• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Gee, Cyan, why not just say “I’m a democrat and all Republicans are evil.”  I try to take a non-partisan look at things.

    Yes, all these guys actually got a few good things out of their administration.

    TDR implemented health inspectors - though those inspectors were primarily corrupt because they were employees of the food conglomerates, but let’s just forget about that, eh?  He also created the national park reserves.

    As far as FDR’s new deal, it did nothing.  It was underfunded at best.  It was not retroactive.  Basically, we were already in the worst possible situation we were ever going to be in, even without the new deal, we were going uphill from that point on anyway.  The new deal was just a scam to bilk the people out of what little money they did have left to prop up the democratic bourgousie which is why FDR’s own mother refused (and was almost jailed for) to pay the new taxes.  She was saved by her son who paid the bill quietly behind her back.  Not to mention, FDR was married to his cousin.  Go figure, if your family tree looks like a telephone pole, you might be a redneck or a Roosevelt!

    Taft did nothing but continue TDR’s anti-trust policies and get incredibly drunk all the time.  He’s also known as the largest (read fatest) President in American History…guess that’s an achievement too.

    The Truman doctrin and marshal plan, along with NSC 68 CAUSED the Cold War.  What do you mean stopped it from spreading?  Uhm, Cuba?  Nicoragua?  Korea?  China? We saw a massive spread of communism during the Truman and Eisenhower years.  Nearly half the world geographically and over half the world population wise was either a communist nation or allied primarily with communist nations.  You know, that whole Warsaw Pact thing?

    Clinton: Gee, he permantized a family leave act that was already on the books but about to sunset.  Whoopitty do dah.  He did allow gays into the military, though saying that’s good or bad is still a hotly debated topic.  Earned income tax credit is basically a child deduction, we’ve had those for decades.  He did not wipe out national debt, we had trillions in debt the day he left office, his projections were that we would have zero debt in 20 years if we put 0 dollars into the united states armed services and there was no inflation.  However, he did make it impossible to get a college education without going massively in debt, made it impossible to bankrupt out of debt, made it so bad on doctors that we have negative growth in the medical fields because it’s so easy to sue doctors now, he did legalize the murder of helpless children, and saw the largest spread of aids in the history of the nation.  That, and he blew up a hospital and a nunnery!

    Kennedy did not stop communism from spreading to the Americas.  He guarenteed that there would be a communist state 70 miles off the coast of the United States permanently by promising the Soviets that we would NEVER invade Cuba and we would NEVER sanction the removal of Fidel Castro.

  • someone STILL has trouble differentiating between “deficit” and “debt” . . . .

  • @cystic:

    someone STILL has trouble differentiating between “deficit” and “debt” . . . .

    Whom might that be?  :roll:

  • @MechanizedWarfare:


    someone STILL has trouble differentiating between “deficit” and “debt” . . . .

    Whom might that be?  :roll:

    Evidently the same person who thinks it would be a good idea to invade Cuba.
    Good lord Jen - this is up there with the stupidest things to come out of your computer.

  • ooh, i ain’t find anything wroung with there policies so i’m just going to talk about irrelvent stuff. who cares who a drunk if you can do your job well then you can declare sex is only when you get pregent(or get some one pregnet) for all i care. if the new deal was s o horrible why do we still have the programs? i don’t htink many europeons you lived in the 50’s would agree with you on the truman doctorine. what to you think whould have happened to grece, itlay and germany if we just stayed out of it?  your defintion of starting the cold war is doing something about it before you get nuked be communist Canada or Mexico. Can you show me how kennedy ensured cuba becoming a commi? you can also be the fattest president. well if you put good republicans on you list i would have said something. but the only rebuplican syou put on were really bad. nixon, and the 2 bushs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I didn’t say it was a good idea to invade Cuba.  I’m the one calling for a full extraction of all US Soldiers and military assets from every stupid country on the planet, including Canada (where we have military advisors and liason officers) as well as Haiti, Rwanda, Coratia, Czeck Republic, S. Korea, Japan, Germany, Kuwait, Suadia Arabia, IEA, Egypt (Advisors), etc.

