• Could the line be:“Attack Axis units or move in during non combat”? Please. Not “occupy”, as that confused me. Thought Chinese could only enter to attack and evict the Japanese.

  • TripleA '12

    Agreed, wittman.

    Kreighund - again, may we please ask you to take another look at the Burma/Kwangtung situation? This came up in the Global1940 FAQ thread, and was answered by kcdzim:

    Quote from: Veqryn on May 23, 2012, 04:51:36 am

    So, just to be clear about this:

    1. China can combat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.

    No.  Although it’s common in house rules to allow noncom movements during the combat phase, that’s not strictly legal.  If Burma/Kwangtung isn’t controlled by an enemy (and UK/ANZAC would be at war with Japan if it was), it’s not an attack, and therefore not a combat move.  You cannot move into in a friendly territory during the combat phase unless you’re passing through to attack something beyond (with a mech, tank, etc).  A combat move requires combat (or the possibility of combat).  China moving into Burma/Kwangtung while it is still UK owned will never result in combat, and technically is not to be done during the combat move phase, though that’s often overlooked.

    Quote from: Veqryn on May 23, 2012, 04:51:36 am

    2. China can noncombat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.


    Quote from: Veqryn on May 23, 2012, 04:51:36 am

    3. UK may not move into any Chinese owned territory before UK is at war with Japan.

    Correct.  In order for the UK/ANZAC to noncombat move into a chinese territory OR overfly a chinese territory with a plane, they must first declare war on japan.

    As you can see, there seems to be a little confusion over what Chinese units can do in these two territories. If I am correct in my thinking, Chinese units may Noncombat Move into Kwangtung and Burma before the UK/ANZAC are at war with Japan. Is this right? The rulebook does not specifically state that. Perhaps this could also be clarified in the official Pacific 1940 FAQ/Errata, and if still possible, make it into the rulebook for the upcoming Pacific 1940 reprint.

    Many many thanks for your help.

  • Official Q&A

    Kcdzim’s answers are all correct.  This is stated in the Rulebook, although not as clearly as I would like:

    Kwangtung and Burma are special cases. While they are not Chinese territories and cannot be controlled by China, Chinese forces can attack Axis units there and occupy them, but the IPCs generated go to the United Kingdom (unless India is under Axis control). These are the only non-Chinese territories that Chinese units can occupy.

    This rule does clearly state that Chinese units can occupy these territories (see the red text).  In game terms, to “occupy” a space simply means to be in it (the simplest definition of the word).  The confusion comes in when people try to read more into the word “occupy” than is there.  This may in part be due to the fact that the wording is a little unfortunate, as it seems to connect occupation with attack in the first reference.

    The part that is unclear is exactly when China may control these territories and collect IPCs from them.  However, the normal rules for captured friendly capitals apply here (see the blue text).  This also is not as clear as it could be, and will be fixed in the next printing.  Since there is a new printing coming, the current FAQ will most likely not be changed.

  • TripleA '12

    This also is not as clear as it could be, and will be fixed in the next printing.

    That is excellent news, thank you.

    Since there is a new printing coming, the current FAQ will most likely not be changed.

    That’s a shame, but okay fair enough.

    Thanks very much for looking into and responding to the matter Krieg.

  • TripleA '12

    I am having a problem understanding a little part of the ‘Special Comments and Clarifications Related to Neutral Powers’ section on page 3 of the FAQ document, where is says:

    “Important exception – During the combat movement phase following the announced declaration of war, transports already in sea zones that have just become hostile may be loaded in those sea zones (but not in other hostile sea zones). This may occur only during the first Combat Move phase following the announced declaration of war. Once that initial combat movement phase is over, normal transport loading restrictions apply.”

    Can anyone please explain the “(but not in other hostile sea zones)” sentence? What other hostile sea zones are being referred to here? For the life of me I cannot fathom what this means.

    Thank you one and all.

  • Does it not mean you cannot move from one hostile sea zone to another and pick up  in the 2nd one? Can only load in the sea zone the transport starts in.

  • Official Q&A

    That’s what it means.

