• What is out and what is on the way.
    We have released our armor and infantry sets for the German, British, Italian & American units.
    After GenCon we will be releasing Japan, Hungary, French & Russian units.

    Sorry I have not been here enough to have figured out how to post pictures.  :oops:

    But you can find my Table Tactics pics on facebook and at Boardgamegeek

    Product is up for sale at FairPlayGames.com

    No pre-orders required.  You don’t buy it until we can deliver and were delivering product now.

  • @Table:

    What is out and what is on the way.
    We have released our armor and infantry sets for the German, British, Italian & American units.
    After GenCon we will be releasing Japan, Hungary, French & Russian units.

    Sorry I have not been here enough to have figured out how to post pictures.  :oops:

    But you can find my Table Tactics pics on facebook and at Boardgamegeek

    Product is up for sale at FairPlayGames.com

    No pre-orders required.  You don’t buy it until we can deliver and were delivering product now.

    Hungary :D

  • Jack,

    Thanks for making great products in the past (and hopefully, future)

    two questions:

    1. Color matching - any particular reason you are not color matching your pieces to A&A? I know colors changed in the past, but the US color has stayed exactly the same since A&A Europe game out. They don’t match now - which is the reason I buy addt’l pieces, to supplement existing ones.

    2. Size - Your tanks are nice - but HUGE! Any reason for that? Some tanks are nearly double the German Panther tank in A&A, which was already oversize. See pic below:

    Any hope of scaling down in the future and color matching better?

  • I will order all of them, though its only to support the product. I can’t use but a few of the tanks because they are too large. Should have made them all in AA scale.

    The infantry i decided to convert them by cutting off the guns off the top and making them into fortification units. They look a little like a concrete gun encasement.

  • Yes Hungary  :-D  So it is 4 against 4  :roll:

    Scale:  The small tanks are the same size as the A&A tanks and the larger tanks are in scale to them.  I didn’t see any value in making a super tank like the Tiger the same size as a French Hotchkiss.  I expect when you hard core guys write rules a tank like the Tiger will be very expensive and powerful on the battle field.  And like in WWII you won’t see to many or have to make to much room for the few you put on the board.

    CUT THE GUNS OFF!  :cry: I’ll try not to think about that when if all goes well in my next set I will be making flame throwers, mortars & snipers.

    On the color it became a cost decision in the end.  50 pounds of color concentrate is $500 and I had over 100 pounds of defective product I was able to regrind and use for the new product.  So tossing out the old concentrate and buying new would have sent me wife into orbit.  Down the road I will have to buy more concentrate and then I can switch colors.

    Remember the old jap color (that kind of yellow).  I have a bunch of that around and could shoot one of the 8 current designs with that material.  Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

  • @Table:

    Scale:  The small tanks are the same size as the A&A tanks and the larger tanks are in scale to them.

    Unless I’m mistaken, the picture posted by Reloader shows both a Table Tactics Sherman (the large tank at the center of the picture) and an A&A Sherman (the light green one in the first row).  The TT Sherman looks substantially bigger than the A&A one, even though it’s the same tank, so I’m not sure what you mean by “in scale with”.

  • When I designed the new tanks I used the A&A Sherman as what I would make the smallest tank.  Tanks like the Stuart would be that size.  Then I scaled up the other tanks from that size so they would be in correct proportion to each other.
    You will have to decide how you want to write rules.
    Japan had small tanks but had no competition so they ruled until the Sherman arrived.  While the Sherman had to overwhelm the German with numbers. The challenge to you is how to write the rules.
    For some reason I see the sale of 12 & 16 sided dice going up.  :-)

  • @Table:

    When I designed the new tanks I used the A&A Sherman as what I would make the smallest tank.  Tanks like the Stuart would be that size.  Then I scaled up the other tanks from that size so they would be in correct proportion to each other.

    Thanks for the clarifications.  So in other words, the TT tanks are correctly proportioned relative to each other, but they are on a different scale compared with the A&A tanks, and the reason that the smaller TT tanks are the same size as the A&A tanks is that the smallest TT ones depict smaller types of tanks than the ones depicted by A&A.

  • Customizer

    Welcome tot he forum, Jack.  And thanks for posting your stuff here!

