• Customizer

    I suspect you are right variable.

  • '10

    Thanks, D!

    Russia does look pretty soft–I’m thinking they can’t stop an all-out German offensive.  Germany is pretty big, though;  I’m kinda thinkin’ they can roll up the Russians with less than half their air force.

    Looks like the Russian buy is pretty simple;  gotta go two infantry, right?  Taking Manchuria with 3 inf, 1 armor seems tempting, but I don’t think they can afford it;  the nine ipcs of infantry almost HAVE to head back to Moscow.  Leaving one might be an option, but I think I would pull them all back to Urals.  Ukraine is about a fifty-fifty if you throw everything that can reach at it, but if you get diced there it’s game over right out of the gate.  I think I would probably throw the Moscow and Arkangel infantry at West Russia, with the fighter for backup.  Three Karelians marching on Norway might be a viable gamble…they’re pretty much dead mean anyhow, and if you roll well and win, you’re one further away from the Germans.  Probably end the first turn with four guys in Western Russia.  First inclination is to build the two guys in Caucasus, to stack with the starting three.  With three Far-easterners in Urals, that’s a fair number of ground troops.  Dunno about the dollar pieces.  Could stack them all in Caucusus, but it could still get rolled (I assume the Dardanelles are open?) by four German infantry, four tanks, a bomber, and a pair of fighters.  Not sure I like leaving all the eggs in one tempting basket.  Maybe leave the one tank, keep the other in Moscow with the fighter.  Saved one dollar, collect eight, can buy three infantry next round.

  • '10

    What the bloody…?

  • I suspect there is a rule like Brazil/Szechuan count as zero until the US is at war, behind the 15-17 thing, as they were unaffiliated before hand

  • @eudemonist:

    What the bloody…?

    the � are caused by the extraneous “space” after a period. If you limit your typing to a single “space” after period, you won’t see it. The double space is a remnant of monospaced typography, which more or less no longer exists. Current (digital) type faces are proportional, and designed so that a single space is readable and legible after a full stop, so the extra space is unnecessary.

    As for why the double space has suddenly caused problems on the forum, I cannot say. But as the fonts are designed now that a double space is nonstandard, and current language & writing standards dictate a single, it seems that programs are starting to glitch when two spaces are used.

  • '10

    Dang fonts need to get off of my monospace lawn.

  • I am sorry this comment is off-topic, but this is a serious issue and I must interject.  A period followed by two spaces indicates the proper conclusion of a sentence; a period with only one space indicates that the period is to be used for a purpose other than ending the sentence.  Although it is common to use single spaces after sentence-ending periods in text messages and other informal contexts, it is not correct punctuation.

  • '10

    While I’m absolutely on your side, Vance, I’m not sure I can think of when I would use a period followed by a single space to denote anything but the end of a sentence. I am curious, however, about the treatment of semicolons;  does the computer only hate the doublespace after periods? I wish computer programs conformed to existing language rules, rather than forcing their modifaction, personally.

    So, on to rambling…what to do with Germany? Figure Karelia has three infantry (skipping the Norway infantry poke for now), West Russia has 4-5.  Caucasus probably has five guys and maybe some armor. All four German tanks can steer to Caucasus, a factory next to the capital.  Three infantry can walk in, and, if we forgo Africa for now, we can maybe float two more in on boat. If they put more than one tank there, we can bring a fighter or bomber to supplement.  That puts a pretty sizable force there, even if we spare a tank to hit Karelia with our seven other guys from Eastern and Norway. Fuck, I think I’ve been double-spacing. Sorry.  Anyhow, throw one fighter at the ground, wherever needed, and you’ve still got three more, plus a bomber, to use at sea. Battleship & sub vs. B-ship, sub, and two fighters. Destroyer, sub, fighter, bomber, versus carrier and fighter. Take the shot at a two-fer off of Canuckistan with the lone sub. Non-combat three guys from Germany to the east. I think things will look pretty awful for Russia after G1.

