• @BadSpeller:

    Kreighund, a China rule question.

    AAP40 Rule page 9

    “Kwangtung and Burma are special
    cases. While they are not Chinese
    territories and cannot be controlled
    by China, Chinese forces can attack
    Axis units there and occupy them, but
    the IPCs generated go to the United
    Kingdom (unless India is under Axis
    control). These are the only non-
    Chinese territories that Chinese units
    can occupy.”

    The “…IPCs generated go to the United Kingdom (unless India is under Axis control).” part is my question.

    **Q:**May China get receive the IPC’s from Kwangtung and/or Burma if India has fallen?
    (It does not say China may get the IPCs, only that IPCs go to the UK. Nor does it state that China does not receive IPCs either(If India is under Axis control).

    I think China gets the ipc’s, but it can’t build there or destroy a factory there

  • Official Q&A

    Calvinhobbesliker is correct.  China can control these territories if it captures them while India is under Axis control, but they are not “Chinese territories”.

  • @Krieghund:

    Calvinhobbesliker is correct.  China can control these territories if it captures them while India is under Axis control, but they are not “Chinese territories”.

    I disagree. In the rulebook it specifically says that China CANNOT control Kwangtung. Not that China can’t get it most of the time. It says CANNOT. (capitalization added for emphasis)  :-P

  • @Wilson2:


    Calvinhobbesliker is correct.  China can control these territories if it captures them while India is under Axis control, but they are not “Chinese territories”.

    I disagree. In the rulebook it specifically says that China CANNOT control Kwangtung. Not that China can’t get it most of the time. It says CANNOT. (capitalization added for emphasis)  :-P

    I think it says "China can occupy(move units into) Kwangtung and Buma, but it may not take control of them(UNLESS INDIA IS AXIS-CONTROLLED)

  • @Wilson2:

    I disagree. In the rulebook it specifically says that China CANNOT control Kwangtung. Not that China can’t get it most of the time. It says CANNOT. (capitalization added for emphasis)  :-P

    Dost thou know with whom thou art disagreeing?  :lol:

    Krieg is the rulebook.  Now you have a point that the rulebook appears a bit ambiguous there.  It’s only like the 50th time that’s happened in an A&A rulebook.  (See heavy bombers - AA50 rulebook)  We ask Krieg to clear up the ambiguities.  Krieg is the rulebook.

    So, apparently the “unless” part is incomplete.  It says the IPC’s don’t go to the UK when India is under Axis control.  It is therefore ambiguous as to whether the IPC’s are collected by no one, or by China.  This is precisely why BadSpeller had the question and posted it.  Krieg cleared up the ambiguity.  Nothing in the rulebook that says unambiguously that China never collects income from these 2 territories.

    And now you know why we have a FAQ thread.  Ambiguities abound in these rulebooks, unfortunately.  Hard to anticipate every possible scenario when writing them, I’m sure.

  • Does an island count as a movement apace for a airplane if it is moving completely through the sea zone?

  • @basebalp21:

    Does an island count as a movement apace for a airplane if it is moving completely through the sea zone?

    You only count an island in movement when you are taking off from that island and entering the sea zone surrounding the island, or when you are landing on an island (in which case the movement from the surrounding sea zone to the island counts as one space).

    So if you are asking about flying through a sea zone with an island, without stopping, then no, the island has no effect on your air movement (does not count).

  • Thanks

  • Official Q&A

    An island also counts as a space if the planes are attacking it.

  • Can China place newly purchased units in a territory it captured this turn?
    Can new Chinese artillery units be placed anywhere or are they limited to territories containing the Burma Road? (Yunnan and Szechwan)

  • Krieghund has asked me to sub in for him while he’s gone this week.


    Can China place newly purchased units in a territory it captured this turn?Yes.

    Can new Chinese artillery units be placed anywhere or are they limited to territories containing the Burma Road? (Yunnan and Szechwan)

    Any territory controlled by China at the end of the turn - same as infantry.

