HBG - Axis & Allies Parts/Accessories and Custom Piece Sets Store!

  • HBG Newsletter from Sept. 30 for those interested…


    Since I am not on Facebook, I only periodically check the HBG site there and there is a lot of cool stuff going on. Somehow I missed this newsletter in my email… I usually get them, so I don’t know what happened. Not sure if anyone else was in that boat, so here it is. New pics for GW 1936 look amazing.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Sadly a lot of the newsletters we send out end up in Spam.
    We are trying to do a better job getting the news out. We will be on AAA.org more also.

  • @coachofmany:

    Sadly a lot of the newsletters we send out end up in Spam.
    We are trying to do a better job getting the new out. We will be on AAA.org more also.

    I try to keep up on things, but I like a pleasant surprise every now and then. Past email Newsletters have gone to my inbox, so I usually see them. I will have to check and see if it got to spam this time.

    As for being on A&A.org more… I know it would help me a lot, since I am not on Facebook and get most of my product news here, but that is totally up to you guys. I don’t know what the better advertising route is. I spend the vast majority of my social media time here, so I get a little A&A-centric thinking that most of your customers are A&A.org members. Either way, keep up the good work and I always look forward to hearing about the latest toys from HBG.

  • LHoffman,
    Whenever I check my e-mail, I always take a look at what is in my SPAM folder just to make sure nothing that should have went to my Inbox went to Spam instead. Most of the time it’s all fine but occasionally something slips through.
    Also, I understand why you might have an aversion to getting on Facebook, but you might reconsider. HBG has some pretty cool pics of stuff they are developing there. Like pics of the first prototype sculpts for the new German set. I’m especially anxious for those.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Whenever I check my e-mail, I always take a look at what is in my SPAM folder just to make sure nothing that should have went to my Inbox went to Spam instead. Most of the time it’s all fine but occasionally something slips through.
    Also, I understand why you might have an aversion to getting on Facebook, but you might reconsider. HBG has some pretty cool pics of stuff they are developing there. Like pics of the first prototype sculpts for the new German set. I’m especially anxious for those.

    I check it once a month or so, but this time around I never got the email (EDIT: even in spam) which is what made me wonder if it even got sent out.

    As for Facebook… I have had it in the past, a couple times, but have determined it really isn’t worth my time. Fortunately, HBG’s facebook page is public, so even if you do not have an account you can still view it. I just do not check it every day.

  • @LHoffman:


    Whenever I check my e-mail, I always take a look at what is in my SPAM folder just to make sure nothing that should have went to my Inbox went to Spam instead. Most of the time it’s all fine but occasionally something slips through.
    Also, I understand why you might have an aversion to getting on Facebook, but you might reconsider. HBG has some pretty cool pics of stuff they are developing there. Like pics of the first prototype sculpts for the new German set. I’m especially anxious for those.

    I check it once a month or so, but this time around I never got the email which is what made me wonder if it even got sent out.

    As for Facebook… I have had it in the past, a couple times, but have determined it really isn’t worth my time. Fortunately, HBG’s facebook page is public, so even if you do not have an account you can still view it. I just do not check it every day.

    I don’t have facebook either, but like you said, because it is public, I’m able to view it, but I also get the news letter as well, which is great. :-)

  • Any news on the US sets?

  • @bfalbo04:

    Any news on the US sets?

    The latest news about the new US set (HBG_WW2_USSet22 HBG “Battle Pieces” - WW2 United States Expansion Set) is in this thread:


    Several people (myself included) received emails this week indicated that their sets have just been shipped.

  • Good news Marc.
    I believe the European branch is non longer working, so I did not preorder from Germany this time. Enjoy them, when they arrive.

  • Yes I received an email with a tracking number yesterday too. Checked, they are arriving Thursday , can’t wait been waiting a long time, props to HBGcrew for another succeful set.

  • I got my shipping notice too.  Really looking forward to getting them.

    Also have my pre-order for Germany 3. I know we’ve got till April on those, but I’m excited for them anyway.

  • @wittmann:

    Good news Marc.
    I believe the European branch is non longer working, so I did not preorder from Germany this time. Enjoy them, when they arrive.

    I did ordr from Germany and got no indication they would not deliver for whatever reason??? Have regular e-mail contact with the person in charge.

  • I’m really wondering about something here…  Doesn’t anyone want the see French set the most out of all the other things available at HBG?  The French set has a way broader range of application than any other set, because it will replace blue Russians and isn’t tied to any particular subset of game or rules, just A&A type games overall.

    If I were HBG, I would be prioritizing this set above anything else at this point, since Global 1936 and Amerika have shipped.  I would have bought 2 of these sets a long time ago if I could have; and told all of the other ppl I know personally who own even G40 about it.  Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing, especially when good quality is part of the equation like at HBG.  This set has so much money earning potential it isn’t funny.

    Does anyone else agree?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’m really wondering about something here…  Doesn’t anyone want the see French set the most out of all the other things available at HBG?  The French set has a way broader range of application than any other set, because it will replace blue Russians and isn’t tied to any particular subset of game or rules, just A&A type games overall.

    If I were HBG, I would be prioritizing this set above anything else at this point, since Global 1936 and Amerika have shipped.  I would have bought 2 of these sets a long time ago if I could have; and told all of the other ppl I know personally who own even G40 about it.  Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing, especially when good quality is part of the equation like at HBG.  This set has so much money earning potential it isn’t funny.

    Does anyone else agree?

    Not in the slightest.

