Thanks for all the good ideas reaper!
But I still want the box, I find it quick and most importantly fun to reveal the dice one at a time.
Midnight Reaper’s first proposed option, which basically involves cloning the box to produce a duplicate, actually has a long-term advantage: once you’ve obtained the scans and have worked out the details of producing a clone, you’ll be able to produce as many as you want from now into the future. From your posts, I get the impression that your OOB battle box is worn out because it gets heavy use; if you simply replace it with an OOB battle box purchased from someone who’s willing to part with their copy, the same wearing-out fate will ultimately befall it and you’ll once again have to try to purchase a replacement from somebody. If AAG was still in print, this wouldn’t be a problem…but since it’s out of print, there’s a ceiling on how many original battle boxes exist in the first place. Producing your own version and creating a new copy as required would solve the problem permanently. And in fact, you could take the concept further and produce a sturdy one (made of thin balsa wood rather than cardboard, with some felt added to reduce the rattling sound) which would last indefinitely.