Tricked out my AA50th - pics in a bucket

  • Customizer

    If anyone wants to take a gander… I slapped some paint on some minis and did some other stuff.   Tried to upload some photos here but this site won’t take my photos, and I can’t seem to compress 'em without losing a lot of detail.

    Notes in regard to the minis:
    At first I had really high aspirations… wanted them realistic - to the point of correct camo patterns and division numbers and right insignias and, and and… whew.  Way too much work - including research. SO in the end I went for more a WWII comic book realism, painted with what I thought looked like a ****** unit. Yeah, I don’t think Panzers ever had the totenkopf on the front - but I think it looks cool, so I went with it. The elite infantry are identifiable other than the nation’s symbol under their stand… but it’s tough - and quite confusing to keep track of your enemy’s elites when the whole board is full of other very similar (and we play that you cannot handle an opponents minis) - oh, this is in reference rule of Elite Infantry, a house rule I posted. But eh… a lot of times we don’t use any optional or house rules - play it straight outta the box as Mars would have it, but the painted minis and fohole boxroller still add some flavour.  Also worked some added components for the A-bomb… but those will be posted last.

    Throw me some lines about the set-up if you want.

  • Customizer

    Thanks! Took quite a bit… How much? Like price? Whew… not sure.  This one is mine, but I plan on painting completed sets in the future of FMG’s pieces coming out - with that kinda detail I worry that they’ll start marshaling and destroy the other minis…  :-D 
    'Course I painted the treads! How else do they roll over stuff?  :-D eh eh eh - it makes easier to identify them when they’re sitting in the armory (compartment), and you can see 'em when they’re on the board, I like it.  I really tried to trick out the tanks especially, big fan of tanks.

    I was almost able to give every unit a unique sculpt (well, the Italian bombers/Leone and fighters/Fiat Centauro are actually mods) - but the damn Allied sub. So the UK I label as a scorcher.  Thought about using the Superpowers sub… but it’s just too bubbly for me. Though I did use the fighter from Attack! as the FLying TIgers - and they’re kinda cartoony, but it does resemble the P-40 Warhawk more than anything else I had. Ph - I’ll load a shot of it if you’re interested…

  • Customizer

    Threw some more tank shots in there… will upload some more when I have a chance…
    Glad ya like 'em matey, Arrg.

  • Customizer



    Threw some more tank shots in there… will upload some more when I have a chance…
    Glad ya like 'em matey, Arrg.

    Thanks, let me know here with a link when you upload them.

    Okay - they’re in one of those two albums, this my first go at using photobucket - pretty straight forward, I think all that I’ve posted so far is visible…


  • Official Q&A

    That is simply amazing.

  • '10

    well done, very impressed by everything

  • Ok I want these! I think I will attempt to paint my own. One question…Does AA50 come with Hellcats for the US fighter or did you use something else? I never have liked the P-38.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    2 thumbs up :-)

    How did you write those small numbers/letters?

  • Customizer

    Trackmagic - Hellcats… but I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to call mine Corsairs - which I painted them to resemble, when we’re talking that size of sculpt of two things somewhat similar, eh.  Sidenote: There are Corsairs and Tigers all over the box…

    Bjergmose - A lot of the numbers and letters are transfers from I-94 Enterprises, really helps in adding flavor to the paint jobs I think.  The detailing I couldn’t find transfers for I went in and did by hand (Some of the uniforms’ insignias, the paint jobs of the tank names, bomber girls on the bombers, Flying Tigers, the smaller wing symbols on the fighters etc.).  That being said… the smaller the transfer, the more unmanageable the decal is.  Most of the time the really tiny ones tear - and to keep trying is ridiculous, so I often just painted what tore off.  But if you’re looking for good decals - I-94, I’ve tried a lot of 'em… and all the old ones I ended up taking off and replacing them with I-94’s.  Sharp definitions, crisp colours.

    But here’s what I want some A&A enthusiasts to tell me the truth on…  I want some opinions on my mods - not the minis from other game systems that are used - although I think it would be interesting to find the piece and (“name that game” *including other editions of A&A)…  But the altered A&A minis… not sure about them - if they look ‘right’ or whether they just look like hobby accidents of glue and knife.  Do you see them as chop jobs or should I keep replacing…?

    I’ll throw some more pics up… I think I have more zooms here somewhere…

    Uploading a few more today…

  • Customizer


    well done, very impressed by everything

    Thanks! How about the abstract HQ or the dice in the foxhole? Had some other ideas but settled on those.  Long ago (1981mb), had a box roller that was a steel pattern like the inside of a sub or tank.  My first idea for an AA50th box roller lining was maps - battleplans from WWII. Thinking about making my '42 that way…  And I had a comrade of mine who had a box roller that was comprised of WWII propaganda which looked pretty cool (I do this for the AA50th as well on a different lid - gotta love those old posters  :-D).

    My old HQ’s used to be different… (but home computers couldn’t do the fancy stuff you can use to implement such things now), each nation’s box was eh eh eh…  good times.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Very Very Nice!!!
    One of the best I have seen!

  • '10

    I can’t believe it!  I keep coming back and staring at these pictures.