  • TripleA '12

    Okay, thanks guys. So, you’re saying that my Transport can load units in the current hostile sea zone (that it found itself in at the start of my Combat Move phase) but that it cannot move out of that sea zone and into another hostile sea zone with the intention of loading units there? So this first sea zone is like an exception to the rule, and that moving into and loading in a second hostile sz would not be allowed.

  • @Lozmoid:

    Okay, thanks guys. So, you’re saying that my Transport can load units in the current hostile sea zone (that it found itself in at the start of my Combat Move phase) but that it cannot move out of that sea zone and into another hostile sea zone with the intention of loading units there? So this first sea zone is like an exception to the rule, and that moving into and loading in a second hostile sz would not be allowed.

    Yes.  but again, only if that initial seazone became hostile due to YOUR declaration of war on THAT turn at the beginning of THAT combat move phase.

  • TripleA '12

    Yes.  but again, only if that initial seazone became hostile due to YOUR declaration of war on THAT turn at the beginning of THAT combat move phase.

    Understood perfectly, mate. Cheers! :-)

  • Official Q&A

    The 2nd Edition FAQ has been updated with a rules change regarding additional US income in the case of an unprovoked declaration of war by Japan:

    Page 9, The Political Situation, The United States: This paragraph should read “The United States begins the game neutral. It may not declare war on Japan unless Japan first declares war on it or makes an unprovoked declaration of war against the United Kingdom or ANZAC. Following any such unprovoked declaration of war by Japan, the United States will receive an immediate one-time bonus payment of 30 IPCs, representing the total mobilization and transfer of military assets within the continental United States. However, if the United States is still not at war with Japan by the Collect Income phase of its third turn, it may declare war on Japan at the beginning of that phase. This is an exception to the rules for declaring war (see “Declaring War,” page 11), which may normally be done only at the beginning of the Combat Move phase.” (Note that this change applies only to the Pacific rules, and not to the Global rules.)

  • The official FAQ has been updated again per September 3, 2014.


  • The official FAQ has been updated per November 24, 2014:

    What is new?


    Purchasing Units

    Q. Can I purposely purchase more units than I can mobilize with the intent of deciding which
    units I want to keep based on the outcome of battles I intend to fight?

    A. No. You may only purchase as many units as you will have the ability to mobilize after making repairs
    to any damaged industrial complexes. The rules for returning excess units are intended only for
    inadvertent over-purchasing.


  • Official Q&A

    The above FAQ link is now broken.  This one will work.

  • During the repair phase of your turn is that when you MOVE the AC to be repaired or do they need to be there at the beginning of your turn, from the previous turn.

  • The carrier/battleship has to already be there at the naval base at the start of your turn to be repaired
    Yes it had to have been moved to a naval base the previous turn

  • Hi!

    I’m playing the old pacific1940(not the 2nd edition). What are the current rules and setup for it? I remember there being something like alpha 2.0 at some point, but it probably isn’t the newest.

  • @valtteri771:


    I’m playing the old pacific1940(not the 2nd edition). What are the current rules and setup for it? I remember there being something like alpha 2.0 at some point, but it probably isn’t the newest.

    The current rules and setup for Pacific 1940 (1st) are those of the 2nd Edition (as for Europe1940/Global). The “alpha-rules” years ago were steps in the development from the 1st to the 2nd edition.

  • @P@nther:



    I’m playing the old pacific1940(not the 2nd edition). What are the current rules and setup for it? I remember there being something like alpha 2.0 at some point, but it probably isn’t the newest.

    The current rules and setup for Pacific 1940 (1st) are those of the 2nd Edition (as for Europe1940/Global). The “alpha-rules” years ago were steps in the development from the 1st to the 2nd edition.

    Don’t those contain stuff like the anti-air units, which aren’t in the original game?

  • @valtteri771:




    I’m playing the old pacific1940(not the 2nd edition). What are the current rules and setup for it? I remember there being something like alpha 2.0 at some point, but it probably isn’t the newest.

    The current rules and setup for Pacific 1940 (1st) are those of the 2nd Edition (as for Europe1940/Global). The “alpha-rules” years ago were steps in the development from the 1st to the 2nd edition.

    Don’t those contain stuff like the anti-air units, which aren’t in the original game?

    Those rules have changed from first to second edition, indeed. But you can play 2nd edition rules with the first edition units/gameboard.

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