Do any of you have board game traditions centered around Thanksgiving?
Used to play A&A. Now we mainly do Euchre.
You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig. Blondie
'Cause a man who don’t spend time with his family can never be a real man. Don Corleone
Mr. Anderson… Agent Smith
“Congradulations Sergeant, you’re now a Lieutenant.” ~ When Trumpets Fade
I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
-Shooter McGavin
I eat pieces of ���� like you for breakfast.
-Shooter McGavin
You eat pieces of sh#t for breakfast?
Pontius Pilate:Quid est Veritas?
The Passion of the Christ
Just for IL…it’s not a movie quote, but it will do…
Education is power. Joy is vulnerability.
“Comanding a starship is your first, best destiny”
“The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one”
“From Hell’s Heart I stab a thee”
This would have to trump them all.
Get off MY LAWN !!!
“Our Enemies, walk among us… and who is this enemy?”
*Big fat dude gets up yelling — * “Da Jew!”
Hitler - Rise of Evil
Bring up those Bangolors!
“Only two kinds of people are gonna stay on this beach: those that are already dead and those that are gonna die. Now get off your butts! You guys are the Fighting 29th!”
“outta the way peck” Willow
“Your touch is worth ten Thousand deaths …”
So today’s lesson is, you kill each other off till there’s only one left. Nothing’s against the rules.
Training Video Girl: We have randomly selected weapons to put in your kits, so you might get lucky, and you might not.
[Picks up axe]
Training Video Girl: This one is SUPER lucky.
What’s wrong with killing? Everyone’s got their reasons.
Shouldn’t you be worried about your life, instead of that useless micropenis of yours?
That was a great line in a great movie,…but it wasn’t George C. Scott who said it.
“Tall Paul”
That was a great line in a great movie,…but it wasn’t George C. Scott who said it.
“Tall Paul”
Correct, it was Robert Mitchum.
No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.
Doc: William H. Bonney, you. Are not. A god.
The Kid: why don’t you pull the trigger and find out?
Raoul Duke: One of the things you learn from years of dealing with drug people, is that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug. Especially when it’s waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye.