11L 41' JWW (axis) v LuckyLindy (allies) +10 NO, -tech, 14VC

  • JWW, looks like your typing is a little off on your fighters, but I will assume your map has them in the right locations.

    I think you just meant NWE instead of FRA

    bul 2 fgt > ger
    fra 2 fgt > fra
    fra 2 fgt > ger

  • sorry dude, yeah making moves during work, no excuse……hey can I change a ncm: bmb > ita not FIC?

    revised map, let me know.


  • Yeah that’s fine on the bomber move.  Getting ready to move now.

  • Be easy on me huh

  • Soviet turn 7

    37 IPC

    11 infantry

    save 1 IPC

    Combat Moves
    POL (infantry) v 2 infantry, fighter (BST)
    EPL (2 infantry) v infantry, artillery (BST)
    EUK (tank) v 3 infantry (RUS)
    TRJ (tank) v 4 infantry, artillery (PER)
    EVE (2 infantry, tank) v 3 infantry (NOV), tank (RUS)


  • There are no saved IPC, that was a typing error.

    A - 4 infantry, artillery
    DiceRolls: 3@1 2@2; Total Hits: 33@1: (1, 1, 4)2@2: (6, 1)
    D - tank
    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)

  • TRJ taken with 3 infantry, artillery

    A - 3 infantry
    DiceRolls: 3@1; Total Hits: 13@1: (1, 3, 5)
    D - tank
    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)

  • EUK taken with 2 infantry

    EPL - my typing was again wrong, there is only 1 defending infantry in EPL
    A - infantry, artillery
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 1)
    D - infantry
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)

  • EPL taken with infantry, artillery

    A - 2 infantry, fighter
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 22@1: (6, 1)1@3: (3)
    D - infantry
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)

  • POL taken with infantry, fighter

    A - 3 infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 3@1 1@3; Total Hits: 03@1: (3, 2, 3)1@3: (4)
    D - 2 infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 2)1@3: (4)

  • EVE round 2
    A - 2 infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (4, 2)1@3: (1)
    D - 2 infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 6)1@3: (6)

  • EVE round 3
    A - 2 infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 02@1: (6, 3)1@3: (5)
    D - infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 21@2: (2)1@3: (1)

  • EVE round 4
    A - tank
    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)
    D - infantry, tank
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)1@3: (4)

  • EVE round 5+ first to hit
    A - tank
    DiceRolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 25@3: (6, 4, 4, 3, 1)
    D - tank
    DiceRolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 15@3: (6, 1, 5, 6, 6)

  • EVE holds with tank

    Noncombat Moves
    infantry from RUS to URA
    infantry from RUS to NOV
    6 infantry from KAZ to PER
    3 infantry from CAU to PER
    fighter from POL to RUS
    8 tanks from BST to RUS
    infantry, artillery from KAR to BST
    infantry from PER to TRJ

    5 infantry, artillery in RUS
    2 infantry in KAR
    4 infantry in CAU

    26 + 15 NO = 41


  • I am noticing that some of these battles which I am supposed to win but end up losing are having big rippling effects.  Not taking EPL led to you getting a German NO this turn, and will probably give you 2 German NO next turn.

    Losing the battle in EGY (2 tanks against 2 infantry) led to not getting the British NO, allowing the Italians to get their NO, and forcing the Russians to commit troops to TRJ which they do not wish to do.

    Interesting that such small battles can have these large consequences.  Guess they are not really small battles after all - probably need to go into them with better than 90% odds.

  • @LuckyLindy:

    I am noticing that some of these battles which I am supposed to win but end up losing are having big rippling effects.  Not taking EPL led to you getting a German NO this turn, and will probably give you 2 German NO next turn. Losing the battle in EGY (2 tanks against 2 infantry) led to not getting the British NO, allowing the Italians to get their NO, and forcing the Russians to commit troops to TRJ which they do not wish to do. Interesting that such small battles can have these large consequences.  Guess they are not really small battles after all - probably need to go into them with better than 90% odds.

    I am amazed that you regularly go into each battle super lite. You seem to be hitting with many 1’s and I am surprised that more of your attacks don’t “go south”, perhaps my math is bad, but inf & art v inf or even 2inf & fgt v inf aren’t sure bets, certainly two arm v two inf isn’t a sure thing!! Perhaps I have played these games for too long but you seem to be testing fate or the dice gods. I understand the value of saving material but IMHO you seem to really be going into most battles, again, overly lite. Obviously, I don’t have “the stones” to test the dice gods as you do. Been burnt too many times I guess.

    IMO your style seems to have HIGH risk, and low reward value. You might save material but you could lose MANY battles and thus forfeit NO’s, territory or territory that has strategic significance. Or you might just kick my old arse??? After that R BUL debacle (your attack value of 10 vs my Defensive value of what… 15, where I lost everything and you lost two inf and got your 10 NO!! hit 3 one’s for your 7 inf on the first round , VERY irregular) a few turns ago I went on “TILT” as JPN immediately after and attacked aus which was not well thought out. Perhaps that is part of your overall plan to make me crazy!! LOL…it’s working!

  • trying to recover from jpn’s tilt last round!  :lol:

    J 7 purchase 2dd, ss, aa, 2fgt, 4inf spend 60 (save 2)

    Have some ground to make up……

    #1 aus (aa) v inf (phi) zz50 > z47 cwol
    #2 HAW (mt) v inf (phi) cwol
    #3 NOV (inf) v arm (eve) …this, for me is a bit desperation. perhaps I will get lucky
    #4 kaz (inf) v 3inf (chi)  …again desperation
    #5 PER (9inf, arm & fgt) v 5inf, art 2arm & 2 fgt…again desperation

    very scary turn for japan here…

  • nov 1st to hit wins….

    jpn armDiceRolls: 6@3; Total Hits: 46@3: (5, 1, 3, 3, 5, 1)v russia infDiceRolls: 6@2; Total Hits: 26@2: (2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 1)

  • jpn arm destroyed
    #4 kaz……
    1st to hit wins…if russian inf hits jpn #3 dies, then #2 etc…

    jpn #1DiceRolls: 6@1; Total Hits: 16@1: (3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 1)jpn #2DiceRolls: 6@1; Total Hits: 16@1: (2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 1)jon #3DiceRolls: 6@1; Total Hits: 26@1: (3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5)v russian infDiceRolls: 6@2; Total Hits: 46@2: (1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1)

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