  • '10


    Krieghund has asked me to sub in for him while he’s gone this week.

    Those are some big shoes to fill. I know you’ll be up to the task. :-)

  • @Battling:


    Krieghund has asked me to sub in for him while he’s gone this week.

    Those are some big shoes to fill. I know you’ll be up to the task. :-)

    Thank you.  :-)  I’ve been a FAQ junkie for long enough that I do know the answer to most questions (not all, like Krieg, of course).  Very big shoes, yes.

  • Hi there,

    Newbie to AA so this will be a dumb question (and probably a poorly worded one also.)

    If I move naval craft into a postion to bombard a territory and there are enemy vessels in the same SZ, is the battle with the enemy ships/fighters from CV the only option, or can I also bombard land after winning the sea/air battle?

    Only played two games and am addicted already!


  • you can only fight the air/sea battle

  • '22 '19 '18


    Hi there,

    Newbie to AA so this will be a dumb question (and probably a poorly worded one also.)

    If I move naval craft into a postion to bombard a territory and there are enemy vessels in the same SZ, is the battle with the enemy ships/fighters from CV the only option, or can I also bombard land after winning the sea/air battle?

    Only played two games and am addicted already!


    Any naval battle that preceeds the amphibious landings will make it so that the navy cannot bombard the land.  Also you cannot say ships A and B will do the naval battle and ship C will bombard, all naval units in the hostile seazone participate in the sea battle.  That is why a single scrambled fighter can stop an entire navy from doing a shore bombard because a naval combat must take place to destroy the fighter.

  • @cond1024:


    Hi there,

    Newbie to AA so this will be a dumb question (and probably a poorly worded one also.)

    If I move naval craft into a postion to bombard a territory and there are enemy vessels in the same SZ, is the battle with the enemy ships/fighters from CV the only option, or can I also bombard land after winning the sea/air battle?

    Only played two games and am addicted already!


    Any naval battle that preceeds the amphibious landings will make it so that the navy cannot bombard the land.  Also you cannot say ships A and B will do the naval battle and ship C will bombard, all naval units in the hostile seazone participate in the sea battle.  That is why a single scrambled fighter can stop an entire navy from doing a shore bombard because a naval combat must take place to destroy the fighter.

    Single kamikaze does the same thing.  So you should try to save a kamikaze or 2, to keep them honest.

  • Thanks for that guys.

  • Hi all, I have a couple of questions to ask.
    1- Can Anzac/Uk land fighters in Hawaii or on American carriers BEFORE USA is at war with Japan?

    2- When fighters are on an island that has an airbase and the ships in that sea zone are attacked, do those fighters scramble for one round of rolling or until the sea battle is resolved? I read in the book that the fighters scramble, but if the country is captured by the enemy the fighters have one more space to move. How can a transport land units to capture a territory if the scrambled fighters are still alive?

    3- If the Dutch East Indies are captured by Anzac/UK, do they recieve the IPC’s the island offers? I wasn’t sure since the Dutch and UK are allies.

    4- If the Canadian territories are taken over by Japan, are those IPC’s deducted from UK’s total income?

    5- Can US Ships in the Philipinnes move to or thru Anzac/UK waters before war has been declared on USA?

    6- Can US place the two men from the Philipinnes into the Dutch colonies before control has been made by any of the other powers? If it can, does it recieves the IPCs the island has to offer?


  • I want to clarify my second question.
    For example:
    Japan wants to invade Hawaii. They send in a battleship and a transport with a inf/tank.
    The Hawaiian sz has a destroyer on it and two fighters on the airbase.
    The two fighters scramble to defend the destroyer, so it’s 2 fighters and destroyer vs a Battleship.
    The Japanese battleship and American destroyer are both destroyed leaving only the two scrambled fighters.
    Where does that leave the Japanese transport? Is it destroyed by the two remaining fighters? If not, do the two remaining fighters land on the island for defense against the amphibious assault?

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