    I love what you have done, and REALLY hope you might do some naval stuff in the future.  Maybe modern ships and carriers?

  • I really like the tank models but i really would have Loved them if they were the same scale as A&A tanks. Hopefully int the future if you make naval and air units, you can scale them to A&A pieces

  • Hi TT, why didnt you make artillery ?

    Just 5 different rifles and 5 different tanks, and you want the customers to make the rules ?

    I loved your old products with rockets, mines, jets, jeeps, landing crafts, halftracks etc.

    But now I think you got lost.

    Honestly.  :cry: :cry: :cry:

  • @CWO:


    When I designed the new tanks I used the A&A Sherman as what I would make the smallest tank.  Tanks like the Stuart would be that size.  Then I scaled up the other tanks from that size so they would be in correct proportion to each other.

    Thanks for the clarifications.  So in other words, the TT tanks are correctly proportioned relative to each other, but they are on a different scale compared with the A&A tanks, and the reason that the smaller TT tanks are the same size as the A&A tanks is that the smallest TT ones depict smaller types of tanks than the ones depicted by A&A.

    YES  :-o

  • To make 5 similare tanks, just in different sizes, was big mistake.

    The correct move would have been to make halftrack, tank, heavy tank, tank destroyer and selfpropelled artillery.


  • @Razor:

    Hi TT, why didnt you make artillery ?

    Just 5 different rifles and 5 different tanks, and you want the customers to make the rules ?

    I loved your old products with rockets, mines, jets, jeeps, landing crafts, halftracks etc.

    But now I think you got lost.

    Honestly.  :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Look, A&A already has artillery.  Step 1 as I seen it was to expand on the infantry and Armor units options.  I have a second set designed once these are completed that will include trucks, mobile artillery, mobile AA guns…

    As for rules, I am meeting with some game designers next weekend at GenCon about putting together a complete product.  Our goal is to have a product with 200 pieces with a hard board, rules, player aids and boxed to sell for $60.

  • I just wish you had used Axis & Allies tank sizes as a base - I.E. make the Hotchkiss & Stuart a little smaller than the Sherman/T-34, make the rest of the tanks the same, and some heavy tanks the size of the new A&A Panther.

    Honestly I have no use for such huge tanks.

    EDIT: The sad thing is I LOVE your models - I just wish they were smaller.

  • Customizer

    Are you guys trying to chase Jack off the board?

    Success means he can give us more down the road, and probably to your liking.

    Lighten up.

  • Jim,

    You are right – my tone is probably a bit harsh.


    My sincere apologies – I will buy some sets of your pieces to support your endeavor, I just wish you had come to these forums and asked for feedback prior to making these pieces. They are gorgeous, and I hope in your second run you make them in line with A&A tank scale and in A&A colors.

    In the meantime, best of luck with your sales!

  • I’m not going anywhere.  I will check back every day.  My job if I want to sell product is to try my best to please everyone.  Well, I’ll try to get as many as I can.
    Now my email address is jwgeisler@aol.com
    I’m taking a picture of both the A&A Panther and my Panther right next to each other.  As I have not yet figured out how to insert an image here I will email anyone a pic.

  • Customizer


    Understood   :-)


    I’ll get some.  And are there plans for ships?  WWII and modern?

    And while you’re here - I REALLY want some pieces in Xeno colours!


  • The correct move would have been to make halftrack, tank, heavy tank, tank destroyer and selfpropelled artillery.

    I think so too except the last two are really the same thing.

    I see it as:

    early war tank ( light)
    midwar tank ( medium)
    late war tank ( heavy)


    I swear to god you don’t realize the potential you got… Just make the tanks smaller and in colors to match axis and allies and you will triple the sales. 100%

    If you do that and possibly sell the tanks separately from the infantry same price just more tanks…

    Then you will have the money to seed all your other ideas… Also not sure what is holding up the Russians and Japanese?

    Once you got the armor down, then rework the infantry and make actual toy soldiers… or if your idea is to make pieces that are not already axis and allies then make items like fortifications, rocket ( v2 sites, heavy bombers, airborne infantry ( not gun but soldier with gun) etc…

    Thats the niche you created over the years and you should be true to that if it got you to this point. Make the pieces that AA does not cover.

    Or perhaps just start a world war I line of pieces which have never been tried. :wink:

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