• No.
    Page 9 of Pacific manual defines Chinese territories as those with the Nationalist Chinese nationality symbol on them (paragraph #2).  2nd to last paragraph says Chinese units can be mobilized on any “Chinese territory that is controlled by China”.  Kwangtung is a UK territory that China is allowed to move into.

  • According to the nonaggression pact between Germany and Russia, the USSR cannot attack any axis power before its fourth turn unless any axis power attacks it first.  It doesn’t say anything about Russia being prevented from attacking strict neutrals.

    Suppose Germany has not declared war on Russia and the nonaggression pact is still in force.  Russia is not part of the Allies and is neutral on the Europe map.  Neutral Russia attacks strict neutral Sweden and Turkey using 1 fighter apiece (tragically both fighters die).

    Are Sweden and Turkey still strict neutral or are they activated?

    If they are activated, do they belong to the Axis, the Allies or neither side?

    Does Germany need to take Sweden to get the iron NO after Russia has activated Sweden by unsuccessfully attacking it?

    Are other strict neutrals still strict neutral or do they become pro-something?

    Does anything happen differently to the strict neutrals etc if neutral Russia were to actually conquer Turkey versus what happens in an unsuccessful attack on it?

  • '17

    The USSR can’t attack Turkey without being at war on the Europe map.  I can’t find this spelled out explicitly except on page 12 where the header reads:

    “Phase 2: Combat Move (Powers at War Only)”

  • Whoa, Vance.
    You need to read page 15, “Powers that begin the game neutral”

    There it is clear that Russia cannot attack anyone nor can it take over pro-Allied neutrals anywhere on the Europe map until at war. “Movement: A power that is not at war can’t move land or air units into neutral territories.”

    Also, it’s not when ANY Axis power attacks Russia, it must be Italy or Germany declaring war to bring Russia into the war on the Europe map.

    So there is no invading of any neutrals, Turkey, Sweden, or anything until round 4 if the European Axis don’t allow Russia into the war until then. :-)

  • Neutral powers cannot attack neutral territories.  They must first declare war on a player power.  Russia is simply not permitted to do what you’re proposing.

    That said, once a neutral is attacked (and especially if the standing army is not eliminated), it is no longer neutral and is treated as a FRIENDLY territory (again, not friendly neutral - just plain friendly).  They don’t belong to anyone, but the first friendly power that walks in during the noncom move picks them up.  However, that same friendly power is free to fly over (as they are not neutral).

    They basically behave identical to how the Dutch Territories treat the UK.

  • OK i see it now in the box on page 15.  Oh well it would have been fun!

  • @Gamerman01:

    Also, it’s not when ANY Axis power attacks Russia, it must be Italy or Germany declaring war to bring Russia into the war on the Europe map.

    OK so now I have another question.  Suppose it is round 2 and Russia is not at yet war on the Europe map.  Can Japan declare war on Russia, fly bombers from an airbase in Kwangsi over Caucasus to land them in Romania, and Russia still not be at war on the Europe side?

  • '12

    If Japan and Germany were both at war with UK, and Japan declared war on Russia (who is not at war with Germany/Italy), then I think it would be Legal.  The Russian neutrality-on-seperate-maps-rule restricts the Russian movements, not how other powers move in respect to Russia (I think)

  • '12

    Japan not being able to take/reach Moscow without G/I declaring war on Russia counts as a weird exception.  :-D

  • :-)
    That would be impossible anyway…  No way Japan can get to Moscow by J3
    It’s not that unusual for G/I to never declare war on Russia - if they let it go to round 4, Russia will normally declare war on them first!  Then if Japan takes over Moscow eventually, they would have done it with no G/I declaration  :-D


  • Official Q&A


    OK so now I have another question.  Suppose it is round 2 and Russia is not at yet war on the Europe map.  Can Japan declare war on Russia, fly bombers from an airbase in Kwangsi over Caucasus to land them in Romania, and Russia still not be at war on the Europe side?Â

    Yes, it’s legal.  The USSR is still under the restrictions of a neutral power on the Europe map, but Japan is not.  Japan and the USSR are at war, so Japan can fly over Soviet territories.

  • Whoops -
    errant post deleted

    Glad you’re so fast on the draw

  • '12



    OK so now I have another question.�  Suppose it is round 2 and Russia is not at yet war on the Europe map.�  Can Japan declare war on Russia, fly bombers from an airbase in Kwangsi over Caucasus to land them in Romania, and Russia still not be at war on the Europe side?�Â

    Yes, it’s legal.  The USSR is still under the restrictions of a neutral power on the Europe map, but Japan is not.  Japan and the USSR are at war, so Japan can fly over Soviet territories.

    Well worded, sir.  Thanks for your help.

  • Nice!  Thank you!  The med will never be the same with my new Japanese bomber base in Greece muahahahaa

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    So Japan can bomb the crap out of Russia from the west, and Russia won’t consider it an act of war by Germany for supporting the bombings.  Bizarre.  Rules are rules
    Not the first and not the last bit of craziness allowed by A&A  :-)

    I like how Italy or Germany (more likely the latter) can take all the Russian states bordering on Mongolia and Mongolia will no longer care if Japan runs tanks through the area.  Not going to have an impact in most games, but still a weird rule considering how Larry worded the Mongolian rule and all….

  • Ah - good one, Jenn
    Very true

  • '12

    If the axis have overrun Russia completely from the west, and reached the far east…yeah, Mongolia would want to keep a low profile.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If the axis have overrun Russia completely from the west, and reached the far east…yeah, Mongolia would want to keep a low profile.

    I think you are failing to think outside of the box.

    Early German landing in northern Russia with a blitz over to China.  Basically, it’s an end run across Russia.  Reinforce them with Japanese asap and you have a nice back door.

  • TripleA

    i think… the real life mongolian people would cower in fear if germany took russia over… i think that was what he was eluding to.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    i think… the real life mongolian people would cower in fear if germany took russia over… i think that was what he was eluding to.

    Yes, I got that.  He misunderstood my point, I was saying if Germany takes the Far East w/o taking Russia over, just blitzing and running like heck to get there and then allow Japan to walk through unopposed.

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