• I like you Gamerman. You’ve got balls. I like balls!

  • For the record, my wife wrote that last.

  • @Gamerman01:



    Remove all the French from the game and replace them with British troops. Add a +5 NO for France for Germany and change the turn-order to: Germany, USSR, Japan, USA, China, Italy, UK, ANZAC. That would be fine as well.

    My french remaining troops have now and then saved the day thanks to them playing last.
    For example, I have diverted a Sealion once by manouvering french ships to SZ112 at the last moment, blocking Germany for an important turn).

    The seperate turn can be really useful if you use them well.

    But look at his proposed turn order.  UK goes between Italy and Germany, so your protest is moot

    Maybe a bad example (in which the Brits had no more ships left to block, was an OOB game i think, pre-scramble days), but France can still null certain italian actions.

    I can understand people not liking them, but i kinda do, same as with Anzac (which were more useful to me in the old playing order)

    Edit: didn’t look at that proposed order, but Italy before UK?! Really?

    Edit2: Isn’t UK (in the Med) dead meat if the Italian fleet and forces get the first initiative?

  • To remove all French pices from play was an alternative suggestion, but a changed turn order would likely need some setup tweek here and there. Elseway, if all French are replaced by british, you can’t let UK go before Italy. Italy would be a no Factor in the game, such as the just removed France. On the other hand, Germany would face a harder stand against the stonger UK and less money to spend on turn 2, so a longer fight against the USSR. This could offset the Major advances Italy would probably make.

    But my main suggestion is:
    -France is after the fall of Paris still able to collect income and may use the UK-London Industrial complex as if it was a minor, French, Industrial complex.
    NO for taking Paris for Germany (+5 IPC/Turn) and even an NO for Germany for taking London (much harder if French could build in London +5 IPC/Turn).

    With the French income (~9-13 turn 1, ~6-7 every turn thereafter), the allied player would a) be able to build a defense for the UK, b) British money wolud be freed up to produce something more useful, c) French units such as transports, Bomber, Crusier, destroyer, submarines etc. could get used, d) a little more action in the atlantic even without major intervention of the US possible.

    Last but not Least: The French pieces in the game are useless. France is almoust never able to build something, in the rare cases it can, it will build at best Infanterie, Artillery, Armor, Fighter. And its not a Major game change either.

    Why: Historically, almoust every european country, occipied by Germany, had an exile gouvernment in London and lots of volunteers fougth against Germany from their new homebase London/UK (people from Poland, Norway, France, Danmark, the Netherlands). I think it would be nice to reflect this by those small forces the French player could build.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What I like, for turn order, is the following:

    United States
    China (order is important rarely, but kill the issue NOW)
    United Kingdom (all one power)

    To solve the Italian issue with fleet deals:
    -1 Destroyer Italian
    -1 Transport Italian
    -1 Submarine Italian
    Move Alexandrian fleet to Suez Canal (east of Egypt, not north)
    Move the Gibraltan fleet to SZ 91
    Move the French fleet to SZ 87

    This ends the threat to the British fleet by an early Italy move, saves the Italian fleet so they are a threat to Africa, and does not suicide the French fleet for no real game purpose.  The fleets can still engage, the British/French can always move into the Med if they want (but Italy should get one round of the NO) and Italy being down a transport can stop it, but cannot take all of N. Africa (for instance) they’re moves are limited other ways.

    Also, this kills the whole issue with a dead nation having a turn of their own.  Just dump them on the Australian player as a semi-useless nation (they have units left, but no purchases/builds) so you are not holding up an entire game JUST so France can say “nah, I don’t want to do anything.”

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