Ok, here it is. In AAREVISED. When they introduced artillery, Germany had a good reason to buy a good mixture of men, artillery, and tanks. If not, if they bought all tanks, unless they were playing against a Russian player who was worse than me, they lost. And planes were never purchsed unless in some extreme circumstance or again, playing off of other players lack of stragety. Tanks buy all others (except Japan) were rare and bad purchases. The odds largely favored men and artillery.
The points I have read about regarding Japan and tanks in the Revised version and before was not a problems of Tanks being to cheap, but by a horrific China and East Russia map that was obviously horrific. Unbelievable it took this long to correct.
I have played AAP40 a lot and see planes as a lot more usable the way they should be. To win a war you have to have great air power. If you are not buying as many tanks as planes. Something is wrong. I may be exaggerating a bit, but not by much.