––I DON’T speak for anyone but myself,….but judging from the posts it seems there are several asumptions that can be made here. It seems:
1.) We are very interested in buying most, if not all, of these new HBG sets.
2.) Although we may have favorites, we’ll be happy with whichever sets are produced first.
3.) We will continue to be loyal and completely satisfied customers of this Great company, HBG, and happily support it’s decisions.
––Of the six gamers that posted their favorites for the first five sets to be made it seems a some trends are apperaring. Obviously these results don’t include any BGG, phone order, or as yet unposted favorites. Here are the totals SO FAR;
Island Warfare…… 5 votes Favorite
Battle for the Atlantic…… 5 votes Favorite
D-Day…… 5 votes Favorite
Operation Sea Lion…… 2 votes
Africa at War…… 2 votes
Diplomacy…… 1 vote
France…… 2 votes
Berlin…… 1 vote
Axis Secret Weapons…… 3 votes Favorite
Allied Secret Weapons…… 3 votes Favorite
China…… 1 vote
––Like i said before,….I will be happy with whatever order these sets are produced,…as long as they all are produced.
“Tall Paul”