@simon33 scramble to 110?
2012 - AA50-41 - Find League Opponents Here
Okay, I can see where BattleMap could be good for planning by just pushing pieces around.
Anybody up for a TripleA game? We would have to come pretty close to finishing by July 3. After that I may or may not have time to post daily or at all until July 17.
I love being able to play through this site. Battlemap helped get me involved. It is all I can “play” at work….stinking firewalls! :x
That being said, I have officially been converted to TripleA. It does allow for easier movements as well as tracking movements.
I am always up for TripleA games…league or not. Just send me a message
My one active game is nearing a conclusion and I start to have some time to play - I am wondering if anyone is interested in a ABattleMap game in this year’s league?
Is there anyone looking for a BattleMap game AA50 - '41 at least 1 move per day, and maybe up to a round or two per day.
Hey LuckyLindy, if you are interested in a TripleA game/match I’ll be more than happy to play you! That goes for others out there as well. :)
hm i think ill give this a shoot again.
Im up for leauge games AA50-41. PM or reply here and we get it sorted.
i just wanna add i think i can manage a game vs a second opponent if we uses tripplea (saves so much time), so if u wanna hurt me pm me =)
I’m looking for 2-3 more.
I’d be willing to go with a no aircraft bid if someone’s interested.
Also I play both AABM and AAA
I’d like to play you, SouL
I can take one game too Soul. One just finished, and I believe I should soon resign my tripleA tournament game…
My play can be sometimes slow.
I can go for a non planes bid or not, as you prefer.
Yoshi and Gamer? Yeah I am too far over .500 for this season I’ll take you both on!
We like to win… :-)
Coin flip to start bidding with SouL
I’ll take #1Rolling 1d2:
(1) -
i need another one as well
Yoshi and Gamer? Yeah I am too far over .500 for this season I’ll take you both on!
souL, you are not too proud to put your sterling league record on the line against a couple of the best - kudos to you!
looking for a new game of 41……bid for the allies of course. let me know if you are interested.
looking for a new game of 41……bid for the allies of course. let me know if you are interested.
I just ended 4 games, so I’m also looking for one. Still looking ?