    If I were trying to win quick, bomber is the obvious buy, as it can strike Moscow round two. If I were after a slow win, probably infantry. Tanks are the German standby, though, it seems.

  • @eudemonist:

    . I think things will look pretty awful for Russia after G1.

    What I’m about to consider assumes Soviets play first than Germany and a Autumn 1941 setup - Barbarossa in progress, Soviets play first before Germans start Operation Typhoon - conquest of Moscow.


    • Buy 2 INF
    • Attack West Russia with 4 INF + FTR
    • Non-Combat 1 INF to Karelia. All other units go to Russia.
    • Place 1 INF on Caucasus, 1 INF on Russia

    That leaves 11 INF, 2 ARM, 1 FTR to defend against a German attack of 3 INF, 4 ARM, 3 FTRs and 1 BMR on Moscow, or 80% odds for the Soviets.

    The risk is that G will try to stack Caucasus on G1 (but will have to abandon Africa). The alternative would be to kill the Ukraine stack but that would cost a lot of Soviet units and German would counterattack.

  • TripleA


    • Non-Combat 1 INF to Karelia. All other units go to Russia.

    i think ussr needs to abandon karelia
    i like the rest of your R1

  • Does G1 Sub hit the carrier or the defenceless US transport? I too like your opening move.

  • '10

    Yeah, I don’t think the Ukraine attack is a good one for Russia. Gotta commit everything, and it’s still only slightly better than 50/50.

    I agree Karelia is probably a write-off.

  • @eudemonist:

    Yeah, I don’t think the Ukraine attack is a good one for Russia. Gotta commit everything, and it’s still only slightly better than 50/50.

    I agree Karelia is probably a write-off.

    The reason why I’d leave 1 INF on Karelia would be to draw away German infantry from Norway or E. Europe.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    In the first game, I played Russia attacked W. Russia with more units than described and was captured by G2.

    In the second game I played, Russia didn’t attack W. Russia and just moved everything they could into Russia. With that, they lasted until G5, somehow.

    Russia is basically screwed. This game needs a bid of about 2-5 IPCs. With 2, Russia gets an extra infantry at the end of the round. With 5 Russia gets on infantry now and one at the end of the round.

    A bid of 6 would give 2 infantry at the beginning of the round for Russi but that might be too much for Germany to overcome.

  • @djensen:

    Russia is basically screwed. This game needs a bid of about 2-5 IPCs. With 2, Russia gets an extra infantry at the end of the round. With 5 Russia gets on infantry now and one at the end of the round.

    A bid of 6 would give 2 infantry at the beginning of the round for Russi but that might be too much for Germany to overcome.

    You’ve played 2 games of it and you’re already saying that Russia needs a bid?…

  • I thought Russia must have attacked to lose in 2 turns. And losing in 2 is not on, so some remedy is necessary. Do you think a defenceless transport is wrong too?

  • '10


    In the first game, I played Russia attacked W. Russia with more units than described and was captured by G2.

    Did Germany bring the two guys from Italy?  How much of the airforce?  And did you pull the Far East guys back?

  • already suggesting more than i should, but…
    switch troops from west-russia and ukraine?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Yeah, it’s rough.



    Russia is basically screwed. This game needs a bid of about 2-5 IPCs. With 2, Russia gets an extra infantry at the end of the round. With 5 Russia gets on infantry now and one at the end of the round.

    A bid of 6 would give 2 infantry at the beginning of the round for Russi but that might be too much for Germany to overcome.

    You’ve played 2 games of it and you’re already saying that Russia needs a bid?…

  • Why is unoccupied China divided north / south in A&A 1941 instead of east / west as in A&A 1942 (and Revised, MB, and Nova versions)? And then two infantry in one territory and none in the other? This setup makes China too easy to conqueror and provides the Japanese an easy backdoor to central Russia.

    A&A 1941 is marketed as a simpler, shorter playing game, but the China map and setup are just too ahistorical. I know, an A&A map and setup ahistorical, stop the presses.

    Just my humble opinion.

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