Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • Hi, question about flying over neutrals, which came up in one of our games:
    GE wanted to attack an UK fleet in SZ 91, but could only land in Normandy or S-France if the German air could fly over Spain (can’t remember the reason for this residual range of 2). So GE attacked in the same round Spain with (one or more) Inf from S-France: GE argued that if GE attacks Spain in combat move Spain is no longer strict neutral (but enemy) and so the German air could fly over Spain and land in non-combat move.
    UK Player refused this move and argued with p 11 Europe rulebook: “Air units can’t fly over an unfriendly neutral unless they are attacking it” … Strict neutrals are treated in exactly the same way as unfriendly neutrals, …"
    Was this a legal move from Germany?

  • That is a legal move.
    Aircraft can attack Spain (or any neutral), but not fly over Spain in the combat movement phase (assuming Spain or whatever neutral was neutral at the start of this turn).

    The first you can fly over a neutral is in the non-combat movement phase of the turn you attacked that neutral - that is, while Germany cannot fly over Spain during the combat move of this turn (other than to attack it), Germany CAN fly over Spain during the noncombat phase of this turn, because Spain is no longer neutral after Germany attacks Spain in that combat move with other units.

    I have a question for you though.  If fighters are attacking Zone 91 and have 2 movement points remaining, where are they coming from that they can’t land back where they came from?

    I suppose they could be coming off a carrier and then you’re losing the carrier so need a place to land, but I have a feeling that’s not your situation.  Please let me know where the fighters are taking off from.

  • Thanks for the clarification.
    I’m sorry, this game was some months ago, so I can’t remember the exact combat move. I believe the German air consists of a bulk of strat-bombers coming from Germany with an airbase. Another possibility would be fighters and tacs from Holland with an airbase.
    There was no German carrier involved. (The UK fleet was too big to be successfully attacked by 4-6 fighters/tacs which should land on new build carriers.)
    I am sure that the German air had only 2 movement points left after SZ 91. Flying over Spain in non-combat after the attack was the only possibility.
    The UK player thought that he was safe from the German air because of his misinterpretation of the rules. (There was no more Italian transport on the board which could have opened a landing space.)

  • Understood - thanks!

  • I just finished a battle.

    1 Russian submarine, 1 Russian Cruiser


    1 German Submarine, 1 German Cruiser and 1 German Fighter. German side also had a transport.

    Now the Russian submarine was a real beast and hit twice in a row, killing the submarine and then the cruiser. The fighter fought back and killed the Cruiser. Thus leaving a Russian submarine, German Fighter and a transport. Now the fighter can’t kill the submarine and the submarine can’t target the fighter. So in order to end the battle I had to submerge the submarine. However shouldn’t the transport be dead as well? It was the only surface ship remaining after all.

  • @Soulblighter:

    I just finished a battle.

    1 Russian submarine, 1 Russian Cruiser


    1 German Submarine, 1 German Cruiser and 1 German Fighter. German side also had a transport.

    Now the Russian submarine was a real beast and hit twice in a row, killing the submarine and then the cruiser. The fighter fought back and killed the Cruiser. Thus leaving a Russian submarine, German Fighter and a transport. Now the fighter can’t kill the submarine and the submarine can’t target the fighter. So in order to end the battle I had to submerge the submarine. However shouldn’t the transport be dead as well? It was the only surface ship remaining after all.

    Yes trn is dead.

  • Who was the attacker?If Germany,I think the trn and fighter could retreat.

  • Apparently Russia was the attacker

    You don’t have to submerge your submarine as soon as the German warships are destroyed.  Indeed, there is no reason to submerge from the plane which can’t target you anyway.  The submarine sinks the transport with impunity.

    Note also that the submarine is not allowed to retreat (not to be confused with submerging - I mean retreating as in moving back to a different sea zone) after sinking the last German warship, because there are no enemy units with attack value that can target the sub.  So given that the Russian player chose the cruiser as a casualty, the only possible result is the transport is sunk and the sub remains in that sea zone - fighter returns from whence it came.

  • How do I go about finding an opponent to have a casual game of g40 with on the forum? (Via triplea)

  • '17


    How do I go about finding an opponent to have a casual game of g40 with on the forum? (Via triplea)
    This thread is sort of a general find opponent thread for all games (unfortunately it doesn’t seem very popular)
    This thread is for finding G40 league opponents (players vary in their level of “casualness” in the league, but you’ll find a forum game fastest this way). You don’t need to apply to join or anything, it’s an open system. A default league game requires a turn to be posted within 3 days, but you can make it a longer duration if your opponent agrees.
    Or you could start your own thread under Play Boardgames and make the title something like “Looking for a G40 Forum Game”

    If you can’t find anyone in three days, then I’ll play you if you’d like (I have a lot of open games right now, so I can’t guarantee any particular speed).

  • Yesterday in a game of Global 1940 2nd Edition (1942 scenario) the British strafed Iraq on UK1 to weaken it so the Russians would have an easier time of taking it on R2.  The question came up as to the political status of Iraq as far as could Italian aircraft now land in Iraq since it had been attacked.  The rules (below) seem to be unclear since at first they say that Iraq “immediately becomes part of the alliance opposing the power that attacked it” and then say that “the territory remains uncontrolled” and is treated like a friendly neutral.

    Our take was that if it is still “uncontrolled” then Italian aircraft cannot land there.  We also tested it on TripleA and TripleA would not allow us to land planes there so we agreed that for that one game we would rule they could not but since we know TripleA is not always correct we wanted an official answer for future games.

    Thank you in advance for answering our question.

    From the Global 1940 Second Edition Rules:
    _When a neutral territory is invaded, it is no longer considered neutral and immediately becomes part of the alliance opposing the power that attacked it.

    If the attack upon the formerly neutral territory is unsuccessful (the territory is not captured), any remaining defending units stay in the territory but cannot move. The territory remains uncontrolled (place a national control marker on it face down to indicate its new status), but units from the side it is now allied with can move into it and take control of it and its remaining units in the same way as if it were a friendly neutral._

  • The axis planes can land.  This is a triplea error.

  • Boldfresh is correct.

    Iraq is now on the Axis side and is therefore considered friendly to all Axis powers.  Any Axis units may move into or through it, but only land units may take control of it.  The rule says only that it can be taken control of in the same way as if it were a friendly neutral, not that it is a friendly neutral.

  • Thank you for your prompt response.

  • Andrew - If you haven’t already, you should look over the Triple A game notes where most of the rule book items that Triple A does not apply, are listed

    Help -> Game notes    (in Triple A)

  • Don’t want to say ‘I told you so’…

  • During round 2, Italy declares war on Russia and attacks Bessarabia. During round 3, Germany moves units into Italy controlled Bessarabia, but has not yet declared war on Russia (therefore collecting 5 IPCs for trade with Russia NO). So on turn 3, can the Soviet Union declare war on Germany and attack Bessarabia which has both Italian and German units on it?

  • YG: yes.
    Russia can DW on Germany,  once at war with Italy.
    Then it can Attack Bessarabia, which contains units from both sides.

  • @wittmann:

    YG: yes.
    Russia can DW on Germany,  once at war with Italy.
    Then it can Attack Bessarabia, which contains units from both sides.

    Thanks Wittmann!

  • Sponsor

    …and if Germany moves into Italy controlled Bessarabia, is that considered a DOW on the Soviet Union, or can the Germans collect their NO peace with Russia bonus at the end of their turn?

    …also, does the Soviet Union and United States enter the war when London is attacked, or when London in taken?

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