  • can you explain this folder and what the other item might be?  AA cell phone perhaps?

    also, can you put each nation on a separate picture with one of each unit so people can use your skills as a way to paint their own sets?

    TOO me you have made the best set i ever saw, i will sticky your thread if you can get us 6 nice large pictures of each nations pieces in pose.

    I wish you could paint a set and sell it but i know you took a lot of time. I envy your skills at painting.

    I wish panzerpainter did type of thing. perhaps he does.

  • Customizer

    Thanks Coach of Many! (how many do you coach? SOrry… always had the impulse to say that)
    BD - Yeah, I-94 has a rather antiquated site, but this in no way is a reflection of the quality(btw).  He does have pics - and scans, but you have to ‘fiddle’ around (I sent some photos of my minis to Dave as well, the main dude at I-94, tell 'em John M. sent ya)

    Speaking of decals - some funny stories to do with them… eh eh eh, I’ll reiterate if ya want hear 'em.

    I.L. - Really?  I’ve seen a lot of your own fine armies, and I think you’ve seen a lot of A&A minis so I’m quite “chuffed” with myself.  :-D  Side note: 2 fellas on BGG thanked me for your map links, said I’d convey the message and sent them the link to AAorg. as well.

    FMG - YOU guys!  You’re the ones teasing me with posts of superior minis!  Wait 'till I slap some paint on those… I’m going to make 'em talk. eheh  Glad you enjoyed the photobucket - was just recently looking over your posts of the Italian units… oh man, those are nice and I’m giddy at the thought of painting them.

    JohnnyMar - cheers!

    Wardog - much obliged… now you see why I asked you those questions in regard to the U.S. fighter being a Hellcat or Corsair… I think they pull off the Corsair look.

  • Customizer

    Oops - forgot to answer I.L.

    Yeah… it is an Axis and Allies mobile phone… a special line for when a sudden game starts in the area, the phone rings (the ringtone is the sound of battle) and you ask if there’s an opening. ehhehe - I like it!

    The folder?  Dude, that’s Top Secret, and I checked… was told that “the Imperious Leader has only the ‘Restricted’ level of clearance”… sorry man, need to know basis only. *chuckle

    I’ll include some shots that will explain the detonator and the folder  :wink:
    I do plan on taking some ‘portrait’ shots of each nation’s units… but wanted to start with more action.  I’ll get some others posted in the next few days - that way you’ll be able to see the different elements of individualized units (and I’ll do the 6 you suggested I.L.).  Was going to wait to post the A-Bomb as the last pics - but I’ll throw them in the bucket now 'cause I think they’re pretty cool.

  • Absolutely beautiful.  I would love to do this.  One comment, the big camo box has to go.  I think a nice COMBAT TURRET would be much nicer.  :wink:


  • Customizer


    Absolutely beautiful.  I would love to do this.  One comment, the big camo box has to go.  I think a nice COMBAT TURRET would be much nicer.   :wink:


    Thanks man! eheheeheh - yeah… a Combat Turret would be nice, I’d prefer that.  But as a side note, I personally think the camo box is hilarious! The first time I took this back home (I’m an expat) and pulled it out my crew and I had some good laughs - comments throughout.  Has it’s nuance or zeitgeist I suppose. ehehe… I just came across that wrapping paper at a corner store and thought of it - and I don’t ever plan to part with this one set so eh,. Younger players like it a lot when they see it - was going to do it to a small '42 box and post the pic on BGG for the younger crowd to see… just think’in that they’re the future (financially and otherwise) of A&A.  Oh wait… uhh, perhaps with a photo with the rulebook and other stuff inside it instead, I think the younger demographic just likes the look - not necessarily to use it as the dice rolling area, the turrets are too appealing.   :-D

  • Wow!
    I love everything and wish you offered your services to others. i cant get enough of these photos< kinda like free crack ya know!
    Thoes426 :evil:

  • I.L. - Really?  I’ve seen a lot of your own fine armies, and I think you’ve seen a lot of A&A minis so I’m quite “chuffed” with myself.  grin  Side note: 2 fellas on BGG thanked me for your map links, said I’d convey the message and sent them the link to AAorg. as well.

    I didn’t paint my armies and though mine are painted to historical specs, i favor yours.

    Also, sorry about that email and thanks for the BGG map plugs.

  • Customizer

    Cheers for the kudos! Yeah… not sure though, I think in the future it might go a little bit back to historical accuracy - well, depends on the edition really.  IMHO, each game has a slightly different feel yeah?  And then if you trick it out well… I treated my AA50th with that WWII comic book kinda look, it is after all, a tribute edition  - whoa, verged near a rant of artistic license. Btw, tack up a third compliment from BGG on the maps as well!

    Thoes26: That cracked me up, eheheh. Someday way down the line I might offer said services… perhaps after FMG has their full product line out since their minis will be so finely sculpted.
    If you go on BGG - there’s 2 photos I uploaded, those in particular are fun if you zoom with the “large” size (“original” size is too close IMO) :

    Oh - I threw the Atomic Bomb pics in the bucket today. kA-Booooom

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