends, and strangers have barricaded themselves, with there drunk, bloated, past-out bodies up against the bathroom door.
And usually if one pisses his or herself while passed out, part “two” is never far behind.
Fortunately that was the only time.
I love grappa, but only good ones(£30 a bottle usually a good indicator). I prefer coloured ones and hate smoked ones.
Turpentine. Might give that one a miss! -
Interesting that in this era of the internet, someone’s top gross thing is a personal story. The top 5 gross things that I ever witnessed were while I was surfing on the net. Including a picture of a weight lifters colon that burst out while he attempted to lift to much wieght.
Thanks Grasshopper. I will not sleep now!
I’ve seen gross things come and gross things go…
But the grossest thing I can instantly recall seeing is one day when my dad woke me up at 5 in the morning (On his way to work) to inform me that there was half of a cat on the front lawn.
That’s quite literally what it was, HALF of a cat, with guts and entrails spread throughout the grass - blood on every leaf.
I never found the other half of the creature, or determined how it ended up like that… but it was nasty.
ALMOST as nasty as when one of the guys came to work an entered the first aid office…
“Hey I just got back from Amersterdam, and there is some kind of boil that’s moving/bubbling on my inner leg, and now I’m seeing signs of it directly across and on my other leg, can you look at it?” -
Call me naive, what was it Garg?
OK here’s my top 5. They all have to do with foul odours.
The ultimate stink was encountered when I used to work as a maintenance guy at a large distribution center. One day some idiot seagull decided to take a rotten chicken out of the dumpster and place it in the middle of the parking lot. The meat was completely liquified and even though the parking lot was outside and about a square mile in size, everyone at work was complaining about the smell so you-know-who had to go pick it up. That was bad.
The second most disgusting thing was cleaning out the elevator pit that had about 6 inches of stagnant water and cigarette butts.
Third most disgusting thing was cleaning out an unused warehouse that had been occupied by pigeons for a long time.
Fourth most disgusting was cleaning out that same warehouse again after a shipment of “fishmeal” (i.e. semi-rotten fish gunk leftover from a processing plant that they use to make fishfood pellets for fishfarming) had been temporarily stored in the warehouse for a few weeks in the summer.
Fifth most disgusting thing was one time we went away for the weekend and when we came home i noticed the cat looked funny and he had a scratch on his head. Guess he was in a fight before we left and now it was infected. So I got some peroxide and started to clean it and when the scab popped loose a stream of blood/pus went spraying all over the bathroom. That was stinky.
OK I just remembered a 6th stinker also to do with cats. The neighbor went into the hospital for a while and his cat was left to its own devices. It managed to get out of his house somehow and showed up on our porch one rainy night very thin and with a badly infected wound on its back. When I picked it up maggots came out of the wound and it smelled like rotten meat. I took it to the vet next day and had her put down. The vet thanked me.
My life stinks.
Top five most disgusting things.
1. My mother-in-law’s 7 day old corspe.
2. An opossum exiting the a$$ of a dead horse.
3. A kid on thanksgiving dinner day in Jr. Highschool throwing up on the school bus while the bus was on a long upward hill with a good many stops.
4. A large wild feral cat getting torn apart by two dogs.
5. On a T.V show about animal cruility in China’s resturants, a cat getting boiled alive. That was messed up.
You mean they eat cats too?!?!?!
2. An opossum exiting the a$$ of a dead horse.
Oh Fuq…
3. A kid on thanksgiving dinner day in Jr. Highschool throwing up on the school bus while the bus was on a long upward hill with a good many stops.
There’s no school on Thanksgiving.
Uggh, suddenly, the taste of puss on my lips pales to those smells I can only imagine…
I yield.
3. A kid on thanksgiving dinner day in Jr. Highschool throwing up on the school bus while the bus was on a long upward hill with a good many stops.
There’s no school on Thanksgiving.
Something about that story definetly did STINK… ;)
There’s no school on Thanksgiving.
Our school had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner the week before the holiday. Do you really think I would create a story? I’ll give you the name of the kid that vomitted, if you want.
If you require more details, there was a girl asleep on the floor when this happened. We were able to wake her up before the mass of vomit reached her head. lol Picture twenty kids standing on the bus seats screaming, a few of us taking advantage of the situation to really act a fool. An eighty year old bus driver screaming at all of us. -
I’ll give you the name of the kid that vomitted, if you wan
LOL Yes,
I definetly require this information!
This event and his name will live in infamy online forever!
I’ll give you the name of the kid that vomitted, if you wan
LOL Yes,
I definetly require this information!
This event and his name will live in infamy online forever!
Thomas Swinney, he was a fat dumb a$$. I was actally sitting with him. He told me, “man, I’m not feeling good.” Then came the recycled turkey and dressing. I jumped over the seat. This kid ate like a cow. It was bad.
Nothing like school bus drama.
Can you give more info about the possum in the horse’s butt? Did you see this in person or on the internet? There is some weeeeeird porn out there