International weaker sex day.
Actually, my girlfriend was pretty strong in the sex department on that day. It certainly wasn’t weaker than any other.
Some months ago we did this and I enjoyed it. In hopes to start it again I’ll ask the first question the person with the correct answer will ask the second question and so forth. Here we go:
Who was the first US president to serve two terms but not in order?
cleveland, or wait, was it garfield. cleveland
You are correct. President Grover Cleveland served his two non-consecutive terms from 1885–1889 and 1893–1897.
roman legionaries recieved 15,000 sestertii and praetorians 20,000 after 25 years of service as their retirement……
whats the amount in todays dollars?
i have more…
during his 4 day triumph ceaser gave how much sestertii to his each of his soldiers?
ps….you’d have wanted to fight for ceaser when you hear the compesation amount… :-o
the last group of german soldiers surrendered where and when after WWII?
roman legionaries recieved 15,000 sestertii and praetorians 20,000 after 25 years of service as their retirement……
whats the amount in todays dollars?
i have more…
It is immposible to know the answer to this question.
the last group of german soldiers surrendered where and when after WWII?
Eleven of them, on the inland of Spitzberg, sent there in '44 on some Nazi wheather project.
when did they surrender?
the surrendered in november in think……i’m pretty sure.
the sestertii answer is b/4 80,000 - 125,000. its from strategypage and there also should be a website that converts old/ancient currency values into todays equivalent. so imagine the cash
who asks the new question?
the surrendered in november in think……i’m pretty sure.
the sestertii answer is b/4 80,000 - 125,000. its from strategypage and there also should be a website that converts old/ancient currency values into todays equivalent. so imagine the cash
who asks the new question?
You would, since you answered your own questions, except you just asked a question about who asks the next question.
So since I answered, I will be asking the next question :-D
The Cleveland Browns.
If you could please limit your self to one question at a time. Thank you :-)
Where did Fred G. Sanford live?
Need complete address for the fictional Sanford Arms junkyard.
Where did Fred G. Sanford live?
Need complete address for the fictional Sanford Arms junkyard.
9114 S. Central Ave
Watts, Los Angeles, CA