OK here’s my top 5. They all have to do with foul odours.
The ultimate stink was encountered when I used to work as a maintenance guy at a large distribution center. One day some idiot seagull decided to take a rotten chicken out of the dumpster and place it in the middle of the parking lot. The meat was completely liquified and even though the parking lot was outside and about a square mile in size, everyone at work was complaining about the smell so you-know-who had to go pick it up. That was bad.
The second most disgusting thing was cleaning out the elevator pit that had about 6 inches of stagnant water and cigarette butts.
Third most disgusting thing was cleaning out an unused warehouse that had been occupied by pigeons for a long time.
Fourth most disgusting was cleaning out that same warehouse again after a shipment of “fishmeal” (i.e. semi-rotten fish gunk leftover from a processing plant that they use to make fishfood pellets for fishfarming) had been temporarily stored in the warehouse for a few weeks in the summer.
Fifth most disgusting thing was one time we went away for the weekend and when we came home i noticed the cat looked funny and he had a scratch on his head. Guess he was in a fight before we left and now it was infected. So I got some peroxide and started to clean it and when the scab popped loose a stream of blood/pus went spraying all over the bathroom. That was stinky.
OK I just remembered a 6th stinker also to do with cats. The neighbor went into the hospital for a while and his cat was left to its own devices. It managed to get out of his house somehow and showed up on our porch one rainy night very thin and with a badly infected wound on its back. When I picked it up maggots came out of the wound and it smelled like rotten meat. I took it to the vet next day and had her put down. The vet thanked me.
My life stinks.