Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer

    Thank you, P@nther!  Can’t believe we missed that in that in the rule book!

  • TripleA

    If I take finland round 1 with germany can I land a fighter on it the same round? It is a pro axis spot. I forgot the rule.

  • @Cow:

    If I take finland round 1 with germany can I land a fighter on it the same round? It is a pro axis spot. I forgot the rule.

    No, you can’t.


    Where Units Can Move

    Air Units: An air unit must end its move in an eligible
    landing space. Air units can land in any territory that
    was friendly (but not friendly neutral) at the start of the
    current turn.

  • Okay so on China Turn one, if Japan has closed the Burmese Road they cant buy artillery right? Im asking because the rule stating that china can buy Artillery is in there national objective. this is confusing because wouldnt it mean that china would only be able to buy artillery on its second turn anyway because it would need a complete turn with the road open to buy the artillery?

    Is it worth it for Japan to close the burmese road turn one if they want to hold their DOW until a later round?

  • China can buy artillery iff the Burma road is open at the beginning of its turn.

    Even if Japan doesn’t attack the West turn 1, it’s worth it to take Yunnan, in order to kill the 4 infantry and prevent the Chinese from buying artillery.

  • If uk captures west Germany does the IC stay a major or is it converted to a minor?

  • @Flying:

    If uk captures west Germany does the IC stay a major or is it converted to a minor?

    All major IC’s are always reduced to minor when captured by the other side.

  • @Gamerman01:


    If uk captures west Germany does the IC stay a major or is it converted to a minor?

    All major IC’s are always reduced to minor when captured by the other side.

    Off the top of your head do you know what page that is in the book?

    Edit: found it page 20

  • If Japan takes India and Borneo, and the US captures Borneo, does the territory become American since the British Pacific capital is occupied?

  • Yes

  • All right  a few Questions  here. Hope  I am posting in the correct forum.
    So  here they are.  I  see  links for playing online , and it looks like that is  "known as “AAA”  so what is  “AAA” and how does it work? is  it a  play by email? or more to it than that please give  a description of it thank you.
    Next, is there a version of global like the old “PC” game Iron blitz out there anywhere?

  • @plasmaboy:

    All right   a few Questions  here. Hope  I am posting in the correct forum.
    So  here they are.  I  see  links for playing online , and it looks like that is  "known as “AAA”  so what is  “AAA” and how does it work? is  it a  play by email? or more to it than that please give  a description of it thank you.
    Next, is there a version of global like the old “PC” game Iron blitz out there anywhere?

    Welcome to the forum, plasmaboy.

    “AAA” simply means “Axis And Allies”. Yes, there is a software, called TripleA, that allows playing many wargames. There are many maps to play, including maps for all AAA-games, except 1914. You will find a lot of information about this in the Software section of this forum.

    I recommend the following threads as a start:

    Just browse through those and other threads to get an idea. Also many forum users use “Play by Forum” for online games using TripleA.

    Just ask if you have further questions. Use the Software subforum for TripleA-related questions.
    Use the game-labeled forums for example for rules or strategy related questions concerning that specific game.

    Enjoy gaming :-)

  • There are no more PC games like Iron Blitz for Axis and Allies, as far as I know

    Triple A does have an AI that is about as terrible as the one for Iron Blitz - lots of cool sound effects, but no cool military march songs  :-(

    Although I got the files for the old Iron Blitz/Axis and Allies songs on a computer and used to play them while playing on the board….  :-)

  • '17 '16 '15

    Hi plasma

    Triplea is down due to sourceforge being down right now. Here is the latest triplea:

    I had to cut out the non wwII games and the older triplea versions to get it to upload. It takes a while to dl, about 45 min. I’ll post this on the triplea thread too.

  • Guarantee its been asked before…

    Italy attacks Russia.  Italy holds territory.  Germany moves in, without declaration of war.

    Russia then attacks the two territories Italy took (one had a IT tank and lots of Germans) and only 1 German in the other territory with no Italian units.  Russia did not declare war against Germany.  Can Russia take those territories, only attacking the IT’s?  Now Russia and Germany shares two Russian territories?


  • '12


    Guarantee its been asked before…

    Italy attacks Russia.  Italy holds territory.  Germany moves in, without declaration of war.

    Russia then attacks the two territories Italy took (one had a IT tank and lots of Germans) and only 1 German in the other territory with no Italian units.  Russia did not declare war against Germany.  Can Russia take those territories, only attacking the IT’s?  Now Russia and Germany shares two Russian territories?



  • More generally, to attack a land territory, you must be at war with every power with units in it. Of course, if you’re at war with Italy, you can just declare war on Germany, and there’s no reason not to.

  • Calvin is right that you must be at war with all powers who have units or control the territory that you are going to attack.  This is different than at sea where you can ignore units of powers with which you are not at war.

    There is at least one possible reason not to declare war on Germany with Russia as soon as you can.  The Germans may hesitate to attack Russia to get their 5 IPC NO for trade, and also worried about Russia getting their NO, and you may want to leave those on the table for Germany, in the interest of delaying the invasion.  I realize this is unusual, but saying there is no reason not to is not necessarily true 100% of the time….  :-)

  • Hi, there is a thread made by Gamerman1 about all Mongolian, far east and neutral, pre-axis or pre-allies rules. It is very clear and in details. but I can’t find it. Anyone know where it is?

  • Brought it to the top, here in the G40 section
    Great to know someone appreciates the work

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