Back to the HostileSZ/transport loading “loophole” discussion, there is such a simple solution to it (leave the units on the Japanese transports during the interturn, with a huge fleet there for protection), why would it be considered an exploit or a problem? Its only an annoyance when it surprises the other player, so in a friendly game, why not say, ok–remember you can’t load in a hostile SZ but for the purposes of this game, we’ll mount your 6 troops back up on the transports and I wont use this rule to my advantage, this time?
Whether this “exploit” was known to the designer or not isn’t that relevant, it would be much more relevant if it was somehow game-breaking but given the circumstances I don’t regard it as much of an exploit, given how easy it is to avoid…rather than changing the rules, shouldn’t you just change your play?