Looking for Southern Illinois players for any AA near belleville, IL or within an hour travel.
Are there any Axis and Allies player's from North West England in this forum ?
Hi Spirally. Nice to hear from you. I am in Hereford, but own a small restaurant so cannot meet at the weekends as i am working. You must play with the others and tell me how it goes.
Do you drink Yorkshire ale because you are from there? -
Go check out his restaurant, bring 41, and take pictures!
It is only small (30 covers) and nothing special. My dad’s was bigger, but we do ok. My wife cooks; I serve. It is the only life I have known since graduating in 91. I love it.
You successfully spotted a Yorkshireman!I’d say that you’re sounding modest - in biz since 91 is more than a lot of people.
And MANY More people would want a job they love!!!
S -
I am lucky. I know. My dad’s restaurant opened in 91 and when he closed, I opened a smaller one. My best friend at university was from Rotherham. I can assure you I learnt what a hangover was trying to keep up with him, Southern Nancy that I was!
Hi all,
I’m looking for players in the NW of England. I play 1941 right the way through to global 1940.
Let me know if you’re interested…
Morning Credulous.
There are 3 or 4 of us in England. One is in the East Mids. The others are in the South East. I am in Hereford, but cannot travel as my wife and I are self employed with a 4 year old.
Where are you? I went to Lancaster university in the late 80s and my English grandfather was born in Rochdale.
Good luck. -
Any players from The Wirral? Or Liverpool area?
Hi Tavenier.
I had no idea you were in England. -
No, I’m Dutch, but my wife is from the Wirral, so I am over there plenty of times. From Thursday I will be there for almost four weeks.
I see. I think I remember you saying that you were Dutch.
Enjoy your English holiday! -
Thanks, I will!
In answer to Wittmann’s question I am in Stockport, which whilst not ideal is less than an hour away from the Wirral outside rush-hour down the good old M56.
I’m just about to become a Dad myself which I’m sure will severely limit social activity, but 1 day every month or so to play hopefully will still be achievable.
At the moment I can get my real life friends and family to play A&A 1941 fairly regularly, but I’m struggling to get anyone to sign up to games on the bigger sets….
I would love to get a group together. I think as I am in the midlands, I might be best placed to host. Cannot do anything until Sept though.
I work Saturday evenings(restaurant) and would rather have a Sunday game.
Not sure if that would suit people with Monday-Friday jobs.
Keep looking here.
Will PM you my email Credulous and Tavenier.
Don’t think I can make a game in the 4 weeks you are here Tavenier. Maybe another time. -
Sounds great :-D
I look forward to your PM….
It’s a pity you can’t in the next couple of weeks. Been here a week now and am getting drawbacks… ;-)
I am in Bromorough, the Wirral, for another three weeks, so if anyone does have time, that would be great.
So, this thread is old and dormant but I am a UK player, split between London and Manchester. If anyone is interested in games or if anyone has managed to get a group going I’d be interested. I play AA42SE and G40 mostly.
Hi,just another foreigner in UK,Yorkshire-Hull……just let me know if you gonna do something,up for it. (Winter is coming)
Nice to read on dark hidden secrets where Peop’s are from that we see on this forum! I originally from Somerset but now live in Ontario Canada!
You are English? Well now I know.
Hope you are happy in Canada. I love England and am too conservative (and frightened) to move away.