Is 1940 Europe and 1940 Pacific still "to be released"?

  • '17 '16

    I know this may sound silly, but when this forum seems to mostly focus on 1940 Global, which is comprised of 1940 Europe and 1940 Pacific, why do I seem to be the only one who can’t help but stare at the “to be released 2009/2010” dates given in the description blocks of these subforums?

  • I admit that those two lines are out-of-date, but I don’t mind because they’re just about the only places where A&A games are described as being planned for release in the future.  We haven’t seen that phrase for many years, unfortunately.

  • '17 '16

    Well, they’re only a ‘tad’ out of date… some six+ years and nobody has updated them?

  • There are quite a few things out of date on this forum Wolf: examples include moderators who are no longer active and multiple pinned threads that are as dead as a dodo, to name just two. These issues do not get in the way of our enjoying this forum, which is why they don’t create much “noise”.

    However if someone wants to volunteer to get involved in managing the forum djensen might welcome the help.

  • '17 '16

    Oh, I wasn’t expecting a top of the line, up to the minute, well-oiled, super-efficient website running machine to be in place…

    I was just under the assumption SOMEONE runs this site (I don’t know who) and/or someone else might also have some tweak abilities… that something that is clearly visible on the main forum page might… just might, get updated once in 6+ years.

    I will survive either way… as I’m sure others have who have been posting on this site for the past six years… I just thought it peculiar that nobody has updated something (that to me at least) seems so obviously out of date on the main forum page. It’s only been an error that’s been on the forum page as long as WWII lasted…

  • In any case, the forum may get reorganized and/or moved to a new platform at some point, as djensen has discussed here:

  • And I thought you were American Wolf! But that WWII lasting six years suggests you are European? German perhaps?

    BTW - lots of us use this forum to find people near us to play face to face and there are German members.

    Even if not, “play by forum” using the free triple A s/w means we distances are no barrier to playing a forum colleague.

  • @Private:

    And I thought you were American Wolf! But that WWII lasting six years suggests you are European? German perhaps?

    I don’t quite follow the line of reasoning here.  There’s a difference between how long WWII lasted and how long any particular country was at war as part of the conflict.  The US was at war from 1941 to 1945, but that doesn’t alter the fact that WWII itself is general considered to have lasted from September 1939 to September 1945, which is six years.

  • '17 '16

    I’m an AMERICAN… but that doesn’t mean I think the war only lasted as long as we were in it… was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  Hell NO!!!

  • Good to hear you both being so enlightened! I have both seen and heard US references to WWII being from 1941 to 45, which can be a little irritating to us “we stand alone” Brits.

    But then the Chinese would object to our thinking it started in 1939. We then try to justify the choice of start date by referring to the global tag, but that probably does not mollify them much.

    And let’s not get started on the problems with the “we stand alone” tag ……

  • I think of WWII as starting, for practical purposes, in 1937 with the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War.  Unlike some of the wars leading up to WWII (like the Spanish Civil War), the Second Sino-Japanese War was still in progress when WWII started in Europe, and it continued until the end of WWII in the Pacific.  So basically, I see WWII as having three active phases that run into each other: 1937-1939, 1939-1941, and 1941-1945.

  • @Wolfshanze:

    was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  Hell NO!!!

    Gosh, I’d heard that the Ben Affleck movie Pearl Harbor (which I’ve never seen) had severe flaws in terms of historical accuracy, but I never knew it was that bad.

  • '17 '16



    was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  Hell NO!!!

    Gosh, I’d heard that the Ben Affleck movie Pearl Harbor (which I’ve never seen) had severe flaws in terms of historical accuracy, but I never knew it was that bad.

    I’m surprised it took you guys that long to notice… well, to all you “Foreigners” on this board, I am a product of the American school system… just like this:

  • @Wolfshanze:

    I’m surprised it took you guys that long to notice…

    The timestamp of my post indicates when I commented on the error (which took me a while), not when I noticed it (which was immediately).

  • Perhaps Pearl Harbour was that inaccurate. Having seen the US navy capture an Enigma machine, the British commit atrocities against innocent American Patriots while Gibson’s character as a paragon, William Wallace father Edward II, and so on, nothing would surprise me!

  • '17 '16

    That one line from Animal House was always a favorite of mine (as a kid, I actually lived at Hickam AFB and visited Pearl Harbor frequently)… when the computer game Pacific General came out, which offered many tactical-scale battles on customizable maps with a scenario editor, I even made a “Germans attack Pearl Harbor” scenario complete with the German Kriegsmarine (Z-Plan style), with Graff Zeppelin class carriers, loaded down with carrier-capable Ju-87Cs and Me-109Ts. As completely absurd as it was, it was hilariously fun as an homage to John Belushi.

    You guys should watch Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor if you haven’t seen it… just because it’s no Saving Private Ryan, doesn’t mean its unwatchable… at worst, you can have fun picking out the things that are wrong with it… if you like explosions, you can’t go wrong with a Michael Bay film.

  • Edward III, PP: one of your greatest monarchs, very much in the mold of his grandfather, Edward I.

    The scene when the Japanese attach Pearl is very good. Haven’t rewatched the film, since it came out though, for all the points already mentioned. Was, understandably, excited about it,  before it did.

  • @wittmann:

    Edward III, PP: one of your greatest monarchs, very much in the mold of his grandfather, Edward I.

    Correct Witt. One of OUR greatest monarchs. Tell me pray - did any of Italy’s Kings measure up by comparison?

  • We only had four. And they were all bell ends. Our Dictators were infinitely better.

  • Haha … Did Benito make the trains run on time then?

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