Don’t get me wrong : I totally appreciate tripleA and strongly support it. This is a great project.
And as for the Windows part, I never used Windows in all my life, except on computer that were not mine ;) I’m using linux on all my computers, and strongly support free software. Wine is very good to run simple windows program ;)
I did not say (or at least did not mean to say) that tripleA was not serious, but that I had difficulties to play as seriously with it than with ABattlemap. The main point is the possibility to work on future moves that is really easy with ABattlemap (just move the pieces, as on a board). It is obviously very basic, thus archaic !
But there are several rule points that are not stricly respected with tripleA, and that does not help to make it “serious”, specially when I had developpers telling me that they did not care about that. They are minor points of course, but when a game is very tough, minor points can make a difference ; and if you cannot use them because of the software, or if some move are made while illegal because of a software (which implies the opponent that will tell you “but tripleA says it’s ok, so it is”), that can change things. Obviously, I’m speaking of details here, thus I guess I should repeat that I’m not against tripleA, far away from that. I actually use it a lot to try things quickly, to discover new games etc.
Just for the record, some points I noticed : incorrect AA50 map (one sea zone connexion) ; sub problems ; fighters + AC problems ; US / China order that is fixed (rule says you can choose) ; transport rules. Obviously, as someone who teaches programming and that creates algorithm in his research, I know that some point could generate other issues if changed, and that the work done there is just amazing. But still, for a very close game, that can change things.
On an other hand, I noted several great points that has been improved lately, the edit function on first hand (and that was a big relief to see this change).
I agree with you on all the other points !