    French set is dead last on my priority list. It may be the one set where there are completely new and unique pieces, but you won’t even see them for a full turn before they are basically never seen again. Beyond their extremely limited utility, I have always found French units to be both boring and ugly. Being someone who paints, I have very little excitement to get these pieces in my hands and work with them.

    The only French units I am even slightly interested are the ships. I do look forward to getting those because they are both nice looking and potentially useful for some amount of time in gameplay. I suppose if you are playing GW36/39 or other unnamed games that unique French pieces could be more useful. However, even if I had GW36 to play, I would still prefer getting other, non-French sets done first.

    I would much prefer a Tiger II to a Char 2c. A Fw 200 over an Amiot 354. A Montana over a Dunkerque. An Shokaku and Yorktown over a Bearn… etc.

    I recognize that the French set is inevitable at some point. And that is fine; it should be made. But I would rather see every other major nation get 2 different sets (at least) before I see the French get their first. Just my opinion.

    I would rather see HBG redesign and reproduce the existing Russian sets and first US Supplemental set with their new methods before seeing a completely new French set. Both of those sets were early in HBG’s process and not all the pieces measure up to the quality (and sizing convention) that is now standard in HBG pieces.

  • I understand LHoffman’s point about the utility of an HBG French set in OOB applications, but like Ben D I too have wanted for a long time to see HBG finally produce their French set, a set that’s actually been in the works for much longer than some of their other products.  To me, the problem isn’t so much where the French set falls in terms of priority relative to HBG’s other battle piece sets; the basic problem is that HBG’s rate of production of new sets fell off dramatically after the company’s initial burst of activity which, as I recall, operated at the rate of several new sets per year.  The slow-down occured, if I remember correctly, around the time when HBG switched to computer-desighed sculpts and/or started working on the Amerika project.  It was also around this time, I think, when HBG started greatly increasing the number of projected battle piece sets.  HBG has explained this increase in planned sets by saying that, since the actual production of the sculpts by the factory is the bottleneck of their operation and is something over which they have no control, HBG might as well use productively the waiting-for-the-factory time by designing new sets.  I can see their point, but the counter-argument I’d make from the point of view of an enthusiastic purchaser of their products (whose quality I admire greatly) is that increasing the number of projected sets stuck behind the bottleneck is very frustrating to the people who want to buy them because this simply results in a longer and longer traffic jam.  And this traffic jam has the additional regretable effect of creating tension between the customers who’d like to see Set X produced ahead of Set Y, and who vote accordingly on HBG’s website.  The order in which new sets are produced wouldn’t matter very much if they were being manufactured at the former rate of several per year, but it’s started to matter very much since that rate has dropped.  Which is regretable.  I’ve stopped looking at HBG’s projected set pages because I have no way of knowing in realistic terms when (if ever) those sets will actually become available, so I’d rather save myself the disappointment and frustration of (to use an analogy I’ve previously used) looking through the storefront window of a shop that displays highly desirable merchandise but whose front door doesn’t indicate when the shop will be open to actually sell these wonderful products.  (As a case in point: I pre-ordered the fantastic-looking Amerika game in March 2014; we’re now almost two years later and I still haven’t received it.)

  • Well said Marc. I respect HBG for their great customer service, dedication to accuracy and high quality products. And I realize that as a company they are still quite new and figuring out their market. However, perhaps these time-delay issues should prompt a re-thinking of how to better or more speedily get products from design to shipment. Having significant, customer backed products in the pipeline for years before the customer touches said product is not sustainable. Seeing so many updates on many different projects also fosters an image of working on too much at once and not focusing enough on the promised products.

    I have no personal knowledge or experience of what HBG deals with on a business level and what is/is not in their control, so forgive me if I am speaking entirely out of turn. But the companies that survive and thrive do end up solving these issues.

    That said, I am very pleased to see my US Sets have shipped and are on their way. Good to see some new units.

  • Hi all,

    Got my U.S. sets yesterday. I am from Quebec city, Qc, Canada. Really like the Long Tom and the Greyhound. Cheers

    J. 8-)

  • @Ben_D:

    I’m really wondering about something here…  Doesn’t anyone want the see French set the most out of all the other things available at HBG?  The French set has a way broader range of application than any other set, because it will replace blue Russians and isn’t tied to any particular subset of game or rules, just A&A type games overall.

    If I were HBG, I would be prioritizing this set above anything else at this point, since Global 1936 and Amerika have shipped.  I would have bought 2 of these sets a long time ago if I could have; and told all of the other ppl I know personally who own even G40 about it.  Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing, especially when good quality is part of the equation like at HBG.  This set has so much money earning potential it isn’t funny.

    Does anyone else agree?

    I fully agree. Though it is true that in A&A global 1940 they wouldn’t remain on the board long, I just hate having to use T34’s and YAKs for the French. American equipment (Shermans etc.) would have been a better choice as at least later during the war these were actually used by the French…Moreover, I would also like to use the pieces for e.g. memoir '44 for early West front battles. Currently memoir only provides grey (!!) French infantry, but no tanks or artillery. I’d love to use the projected HBG set for that!

  • @radar231:

    Hi all,

    Got my U.S. sets yesterday. I am from Quebec city, Qc, Canada. Really like the Long Tom and the Greyhound. Cheers

    J. 8-)

    Glad you like them, it is a nice set.

  • Here is a couple of pics.  One full set in each color.  Close-up of the Infantry piece.

    US Exp 1 set-A.jpg
    US Infantry-A.jpg

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