@RYNO87 Sea units can never attack territories containing whatever defending units.
In other editions battleships and cruisers under special conditions can support amphibious assaults by shore bombardment, but not in this game.
DJ have you played a 4th game yet? Should we expect a review of gameplay this weekend?
About the same.
Okay, thanks. It would still be nice to see some pictures if you can get around to it though.
I have a 1-700 Royal Navy Ark Royal, The new AA resembles it fairly close. The main thing I see for it to truly rep the Ark Royal is it should be a little bit taller. It looks fairly flat to me. As for it looking like an Essex or any other USN Aircraft carrier not even a faint resembelance to the Essex class carriers. It would need a bigger island and more catwalks and 5 inch DPs on the flight deck and be a bit longer.