Hey Guys,
I saw on Smorey Swamp that Commanders and Tactics WW2 Deck Building Game was played at Gencon. I have been trying to find the game on BGG with no luck. If anyone knows this game and can provide a link that would be awesome.
Thanks heaps
I would say Close Combat II, A bridge too far. One of the best WWII PC/video-games I have ever played.
I would say Close Combat II, A bridge too far. One of the best WWII PC/video-games I have ever played.
That was truly the best one, IMO. Another awesome thing about it - the disc held a Windows & Mac install, not common for games at anytime.
Panzer, Allied, and Pacific General
Panzer, Allied, and Pacific General
I also totally enjoyed playing them.
Big fan of Panzer and Allied General. Pacific General never made it to PS1. Really wish a new or updated version would hit modern consoles.
Strategy seems to have become a lost cause or means RTS. Shame.
I agree with you frimmel. A shame!
Actually I’d love to see A&A on the major consoles. Black Elk posted something like that on the forums a while ago. I bought an AA41 app for my phone but it kind of sucks, not all that fun.
For a realistic 3D tactical simulation, go over to Battlefront any try their Combat Mission series.
That would be sweet to see the Pac, Alli, Panz. Generals re-released
That would be sweet to see the Pac, Alli, Panz. Generals re-released
Try “Panzer Corps” at Matrix Games - inspired by the PG series, with some improvements.
The arcade game 1942! 8-)
I also had Steel Panthers about 15 years ago but can’t play it on newer, faster computers.
The offboard bombardment was awesome. Frustrating how squads would get “pinned” so often and not be able to do anything, though.
Cool scenarios including Japanese invasion of San Fran
Panzer General 3D.
And the Medal of Honor 1 + 2 games right as they came out.
Nothing else was quite like the Saving Private Ryan MOH experience Or the Call of Duty King Tiger Tank capture level lol Epic!
And lets not forget… WOLFENSTIEN!
Secret Weapons Over Normandy: Flight simulator
My personal favorite
Secret Weapons Over Normandy: Flight simulator
My personal favorite
That one was a good one, I think I still have it packed up somewhere. It got ridiculous when you could use the ME-262 and experimental planes. And then you find the codes for the X-Wing & Tie Fighter….well let’s just say there was no way in Hoth Hitler was going to win in that game.
I would like to high light someones post awhile go.
Heart of iron 3 with all its expansions is one of the most indepth strategy games one can find. Not only that but there are several mods to add to gameplay. Pick a nation anywhere at any date from 1936 to 1944 and fight through the entire war and change history!
Also a cold war game called east vs west takes place from 1946 to 1991. Looks very interesting and i will be buying.
It is an older game, but I really liked that first Medal of Honor game. When I first started the game and was on one of the landing boats heading for Omaha beach, I felt as real as is possible in a video game. Maybe it is just nostalgia for a game I played a long time ago, but I remember it as being awesome.
I have that one (got it years after it came out) and it is really great.
Frontline, right? (I was a latecomer to the MOH games)
I love MOH European assault…
Battlefield 1942 was a ton of fun. Played the hell out of that game.
Matrix Games just released a mega-version of World in Flames!
Looks incredible…95% carryover from the hex and counter versions.
Even has special hard bound manuals…
Anyone play the hex and counter version?