    I MIGHT let you talk me into keeping a pressense in Israel.  They’ve been our staunchest supporters in the middle east since we sponsored their creation in the UN and have actually given back to us in our alliance, unlike some nations.  I might also allow you to talk me into allowing military advisors to stay in England, seeings as they’re our aging fatherland (though I think we might need to put them in a home…)

    Also, i don’t advocate the invasion of Canada.  I joke that they’re about to invade us, if only to stop our party so they can get a good night’s rest! (old joke about Canada being an apartment over a really good party…)  But that’s only because somnething like 79% of your population is massed on our northern boarder…

  • you missunderstood me. i said you wanted to wait untll canda beace communist and tries to nuke us or invade us.

  • @Jennifer:

    I didn’t say it was a good idea to invade Cuba.  I’m the one calling for a full extraction of all US Soldiers and military assets from every stupid country on the planet, including Canada (where we have military advisors and liason officers) as well as Haiti, Rwanda, Coratia, Czeck Republic, S. Korea, Japan, Germany, Kuwait, Suadia Arabia, IEA, Egypt (Advisors), etc.

    sorry - i got confused when you bitched about Kennedy not allowing for an invasion of Cuba when you said:

    Kennedy did not stop communism from spreading to the Americas.  He guarenteed that there would be a communist state 70 miles off the coast of the United States permanently by promising the Soviets that we would NEVER invade Cuba and we would NEVER sanction the removal of Fidel Castro.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    After the Spanish American war the United States required Cuba to allow the United States to intervene militarily in the interests of America in return for us not making them a Colony.  Kennedy gave that right of America away in his massive concessions to Russia.  We would have been far better off just letting them keep the missiles there.

    That’s what I was getting at.  I don’t want to invade Cuba.  But now it would be kinda nice to be able to send in troops, help Castro restore order and lock up criminals, and return Cuba to the vacation paradise it was after WWII.

  • interesting topic shift people
    merry CHRISTmas (day of birth is irrelevant, the message of salvation and forgiveness is)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Forgiveness is a great virtue.

    However, my position is that salvation is also irrelevant. Whatever I have that might be termed a soul is coterminous with my body - when the body dies, so does everything non-material about me. Just as if you dropped a hard drive into molten lava, the data does not get magically transported to some alternate dimension. My brain will only be so much grey pudding, containing not even A&A strategy anymore.

    If I did believe in a soul, I’d still be somewhat offended at the suggestion that it needed saving.

  • Unless you believe in the kind of vain, self focused God such as Piers Anthony describes in the Incarnations of Immortality series, then the entire concept of a soul needing saved is ridiculous… what “loving and forgiving” God is going to condemn 80%+ of the humans to eternal damnation just for the hell of it?

  • you both miss the point but merry christmas anyway :mrgreen:

  • And a blessed Winter Solstice to you and yours as well.

  • thank you switch, and if it’s any consolation it’s my belief that the majority of “christians”, as well as jews and muslims miss the point as well otherwise your (and my own) experiences would not have left such a negative impression.

  • I will be celebrating the Saturnalia, from which i honor Saturn the god of time. However i do pay homage to Dionysus as well even though he was a Greek God.

  • @ncscswitch:

    And a blessed Winter Solstice to you and yours as well.

    Happy birthday to my son.  1 year old on the 22nd.  :-D


    However i do pay homage to Dionysus as well even though he was a Greek God.

    Does he cover beer as well??

  • He is also known as Bachuus. Bachuus is the best god out there, he is the god of sex and beer. Second only to Mars in my opinion. 8-)

  • Moderator


    Unless you believe in the kind of vain, self focused God such as Piers Anthony describes in the Incarnations of Immortality series, then the entire concept of a soul needing saved is ridiculous… what “loving and forgiving” God is going to condemn 80%+ of the humans to eternal damnation just for the hell of it?

    OK last time I checked my Bible it states that he didn’t condemn anyone… Instead he gave them a choice… Satan demanded that all men “spiritually” die… God demanded that they have a choice, and that he would rather you choose life… God loves you no matter what stage in life your at… He even love(s)(d) Osama, Osama just doesn’t have a covenant with him… Does it make sense?


  • 2007 AAR League

    If God is master of the cosmos, he is responsible for the existence of hell and therefore for any people that are suffering there for eternity. IMO that makes such a god not what I would call “loving”.

    I can’t wait to see the goofy arguments to refute this. Either God made hell and is not loving, or he’s not omnipotent.

    Talk about freedom of religion - “Believe in me and be saved (awww that’s nice) or BURN IN HELL!!!” Sounds very much like the psychotic (ex) boyfriend/girlfriend who kills their former lover so that no one else can have them.

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