Now CAL gov gets a chance to invalidate some signatures…

  • The petition to recall Governor Doofus has turned in over 900,000 signatures. Imagine the cost to California that Davis will bring as he fights to get these declared invalid. Well, any politician would fight it.

    Source :

  • One day the big quake will come and the only thing i will hear about Cali is what a lovely island it makes.

  • Now, now, JZ! If It weren’t for Cauliflournia the rest of the post-civilized world would be at war with the USA as the New Fourth Reich. Seig Bush!

    Be grateful for the balance they bring to our country.

  • Now if we could just get rid of Bloomberg too.

  • <cough>Hillary Clinton</cough>

  • I think Bloomberg and <cough><cough>will get rid of themselves.</cough></cough>

  • we arent that lucky

  • Didn’t Saddam Hussein have a better approval rating a few years ago than Bloomberg does now?

  • Approval ratings from Saddam’s people dont mean much. I mean, if you thought that you might be tortured or killed, or your children might be raped or tortured, wouldnt you say you liked your evil sadistic dictator, so as to stay safe?

  • @El:

    Now, now, JZ! If It weren’t for Cauliflournia the rest of the post-civilized world would be at war with the USA as the New Fourth Reich. Seig Bush!

    Be grateful for the balance they bring to our country.

    I, for one, am glad of the balance that lovely ol’ Canada brings to our continent – thanks y’all from up north there!

  • @El:

    Now, now, JZ! If It weren’t for Cauliflournia the rest of the post-civilized world would be at war with the USA as the New Fourth Reich. Seig Bush!

    Be grateful for the balance they bring to our country.

    DAMN STRAIGHT!!! !!! !!!


  • @ZimZaxZeo:


    Now, now, JZ! If It weren’t for Cauliflournia the rest of the post-civilized world would be at war with the USA as the New Fourth Reich. Seig Bush!

    Be grateful for the balance they bring to our country.

    I, for one, am glad of the balance that lovely ol’ Canada brings to our continent – thanks y’all from up north there!

    WHAT THE %$##@*^!?!? Did you post on the wrong thread?

    Jan__, I believe Saddam’s last two approval ratings(taken at election time, therefore, equaling his vote percentages were 99.6%(1995, I think) and 99.9%(2000, I think.) Interestingly enough, immediately after both elections, 0.4%(1995) and 0.1%(2000) of the voters shot themselves in the back of their heads. There has been some idle speculation due to the fact that when these #s are added together they equal 100.0% for both elections. No complete cross-referencing has been done to verify that all these distraught voters did not support Saddam. There has been some support for the idea that these unfortunate voters were upset that Saddam did not get unanamous approval.

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